Vindictus: Difference between revisions

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** The Catacombs copy Ainle. This is justified, as plotwise, you're supposed to be heading back to Ainle during the day.
* [[Cute Witch]]: Evie, particularly if you deck her out in the Scarlet Witch or Sweetie Bear cloth armour sets.
* [[Dangerously -Short Skirt]]: The [[Dark Action Girl|Succubus boss]] has one, though she wears pantyhose to prevent a real [[Panty Shot]]. Fiona and Evie also have armour sets that feature these; but in their case, [[Panty Shot|Panty Shots]] are [[Ms. Fanservice|relatively common occurrences]], depending on what underwear they're wearing. A few are see-through as well.
* [[Darker and Edgier]]
* [[Dark World]]: The entire game takes place in {{spoiler|what ''Mabinogi'' refers to as Tir Na Nog}}. The game focuses on the struggle to escape this hellish world and reach the promised land of {{spoiler|Erinn, where the original game takes place.}}
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** The Paladin skill Conviction does this, complete with cross design
* [[Defrosting Ice Queen]]: Gwynn. Well, [[It Got Worse|early game anyway.]]
* [[Die, Chair, Die!]]: Almost everything in the dungeons can be destroyed, and the wreckage used as an [[Improvised Weapon]]
* [[Difficult but Awesome]]: A few examples of this trope exist.
** Spear-using Lann characters can use the "3960 Hurricane" skill; becoming a whirling dervish of death, and gaining the highest DPS in the game. The skill is highly effective at clearing a room of mooks, but against challenging bosses that aren't easily stunned, the skill is considerably less effective.
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** Certain oaths, like the [[Timed Run]], X times incapacitated or X armor items broken by all party members cause the mission to instantly fail if it occurs. While people rarely try to intentionally fail this, it can be annoying if a player wasn't aware of the oath, especially in timed runs.
* [[Grievous Harm With a Body]]: You pretty much can pick up the the [[Taken for Granite|petrified corpses]] of your fallen enemies and use them as a weapon against other enemies if you don't feel like your current weapon or magic is doing enough.
* [[Griping About Gremlins]]: One of the major monster types in the Fomorian Base region. Gremlins are far more technologically sophisticated than any other group, including humans, and are most likely the source of the game's [[Schizo -Tech]]. Bosses in particular, as most of them carry [[Improbable Weapon User|bizarre weapons]] that can [[Blow You Away|shoot tornadoes]], poison gas, [[Kill It With Fire|streams of fire]], and [[Shock and Awe|bolts of electricity]].
* [[Guys Smash Girls Shoot]]: Fully averted. Lann, Fiona and Karok smash, while Evie and Kai both shoot.
* [[Improbable Weapon User]]: Evie develops the ability to wield increasingly large and elaborate scythes as her primary weapon. Karok starts out wielding a club [[Telephone Polearm|the size of a tree trunk]], with some versions nearly as tall as he is, and/or covered with lots of spiky bits.
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* [[Late Arrival Spoiler]]: The Episode 6 patch was known as {{spoiler|"Colhen in Flames"}}, thus spoiling the playerbase before they even had a chance to play it.
* [[Lightning Bruiser]]: [[Wolfpack Boss]] Black Breeze in Perilous Ruins is the first example of this, although he and his buddies can be easily stunned with spears or [[Improvised Weapon|Improvised Weapons]]. The first really nasty example is the Blood Lord in Ainle; who is not only very fast, but also [[Teleport Spam|teleports constantly]] as well.
* [[Linear Warriors, Quadratic Wizards]]: A rare inversion.
** Evie's quick evasion skill, [[Deflector Shields|magic shield]], slow-but-powerful ranged magic attack, and healing ability make her the strongest starting character against the early game's [[Mighty Glacier]] bosses. Later, once [[Lightning Bruiser]] bosses begin to dominate, the slow casting time of her more powerful skills becomes a major handicap, as does her inability to wear heavy armour when faced with bosses who can destroy half or more of her magic shield in a single blow. She does have some skills to compensate; but they're tricky to use, and cost a huge amount of stamina.
