Warcraft/Characters/The Alliance: Difference between revisions

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{{quote| ''His majesty has an abiding faith in the strength of the people of Azeroth and thickness of the walls of Stormwind. It doesn't hurt that he also has good people who take care of things when he's wrong.''}}
Originally the Regent of Stormwind during the first war, Lothar led the kingdom's defence against the Horde. Despite his efforts, eventually the king was assassinated and the orcs proved victorious. Lothar, assuming command of the homeless people, led them north across the Great Sea, seeking aid. He bargained with the other human kings, and under his leadership the Alliance of Lordaeron was founded. Lothar served as supreme commander of Alliance forces throughout the Second War. Though he laid the groundwork for their triumph, Lothar did not live to see the ultimate victory of the Alliance. He perished in the final siege of Blackrock Spire, the largest orc fortress in Azeroth. [[Retcon|Accounts of his death differ]]. In ''Warcraft II'' he approached Blackrock Spire to parley with Doomhammer and try to negotiate an orc surrender, but was ambushed by superior numbers of ogres and was murdered. In the novelisation ''Tides of Darkness'' and in the backstory of ''Warcraft III', though, no attempt at negotiation is mentioned. Instead, Lothar and Doomhammer sought each other out on the battlefield and fought an honorable duel, in which Doomhammer slew Lothar. Regardless of which version you accept, Lothar's death, instead of demoralising the Alliance army, inspired them to continue the assault and raze Blackrock Spire, breaking the back of the Horde.
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{{quote| ''My son, the day you were born, the very forests of Lordaeron whispered the name Arthas. My child, I watched with pride as you grew into a weapon of righteousness. Remember, our line has always ruled with wisdom and strength. And I know you will show restraint when exercising your great power. But the truest victory, my son, is stirring the hearts of your people. I tell you this, for when my days have come to an end, you shall be King.''}}
The king of Lordaeron and one of the primary founders of the Alliance. When Lothar brought the refugees of Stormwind with him north to Lordaeron, Terenas immediately called for all of the neighbouring kings to unite as the Alliance. After the Second War had been won, Terenas took over as its leader for years to follow. During the Third War, he ignored Medivh's prophecy of the Burning Legion's coming, dismissing him as "rambling prophet". As a plague had presumably struck the northern parts of Lordaeron, he sent his son, Prince Arthas, to investigate, who found out that an undead army, the Scourge, was behind it all. After Arthas returned from Northrend, he was killed immediately by the now [[Fallen Hero|corrupted Arthas]], who promptly destroyed the lands he had ruled for over 50 years. Alas, he did not get to taste the swift release of death. His soul was bound within [[Evil Weapon|Frostmourne]], alongside many others.
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{{quote| ''Remember, Arthas, we are paladins. Vengeance cannot be a part of what we must do. If we allow our passions to turn to bloodlust, then we will become as vile as the Orcs''}}
First paladin ever and founder of the Order of the Silver Hand, Uther the Lightbringer became one of the greatest heroes during the Second War of Azeroth. Prior to the events of Warcraft III, Uther took Prince Arthas Menethil as his apprenctice, hoping that he would grow into a benevolent and powerful paladin, but he had to watch in horror how he slowly [[Face Heel Turn|became the champion of the Lich King]], who slayed King Terenas, his own father and a personal friend of Uther, and finally Uther himself. Uther is remembered as one of the greatest heroes of the Alliance, right behind Lothar.
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{{quote| ''"I am the King of Stormwind and no one - not the naga, nor the Scourge, nor the fiery lords of the Burning Legion - will keep me from my people!"''}}
The King of Stormwind, Varian was only a young prince when the orcs invaded and ransacked his kingdom during the events of the First War. His father was killed before his eyes, and he was forced to flee to the kingdom of Lordaeron to ask for assistance in dealing with the orcish threat. Ever since then, he’s held a fierce vendetta against the orcs.
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* [[The Brigadier]]: King Varian leads from the front, so there's that to admire about him.
* [[The Chains of Commanding]]: So much that he sometimes expresses a desire to be back in the Crimson Ring.
