Damian Yerrick

Joined 25 September 2015
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(dual license statement)
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I have a [[wikipedia:User:Damian Yerrick|user page on Wikipedia]].
I used to contribute to TV Tropes, but I left in mid-2014 when I was made aware of changes to its contribution copyright policy.<ref>Timothy Lord, TuringTest. "Wikia and Sony Playing Licensing Mind Tricks" (<nowiki>http://yro.slashdot.org/story/14/05/29/1233232/wikia-and-sony-playing-licensing-mind-tricks</nowiki>). ''Slashdot'', 2014-05-29. Accessed 2014-05-29.</ref>
[[Special:PrefixIndex/User:Damian Yerrick/|Index of my userspace]]