** By contrast, defensive characters Fiona and Karok are harder to solo with at low levels, particularly once bosses start using powerful "smash" attacks. Once they've had time to gain and level-up their defense and counter-attack skills; they can stand up to later game bosses much more easily than Evie; and Karok's special attacks can cause massive amounts of damage. Lann is pretty much the only linear character in the game.
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* [[Scary Black Man]]: Karok, unless you change the default skin color.
** {{spoiler|Sebohim, after he turns into a Fomor}}
* [[Schizo -Tech]]: The entire world seems to be in a pre-medieval state; except for quite a number of suspicious examples, below. Possibly justified as [[A Wizard Did It]] and/or [[Magitek]]. [[Lampshaded]], as the player is given several quests to investigate the various out-of-place technologies.
** Carbon-belching motors in the Perilous Ruins, Ruins of Sanctity, Fobellow Prairie Entrance, and Fomorian Base.
** Black powder grenades/bombs are used by both players and multiple Kobold bosses.
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** For Lann and Fiona it's "Sticks to the Hip".
* [[Super Mode]]: The Dark Knight and Paladin transformations give you more stamina for pulling off skills, and massively increases your defense (for Paladin) or damage (for Dark Knight).
* [[Thigh -High Boots]]: The Succubus boss has 'em. Several equipment sets for Evie and Fiona also feature these.
* [[Turns Red]]: Played straight for Thor - the lower his HP goes, the faster his attacks fire off. Most of the other bosses zig-zag between inversion and straight play, as you can [[Break Meter|knock them down]] and they'll occasionally hunch over in pain on their own after a certain amount of damage. But some of the later ones have powerful attacks they'll only use once they're down to a certain amount of HP, and you do NOT want to get in the way when they use those moves.
* [[Unusable Enemy Equipment]]: A whole hell of a lot of it. Only a tiny handful of enemy equipment drops are actually usable; and those are commonly weaker than similar-level crafted equipment. However, enemy equipment drops are necessary for crafting new player equipment.
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* [[Wake Up Call Boss]]: If you go into the fight against the Gnoll Chieftain thinking it's going to be like the previous boss fights, you are going to get your ass kicked hard. He is the very first boss you face that makes extensive use of smash attacks, which deal a lot more damage than regular attacks, will lay you out on the ground if you get hit by them, and cannot be blocked by Fiona's shield without a special skill that you get only after defeating him for the first time, which makes staying clear of his [[Drop the Hammer|giant hammer]] key to surviving the battle.
** As of the Episode 5 update, we have the Irukul raid boss. It's notable for being the first boss where you genuinely NEED a strategy in order to complete the battle. Otherwise, even if you have unlimited revival items, you very possibly won't be able to deal enough damage before the time runs out. Even if you use a strategy an average run takes [[Marathon Boss|around half an hour,]] whereas previous boss battles could be wrapped up in 10-15 minutes. Also qualifies as [[That One Boss]].
* [[Wham! Episode]]: Episode 3 has the firm real wham moment which the battle appropriately called "Wake Up Call": {{spoiler|Ellis dies in a cut-scene just before fighting the final boss.}} This is a Wham moment for Gwynn, too, who deals with the fallout of this later.
** Both halves of Episode 8 offer Wham moments, but for different reasons. In part 1, {{spoiler|the allies you met in Episode 5.5 have turned into fomors, and are two of the bosses for this area.}} Part 2 ends with {{spoiler|Gwynn dying to protect Keaghan, and both Keaghan and the hero leaving the Royal Army. Considering that Gwynn had been an important recurring character from the start right up to this point, this could be a real blow to the player losing the character.}}
* [[What Do You Mean Its Not Cosmetic]]: Most of the titles earned by a hero grant stat boosts, ''whether or not they are equipped''. Seasonal titles, though, are pure bragging rights.