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** According to the EU, his vocal cords and lungs are both only barely usable and he [[We Can Rebuild Him|relies on an artificial life support system built in his suit]], and the constant "HRRRR...HRRRR..." is a constant mechanical pump supplying oxygen, while his speech is really severely amplified to make it louder than a whisper. In ''[[Shadows of the Empire]]'' we see that he can use the Dark Side of [[The Force]] to briefly heal and breathe on his own, but only for a moment, and then his sudden joy at being able to do that breaks his Dark Side focus.
*** If he had lived a bit longer he might have actually been able to keep himself out of his suit permanently. Too bad destiny had other plans for him.
*** Actually, there were plans to give Vader a [ new suit] that would remove several of the problems mentioned above. Too bad the procedure put his life at serious risk. <ref> Namely, the previous suit, including the oxygen pump, would have to be removed.</ref>
** In addition to the more obvious Darth Vader, General Grevous has a rather nasty sounding hacking cough from when Mace Windu made his chest ''implode''.
** Almost any parody of Vader, including the ones done by ''[[Family Guy]]'' and ''[[South Park]],'' must include Vader Breath. Conversely, if a character on a show such as these suddenly develops [[Vader Breath]], it ''becomes'' a parody of Vader.
** Parodied in ''[[Spaceballs]]''.
{{quote|"I can't breathe in this thing!"}}
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* Raistlin from the ''[[Dragonlance]]'' stories.
* Techpriests in ''[[Warhammer 40000]]'' often have their lower face and lungs replaced by cybernetics. Because of the [[Schizo-Tech|strongly varying tech-levels]] of the setting, this can work perfectly well and even surpass the original organs - or result in Vader Breath, which in the roleplaying games makes strenuous physical activity harder (the lungs are less efficient at oxygenising the blood) and applies a penalty to Sneaking rolls.
** Cue inevitable [[Shout-Out|Shout Outs]]--for—for example, a Techpriest model for ''Inquisitor'' reminding the creator of "He's more machine now than man."
{{quote|Dmitri hisses like an asthmatic pensioner when he breathes, naturally.}}
** The Necron Lord of All Kaurava in [[Dawn of War]].
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* King K. Rool in ''[[Donkey Kong Country|Donkey Kong 64]]'', in a rather obvious nod to ''[[Star Wars]]''.
* Psycho Mantis from ''[[Metal Gear Solid]]''.
* Von Bolt, the [[Big Bad]] of ''[[Nintendo Wars|Advance Wars Dual Strike]]''. Ironically, Von Bolt not only ''replaced'' a Darth Vader [[Expy]] (who did not have [[Vader Breath]] himself) as series [[Big Bad]], but was about as frightening as mildly lukewarm spam, being an old, bald geezer with a glass bubble helmet.
* Kassadin, one of the Champions in ''[[League of Legends]]'', has this when he has charged one of his moves, Force Pulse. It gets irritating after a while which makes the player want even more to use the move on an unsuspecting enemy.
* Gol in ''[[Jak and Daxter]]'' wheezes constantly for no apparent reason. It may be an effect of his Dark Eco corruption, but none of the other corrupted characters in the series have any noticable breathing difficulty, including Gol's sister.
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* One of the sound effects in ''[[Fate/stay night]]'', generally only used in very creepy situations and when the narrator is sufficiently badly injured.
* In ''Darkfall: Lost Souls'', the Inspector whom you play has emphysema, and starts breathing hard if you climb steps or ladders, or stay in one place outside in the cold for long. The opening segment of the game consists of a black screen, and the sound of his increasingly-desperate attempts to draw air into what's left of his lungs.
* ''[[Wolfenstein (2009 video game)|Wolfenstein]]'s'' [[Powered Armor|Heavy Troopers]] sound like this, if you can get close to them unnoticed. It's probably because they're vat-grown [[Super Soldier|Super Soldiers]]s with insufficiently developed lungs.
* [[Runescape]] has Mi-Gor, a small zombie wearing a gas mask. The breath is not actually heard, just described in the dialogue lines as *wheeze* before every line, and before that, "as if someone is trying to talk with his throat full of mud".
* [[Fallout: New Vegas]] DLC Dead Money has the Ghost People, all of whom have wheezy, raspy, ''loud'' breath. The loud breathing is the best way to tell when they're sneaking up on you. Serves as [[Paranoia Fuel]] when you can't see them, but you can hear them breathing.
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* There are people still alive today who contracted polio (which causes muscle paralysis, including the diaphragm which is what allows us to breathe) as children before a vaccine was discovered and thus permanently reside in iron lungs.
** Which also falls under [[And I Must Scream]]. [[Homestar Runner|Isn't that great?]]
* The [[Star Wars]] sound designer, Ben Burtt, got the effect by sticking a microphone inside a set of SCUBA gear and then breathing through it. Needless to say, that means anyone wearing real SCUBA gear has [[Vader Breath]], intentionally or not.
* Bears. One of the many recognizable things about them is their heavy breathing.
* Breathing while wearing a gas mask or a respirator can give out this sound as well.
* Since Darth Vader doesn't seem to be carrying an oxygen tank around with him, he is assumedly using a [[Real Life]] device known as an [[wikipedia:Oxygen concentrator|oxygen concentrator]]. As the name implies, these work by pulling concentrated oxygen out of the surrounding air, and it really does sound ''just like'' [[Vader Breath]].
* Heavy breathing while wearing a face mask for paintball or airsoft (such as after making a long run) can cause the person to hear their own breath in this way.
