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* The first [[Transformers (film)|Transformers]] movie features Sector 7, a secret government organization which researches Cybertronian technology, and which for some reason also has custom vehicles and uniforms, exactly the [[Mildly Military|sort of thing]] you'd expect a [[Overt Agent|secret organization to avoid]].
== [[Live Action Television]]: ==
* ''[[Star Trek]] [[Deep Space Nine]]'': While the Cardassians had the Obsidian Order, and the Romulans had the Tal Shiar, the Federation was eventually revealed to have Section 31, a covert operations agency so secretive that not only did nobody know about it (including effectively everybody within the Federation who was not already a member), but that what passed for its name was simply the title of the portion of the Federation Charter that allowed for the possibility of forming such an agency.
