Warcraft/Characters/The Alliance: Difference between revisions

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* [[Old Soldier]]
* [[Red Baron]]: The Lion of Azeroth.
* [[Shout -Out]]: "Anduin" is the name of the Great River in ''[[The Lord of the Rings]]''.
* [[Supporting Leader]]
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* [[Celibate Hero]]: Not by choice, but as he has the body of an old man at twenty two, in "Beyond the Dark Portal" he lectures Turalyon and Alleria for denying their budding romance, as he'll never get to have the same pleasures.
* [[Mr. Exposition]]: Summons a familiar that leads the player around Shattrath, giving background on the Aldor and the Scryers.
* [[Plot -Relevant Age -Up]]: And how!
* [[Squishy Wizard]]
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* [[Our Dwarves Are All the Same]]: Not quite in the case of him and the Wildhammer clan. Heavily emphasised in ''Fire and Iron'', where the main conflict comes from the Bronzebeard dwarves' and the Dark Irons' disdain of his clan.
* [[Shock and Awe]]
* [[Shout -Out]]: Some believe the entire premise behind ''Fire and Iron'' is one big reference to the infamous Red Shirt Guy from Blizzcon 2010. Said Guy corrected a mistake in the ''Cataclysm'' beta, where Kudran was on the Council of Three Hammers instead of Falstad. Very soon after the event, Kudran was indeed replaced rightfully with Falstad.
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** He's particularly prone to snarking as and under the influence of Lo'Gosh.
* [[Determinator]]
* [[Double Standard Rape (Sci Fi)]]: It's all but made explicit that Katrana Prestor/Onyxia was having sex with Varian while she was controlling his mind. Never explored in canon, probably thankfully.
* Expy: To Ragnar Blackmane from the Warhammer40000 universe. Both are hot headed, "young kings", have wolf motiffs, sports a ponytail... here is a photo for comparison: [http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/File:Ragnar_Blackmane_-_On_The_Hunt2.jpg\]
* [[Foil]]: Stated to be an "Anti-Thrall." Both have similar backstories but practice very different politics.
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* [[A Child Shall Lead Them]]: When Varian went missing, Anduin was technically King, although Bolvar Fordragon acted as the official steward of the kingdom until Anduin came of age.
* [[The Archer]]
* [[Dead Guy, Junior]]: Full name Anduin Llane Wrynn, after his grandfather Llane Wrynn and Alliance hero Anduin Lothar.
* [[Good Shepherd]]: For all indications he will grow up to be one.
* [[Non-Action Guy]]: In ''The Shattering'', he and Aerin realize he's no good with a sword. It's suggested that he might be most similar to a priest, given that he saves his father's life with a shield spell when Major Samuelson attacks.
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* [[Demoted to Extra]]: Despite being pretty much the ''sole'' human heroine left from ''[[War Craft]] III'' who remains uncorrupted or alive, Jaina rarely gets any real respect, and her city has shifted from the capital of the modern Alliance (as the Kalimdor-centric RPG books portray it) to a tiny backwater port, which Horde players can actually reach before level 40 for a quest.
* [[Honorary Uncle|Honorary Aunt]]: To Anduin
* [[Love Triangle]]: Between Arthas and Kael. Neither really won- or rather, Arthas did for a while before his [[Moral Event Horizon]] and eventual [[Face Heel Turn]] turned her away; the [Jaina's Locket] quest and interludes in ''Arthas: Rise of the Lich King'' make it pretty clear she still loved/loves him, however. [[Fan -Preferred Couple|And then there's Thrall.]]
* [[Magic Mirror]]: She has one to communicate with Varian in ''The Shattering''.
* [[The Messiah]]: She pretty much is the only human politician who has any interest in peace between the Horde and Alliance.
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* [[Plucky Girl]]: Even after Archimonde's [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]] after destroying her encampments, she calmly replies with "Is talking all you demons do?" before teleporting away.
