WALL-E/Fridge: Difference between revisions

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* [[Fridge Horror]]: It is implied that at one point the captains {{spoiler|want to return to earth to fix things}} that Auto {{spoiler|has killed every generation leading to the plot's timeline, slowly getting more and more control}}. It is likely he would've been running the show by the next generation, [[Spanner in the Works|Wall-E didn't mess everything up.]]
** Probably not EVERY captain. Least, not the ones that listened to AUTO anyway.
* Near the beginning of the movie, Eve's fondness of her [[BFGBig Freaking Gun]] and general trigger-happy tendencies seem a little brash for a well programmed, professional piece of equipment. Of course, that's just the point- Eve was programmed to think of Earth as wild and dangerous for living things, just like Auto. To her, Earth is land of [[Everything Trying to Kill You]].