Awesome moments from the fan-fiction Velocity by troper Justice Reaper.

  • Chapter 16: Razer has Flash at his mercy, ready to kill him...then all at once he gets pelted with a rock from behind, and when he turns, he gets another straight in the face. Turns out, it's the residents of Central City standing up for their local protector, all armed with various heavy blunt weapons, in a Big Damn Heroes moment. Granted, Razer still wipes the floor with them, but just standing up to a guy with a name to run away from really fast takes balls.

Civilian: You mess with Flash, and you mess with all of Central City! (crowd roars in agreement)

  • Villainous example in Chapter 22: Zoom's complete curb-stomping of the patrons at the Central City Rogues' regular hang-out.
  • Chapter 27: Zoom gets the drop on Green Lantern, disarms him of his ring, and asks if G.L. has any last words even as he's choking the life out of him with one hand while holding the ring in the other. What does G.L. choose to say? The Green Lantern oath, even as he wills the ring back onto his finger to fire a blast of light at Zoom.