* [[Royals Who Actually Do Something]]: Given that she helped establish Theramore from a refugee population, this trope probably applies.
* [[Self -Made Orphan]]: A rare non-evil example. Jaina Proudmoore is more or less directly responsible for her father's murder, even if she didn't kill him herself and still hoped he could be reasoned with. Not that the [[Knight Templar]] - [[General Ripper]] didn't have it coming...
* [[Ship Tease]]: See Thrall's. Also add "Jaina looks like the human girl that cared for Thrall when he's young."
** [[Ship Sinking]]: At least this one given that Thrall is now [[Happily Married]]
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* [[Squishy Wizard]] / [[Gameplay and Story Segregation]]: A rather egregious case, in-game, Jaina has more HP than King Varian Wrynn, and actually deals more damages with her physical staff attacks than her fireballs.
* [[Stripperiffic]]: She is always seen wearing robes with an extremely low bust-line, and she's always [[Bare Your Midriff|Baring Her Midriff]]. Even when she's fighting demons, recapturing the Undercity, charging after The Lich King in the bowels of Icecrown Citadel, etc., ect....
* [[Teleporters and Transporters]]: Very good at this. Also tends to do this to your ''tank'' [[Pv PPvP|if you try to take her down]].
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* [[Heterosexual Life Partners]]: Together with Varian.
* [[Knight in Shining Armor]]
* {{spoiler|[[Not Quite Dead]]}}: {{spoiler|Thought to have}} died at the [[Wham! Episode|Wrathgate]] [[Player Punch|incident]], {{spoiler|but turns out to have survived, possibly due to the red dragons' flames and then claimed to be tortured and converted by the [[Big Bad|Lich King]]}}.
* [[Number Two]]: To Varian.
* [[The Paladin]]
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Years later, before the Third War, he and a group of allies met and discussed the use of the orb against the potential undead threat. While Issilien attempted to destroy it, the orb absorbed the Light and was purified, healing Alexandros' hand when he tried to touch it. He then took the crystal to Ironforge, where Magni Bronzebeard forged the sword [[Cool Sword|Ashbringer]].
Once he returned, however, the Scourge had already taken over Lordaeron, and so he led the remnants of the Silver Hand against the Scourge. Wielding the Ashbringer, Alexandros became legendary for the number of undead he slew, leaving only ashes behind him. Tragedy struck however, when his oldest son, Renault Mograine, thinking he's [[The Unfavorite]] of the family, is manipulated by Balnazzar (in the guise of Dathrohan) into leading his father into a trap, before [[Self -Made Orphan|killing him]] with his own sword. Kel'thuzad eventually raised him as the mightiest Death Knight the Scourge had ever seen, though he was slain again, this time by his other son, Darion Mograine, when he came to Naxxramas in search of his father.
* [[Badass]]
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* {{spoiler|[[Casting a Shadow]]}}
* [[Cool Old Guy]]
* {{spoiler|[[Deep -Cover Agent]]}}
* [[Despair Event Horizon]]: {{spoiler|Apparently the cause of his [[Face Heel Turn]]}}
* [[Dummied Out]]: He and Grand Magister Rommath were originally supposed to be confronted by their respective racial leaders and accused of treason. {{spoiler|His treason is actually revealed to the reader in ''Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects'' and he is actually unmasked in Patch 4.3.}}
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* [[Squishy Wizard|Squishy Priest]]
* {{spoiler|[[Villain With Good Publicity]]}}: {{spoiler|He appears to be absolutely worshipped by the people of Stormwind, and could easily deceive the entire populace and have them join the cause of the Old Gods if not for Varian's survival in his short story.}}
* [[Wham! Line]]: {{spoiler|''"And now, Shaman, you will give the Dragon Soul to ME"''}}.
* [[White Magic]]
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* [[Dull Surprise]]: He sounds awfully bored while experiencing "excruciating pain".
