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Regardless of the means, the escaped [[Smug Snake]] will [[Evil Gloating|gloat]] about how it [[Just As Planned|"all went according to plan"]], maybe set off the [[Self-Destruct Mechanism]] in the [[Collapsing Lair]], and return "triumphantly" next episode. Less often, you'll see them lick their figurative and literal wounds at having not only been beat, but forced to show the better part of valour and try to come up with a ''new'' Plot Of The Week that will work, throwing in a [[We Will Meet Again|"Next Time, Tropeworthy!"]] for good measure.
Most villains who exit stage left also favor the [["Friend or Idol?" Decision]] and [[Sadistic Choice]] as backups, setting off small bombs or traps on loved ones to force the hero to choose between their capture or their friends' lives.
See also [[Screw This, I'm Outta Here]] for when the [[Mooks]] try this. Compare [[So Long Suckers]]. Contrast with [[Last Villain Stand]] where the villain decides to stick around and fight to the end.
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== Live Action TV ==
* At the end of the ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'' serial "Terror of the Autons", UNIT ''do'' chase after the Master, but give up when they find his abandoned vehicle. The Doctor is completely unconcerned about the likelihood of the villain returning. "As a matter of fact, Jo, I'm rather looking forward to it." The Master would then perform this trope in almost ''every one'' of his appearances (except for those in which he [[Joker Immunity|"dies"]]).
** It is actually quite rare for "non-Master" ''Who'' villains to escape; one exception is [[Magnificent Bastard|Count Grendel]] in "The Androids of Tara". After the Doctor and his allies storm Grendel's castle, the Count shouts "next time, I shall not be so lenient!" before [[Prisoner of Zenda Exit|jumping off a parapet into his moat and swimming away]].
** Lady Cassandra O'Brien in "The End of the World" attempts exit in a leftward direction via teleportation, only for The Doctor to teleport her back moments later - While she's bragging to her henchmen.
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