{{quote| ''"A gladiator's life is simple: You win and live, or lose and die. A king's life is more complex. The only truth for a king is that there are no easy answers."''}}
* [[Character Development]]: After his return, he works on getting his temperamental and warlike Lo'gosh side under control.
* [[Combat Pragmatist]]: Varian does value honor and dignity, but he's not above fighting dirty.
* [[Cool Sword]]: It's called Shalamayne and is made from two swords which were fused together when both his halves were fused back. In [[World of Warcraft]], he [[Dual-Wielding|dual wielded]] it and a copy of the sword, until Blizzard realized their mistake in patch 3.3.3.
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Much more in lore than in-game.
{{quote| '''Genn''': Never- never have I nor any of my warriors acted so basely! The bravery of Gilneas-<br />
'''Varian''': "Bravery"? The definition must be different in Gilneas from what it is in most other lands... the very opposite, I'd say. }}
** He's particularly prone to snarking as and under the influence of Lo'Gosh.
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{{quote| ''"Why waste your warriors and resources in battle when a few words will bring you greater profit?"''}}
Thirteen (and a half!) year old prince of Stormwind. Lately his relationship with Varian has been strained: although he loves and respects his father, he prefers a more peaceful approach to foreign relations, and does not agree with the king's more aggressive tactics. He is close with Jaina, however, and views her as a family member. He has recently started down the path to the Light.
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{{quote| ''"The currents of magic are in upheaval."''}}
Current ruler of Theramore Isle, and pretty much one of the few humans that believe that peace can be attained between the two factions. During Warcraft III Jaina was introduced as a young and idealistic mage, and Arthas' former girlfriend. Unfortunately, she became unable to stomach his growing corruption, and at the advice of the mysterious Prophet she led a sizable human contingent to the lost continent of Kalimdor. After a series of battles Jaina formed an alliance with the Horde and Night Elves, and fought bravely in the final conflicts of the Third War. Afterwards, she and her people founded the island city of Theramore and sought peace with the Horde.
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{{quote| ''"It is a tragedy. I think... I believe that our kind is cursed. We are cursed to lose our greatest warriors; our most noble heroes; our most gifted scholars."''}}
Highlord and former Regent of Stormwind in the absence of Varian Wrynn, though Anduin Wrynn was formally crowned as King. Upon Varian's return, Bolvar was named the commander of the Alliance forces sent to take the battle to the Scourge in Northrend. After the treachery of Grand Apothecary Putress at the Battle of Angrathar the Wrathgate, Fordragon was {{spoiler|believed to have been}} killed, either by the Forsaken Blight or the fires of the red dragonflight. {{spoiler|It turns out that Bolvar survived, but was severely scarred by the dragons' flames and was subsequently tortured endlessly by the Lich King, to be converted into his champion. Bolvar resisted until the end, and after the death of the Lich King, he got [[Big Good|Tirion Fordring]] to pick up the Helm of Domination and crown him as the new Lich King, keeping the Scourge in check without anyone else knowing.}}
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{{quote| '''Eligor Dawnbringer''': ''"Let me let you in on a little secret, Commander. The power of the Ashbringer came from the man who would wield it... I was there, Commander. I watched him burn legions of undead in righteous fire before he would even unsheathe the blade. Alas, your grasp on history is... lacking."''}}
High-ranking member of the Silver Hand, at the battle of Blackrock Spire during the Second War, he encountered an orc warlock wielding a powerful dark orb. After the warlock's death, he picked it up, thinking that it could be used for the sake of good. The orb, however, heavily mangled his hand beyond recognition when he touched it, to the point that even the Light could not heal it.
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** [[Badass Beard]]
** [[Badass Boast]]
{{quote| ''Tell your master that a thousand of his minions will not suffice! I will deliver you all...''<br />
''And when I am done I will stand...''<br />
* [[BFS]]/[[Cool Sword]]: The Ashbringer, obviously.
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{{quote| ''"If I didn't kick so much ass, I'd feel a tad awkward."''}}
[[Name's the Same|Not to be confused with the God of Dwarves in]] ''[[Dungeons and Dragons]]''.