* [[Flanderization]]: In the books, Malfurion goes from being a bit of a controlling dick to being a pure saint.
* [[Friend to All Living Things]]: He's the leader of the druids, and thus has a very close connection to nature, as well as considerable respect for all the races, Alliance and Horde. In fact, he isn't even flagged for [[Pv PPvP]] (which leads to some [[Fridge Logic]] that he would watch his dear wife be killed without lifting a finger).
* [[Happily Married]]: To Tyrande.
* [[I Can't Believe a Guy Like You Would Notice Me|I Can't Believe A Girl Like You Would Notice Me]]: Malfurion evidently still doesn't fully understand why Tyrande chose him over Illidan.
* [[Shape ShifterShapeshifter Mashup]]: In ''Cataclysm'', he has physical traits of all the animals druids can transform into, most prominently antlers, wings, and claws.
* [[Walking Shirtless Scene]]
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* [[Demoted to Extra]]: In ''[[World of Warcraft]]''. At the end of ''Cataclysm'' she makes appearances in the time-traveling adventures leading to Deathwing's demise, as a boss in End Time and as an ally in Well of Eternity
* [[Does Not Like Shoes]]: Throughout ''World of Warcraft'', she has been dressed as a rather generic night elf priestess, wearing a simple gown and barefoot. Averted in late ''Cataclysm'' as she received a new model. Tyrande now wears jewelry, elaborate armor plates, and sandals with greaves.
* [[Don't Call Me "Sir"!]]: Does not like some of the people closest to her, such as Shandris and Jarod Shadowsong, referring to her by her Priestess title. Calling her queen infuriates her, as it reminds her of [[God Save Us From the Queen|Azshara]].
* [[Fantastic Racism]]: Tyrande was quite a bigot in Warcraft III. At one point she killed a paladin because she felt "his presence defiled the forest."
* [[He Who Fights Monsters]]: Her biggest fear. Like Queen Azshara before her, Tyrande is a respected, beloved leader with incredible gifts. Queen Azshara eventually grew proud, caused the invasion of the Burning Legion, and became Queen of the Naga. You might be a tad worried about turning into her, too.
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* [[Badass Mustache]]
* [[Cruel Mercy]]: In "Cut Short" {{spoiler|after his battle with Thermaplugg ends with Thermaplugg non-fatally cut in half, Gelbin leaves him to his fate with a [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]]}}.
* [[Don't You Dare Pity Me!]]: Like the rest of gnome kind, finds being pitied by the dwarves to be unbearable, and thus resolves to retake Gnomeregan.
* [[Doomed Hometown]]
* [[Evil Former Friend]]: Thermaplugg
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* [[All of the Other Reindeer]]: The uncorrupted draenei deliberately isolate the Broken, and the adoption of shamanism ("an orcish practice") is not received well at first.
* [[Handicapped Badass]]: Aside from being a Broken, he seems to be somewhat arthritic, and was injured in the siege of Shattrath.
* [[Heroic Sacrifice]] / [[Self -Sacrifice Scheme]]: He and the others at Shattrath only stayed behind to trick the orcs (and Kil'jaeden) into believing that all the draenei were dead.
* [[Look What I Can Do Now!]]: The moment that he stands up to the draenei opposing him.
* [[Shell-Shocked Veteran]]: Complete with nightmares, though he seemed to be getting better by the end of ''Unbroken''.
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* [[Good Is Not Nice]]: Though the good side of him is definitely arguable, he at least seems to care for Gilneas, fiercely defending it until he learns that Genn has become a worgen.
* [[Guns Akimbo]]: He starts using this once he becomes undead.
* {{spoiler|[[Hero -Killer]]: Granted, Sylvanas' death didn't exactly stick, but still.}}
* [[Jerkass]]: Mostly towards the player and Crowley, both of which he doesn't like. The player for becoming a worgen, and Crowley for being a rebel and political rival before that.
* [[Necromancer]]: Somehow learns necromancy after becoming undead.