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[[File:Dorothy_3986.jpg|link=Mobile Suit Gundam Wing (Anime)|rightframe|No, we don't know how she ended up with those, either.]]
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* '''Kinked/Squiggly Eyebrows''' - a pair of thin eyebrows with one or two "kinks" near the end. Usually used to make the character just eye-catching enough without being overly jarring. More extreme examples might resemble scythes.
* '''Fiery Eyebrows''' - usually found on [[Hot -Blooded]] characters, these eyebrows are thicker than normal (though not quite a big as the [[Big Ol' Eyebrows]]. Usually), and spiky or forked at the ends. They're often paired with [[Hotblooded Sideburns]].
* '''Swooped Eyebrows''' - eyebrows that curve upwards rather than arch like normal eyebrows. Typically used for otherworldly or "alien" characters, though they do occasionally show up on normal (if often strange) humans. This is also the most likely example to appear on [[Live Action TV]] characters.
* '''Lightning Eyebrows''' - Eyebrows shaped like lightning bolts; [[Exactly What It Says On the Tin]], in other words. Have similar connotations as Fiery Eyebrows, but are usually found on secondary/supporting characters instead.
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* '''[[Big Ol' Eyebrows]]'''
* '''[[Big Ol' Unibrow]]'''
* '''[[Disembodied Eyebrows]]'''
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== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
* In ''[[Mobile Fighter G Gundam (Anime)|Mobile Fighter G Gundam]]'', Domon Kasshu's eyebrows are a relatively subtle example (or at least more subtle than the ''rest'' of him, anyway). The ''real'' winner, however, is [[Husky Russkie|Argo Gulskii]], who looks like he set his eyelids on fire.
* Kittan Bachika from ''[[Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann (Anime)|Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann]]'' -- a show that ''overflows'' with [[Hot -Blooded|Hot Blood]] and [[Rule of Cool]] -- is easily recognizable by his Fiery Eyebrows and giant shock of two-toned hair.
* ''[[Mobile Suit Gundam Wing (Anime)|Mobile Suit Gundam Wing]]'''s Dorothy Katalonia has a pair of the most prominent eye brows ever (just look up above again). Her possible idol was [[Mobile Suit Victory Gundam (Anime)|Victory Gundam]]'s [http://farm1.static.flickr.com/69/153355092_5c51554b54.jpg?v=0 Katejina], hers being not as weird but still kind of prominent.
** Her cousin Treize has the same kind of eyebrows, just not as prominent.
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* The "Low" version of Cat in the ''[[Red Dwarf (TV)|Red Dwarf]]'' episode "Demons and Angels" has forked eyebrows that meet in the middle.
* Turlough in ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'' was deliberately given combed-up, sharp, ginger eyebrows to look more alien.
== [[Video Games]] ==
* Yet another feature to add to the [[Troperiffic|walking bundle of HotBlooded tropes]] that is [[Blaz Blue|Bang Shishigami]]
* [[Hot -Blooded]] Sanada Yukimura from ''[[Sengoku Basara]]'' combines these with [[Hotblooded Sideburns]].
* The ''[[The Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks (Video Game)|The Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks]]'' does this quite literaly with the demon train.
* [[Ryu and Ken]], [[Street Fighter|and Fei Long too]].
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[[Category:Unusual Eyebrows]]