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{{quote| ''"Our sins have returned... to haunt us."''}}
One of the first Night Elves empowered by Cenarius, Malfurion was is renowned for being the greatest druid in the world. His rise to power in Night Elven society came after helping his people during the War of the Ancients, when the old Highbourne regime lead by Queen Azshara summoned demons into the world. Since the end of the war, the Night Elves chose to forsake the Highbourne practices of arcane magic, and instead turned to druidism and the worship of nature under Malfurion and Cenarius' guidance.
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{{quote| ''"Elune, give me strength."''}}
High Priestess of Elune and official head of the Night Elf government. Tyrande is the passionate, and occasionally rash, leader of the night elf Sentinels. She is also the High Priestess of the Moon, and worships Elune with total submission and adoration. She loves Malfurion Stormrage and will do almost anything to help or protect him. Tyrande is a caring soul at her core, and is willing to do anything to protect those she loves and is sworn to protect - which these days means the entire kaldorei race. She is decisive, and may take courses of action that others find disagreeable, but always has the well being of Kalimdor at the forefront of her thoughts. Illidan once observed that she looked like a goddess herself in her war regalia, a compliment Tyrande was reluctant to accept, given her initially peaceful nature. Tyrande is in many ways the perfect avatar for Elune on Azeroth: she is a caring and gentle soul when she needs to be, but is willing to do whatever it takes to protect her home and her people. Tyrande was originally daunted by her task, but found the strength needed to adapt with the support of her beloved Malfurion.
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{{quote| ''"Necessity is the first cousin of invention."''}}
The current High Tinker of the Gnomes, Geblin is a renowned inventor and is praised for his great intellect. However, during a terrible Trogg invasion, Geblin was forced to abandon the gnomes home city of Gnomergan after following the advise of his [[Treacherous Advisor|second-in-command]], Mekgineer Thermaplug, and unleashing a radiation bomb to stop the troggs. The fallout from the bomb made Gnomergan uninhabitable, and poisoned many of Mekkatorque's own subjects, turning them into hideous and insane Lepper Gnomes. To make matters worse, Thermaplug took control of the city for himself and declared himself the new king.
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{{quote| ''"Damn the orcs, damn the Alliance, and damn you! The last thing Gilneas needs is sponges from other nations drawing from our resources, Dalaran wizards meddling with our affairs, and someone else's enemies killing our soldiers! Gilneas is its own nation and it always will be. This is the last time I'll ever talk to you, Terenas, so I hope you were listening."''}}
King of Gilneas and formerly one of those in the Council of the Alliance of Lordaeron, which is strictly because of [[Enemy Mine]]. He later constructed the Greymane Wall in order to isolate his kingdom from the outside. He stubbornly kept the gates shut even as refugees from the war or the Scourge desperately begged to be let in to have a place of refuge. While the wall has successfully kept the Scourge and other enemies at bay, it still did not prevent the Worgen curse from coming in where it did most of its damage. He finally agreed to rejoin the Alliance following the breach of the wall by the Horde and the help from the Night Elves in controlling the Worgen curse.
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* [[Good Is Not Nice]]
* [[Grumpy Old Man]]: As noted by Varian Wrynn.
{{quote| '''Varian Wrynn''': ''"Greymane only complains to hear the sound of his own voice."''}}
* [[Heroic BSOD]]: Suffers one when his son, [[Warrior Prince|Liam]], [[Taking the Bullet|dies]] in his place.
* [[I Did What I Had to Do]]: Believes everything he has done to be for the sake and good of Gilneas, including isolating his nation.
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* [[Left Hanging]]: His fate at the conclusion of the worgen starting experience for Alliance players; His fate after the events of Silverpine Forest for Horde players.
* [[Oh Crap]]: Upon completing the quest "Last Stand" and returning to Darius Crowley, the player receives this chilling warning:
{{quote| '''Darius Crowley''': ''"They...they've stopped coming. No, <name>, that's not a good thing."''}}
* [[Our Werewolves Are Different]]
* [[Royals Who Actually Do Something|Nobility That Actually Does Something]]