Warhammer 40,000/Awesome: Difference between revisions

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** In ''Ravenor Rogue'', [[Magnificent Bastard]] Molotch, just by sitting in a restaurant, devises several ways to bring the entire galactic sector to its knees ''with a single vial of poison''.
** Eisenhorn acquires another one in the short story ''Thorn wishes Talon'', included in the Ravenor omnibus. Ravenor's entourage is pinned down by a [[Humongous Mecha|Chaos Dreadnought]], a sticky grenade (their last one) has just failed to do anything, and Eisenhorn just walks up to it, trailing frost through the air (indication that he's using his psyker abilities). He then ''cuts it in half'' with his sword, ''in one stroke''. Killing a dreadnought is awesome. Killing it in close combat with one blow makes this the crowning moment of the story.
** Wystan Frauka, the generally shunned, despised and barely tolerated [[Anti-Magic|Untouchable]] of Inquisitor Gideon Ravenor's entourage, gets one at the end of ''Ravenor''. {{spoiler|Ravenor, and indirectly his entourage and the ship's crew, are at the mercy of [[The Dragon]], an insanely powerful psyker called Ninsky. Frauka is shot and left for dead on the bridge, where Ninsky is projecting his mind in a psychic battle/[[Curb Stomp Battle|curbstomp]] with Ravenor. Frauka suddenly wakes up. [[One Last Smoke|He lights a lho-stick.]] He turns off his power-limiting device. Ninsky's mind is dragged back into his body, powerless. Frauka simply reaches, snaps the normally [[Hero -Killer|hideously dangerous]] man's neck like a twig, turns his limiter back on, and falls over. This single act frees Ravenor's own immense psychic power to swiftly take down every remaining villain on the ship. And the ship firing on them.}}
* The Last frakking Chancers. Any and all of them. Constantly.
* By the Emperor, the CantiCol Lancers of Henry Zou's novel, Emperor's Mercy. The CantiCol Lancers charge a Chaos War Lord to protect the inquisitor that has been fighting with them knowing full well the consequences of such an action, and they do it anyways. Keep note that said War Lord was jumping off of tank hulls, smashing an FPV from his own weight, and threw a fucking Siegfried super heavy siege tank into the air.
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* [http://1d4chan.org/wiki/Gav_and_Bob Gav and Bob.] [[Manly Tears|Don't even try to claim it's raining.]]
* The Tvtropes entry for [[Everything Trying to Kill You]] once contained a Crowning Moment for all of 40k. To quote: "If the scenery is trying to kill you, that's a case of [[Malevolent Architecture]]. If the entire planet is trying to kill you, you are on the dreaded [[Death World]]. If the entire universe is trying to kill you, ''you're fucked.''" The phrase "you're fucked" contained a link directly to the Warhammer 40000 page. Sadly, the page appears to have been edited.
* [http://youtu.be/TLGJlDGMZE0 What happens when you mix 1080p with amazing artwork of the setting, and BlindGuardian?] [[Awesome Music|Win.]] [[TV Tropes Made of Win Archive|Epic Win.]]
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** Unsuprisingly, the models melted. However, the icing on the cake is that the Termies themselves were fine, only their shins and feet had melted, which gave the effect that they were trying to walk through tar or lava, and looked damn awesome. It was a shining example of how fine a line there is between genius and madness.
* {{[[User|Be]] This troper's}} pride and joy have always been his vehicles and two of them qualified in an Apocalypse game.
** With nearly the first shot of the game, the Dreadnought [[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined (TV)|Solaria]] took careful aim with it's twin-linked lascannon at a Hellhammer super-heavy tank. The chances of knocking off one of the structure points were good - the first roll saw it hit. The second saw it punch through the armour. The third roll, a six, knocked off a structure point and let me roll again. The fourth roll, another six, knocked off a structure point and let me roll again. The fifth roll, a five, knocked off the final structure point and made the Hellhammer explode.
*** Maybe it was a bit gloaty, but the line was too good to pass up: "Diana Ross was right. You just experienced...[[Quip to Black|a chain reaction]]" Complete with the replacing of the glasses. I've rarely been more proud of myself.
** The second was less awesome, but despite being immobilised the Land Raider Crusader [[Battlestar Galactica|Kara]] still registered a full thirty-three kills before being wrecked; it didn't hurt that a squad of Daemons scattered far too close to the flamestorm cannons and nine died.
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* The first time this troper played [[Tabletop Game]]/Deathwatch, his Devastator Marine wasn't rolling so hot, completely missing or just nicking the Tyranid hordes. Then came a turn where his exploding dice completely ripped apart the flying horde coming at them. The squad was so impressed that it translated in-game, where the Assault Marine and the Warrior he was fighting pause and look up to watch it rain gore and body parts.
* During our first Dark Heresy campaign, we had a Guardsman in our group by the name of Dorn. He'd sold his shotgun, lasgun AND flak armour to purchase an upgrade for his starting axe, to improve it to Best-Quality with a mono-molecular edge. Said axe was fashioned in the likeness of an Aquila. We laughed at the sheer silliness of the weapon, but then we got into a bar fight. Hefting his axe and yelling "FOR THE EMPEROR!", Dorn cut a guy in half, which resulted in the floor being so slick with blood that two of the other combatants tripped and fell. The other Acolytes looked on nervously as Dorn proceeded to carve up the rest of the bar's clientele, singing a battle hymn from his ''Imperial Infantryman's Uplifting Primer''. Any axes purchased since have been upgraded similarly.
* This troper has had a couple in their time, though they are sadly semi-retired from this. The first was in a mostly abysmal game against the Blood Angels, in which Mephiston, a Blood Angels character, charged my Scout unit. Being in cover, they got the first strike and got ''two'' wounds, much to my surprise and the surprise of the other player. He failed both armour saves. Cue a surprised look on the other guy's face- they still died but he was quite impressed. The second would be when playing against an Ork army (the game doubles as a [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]] itself as I lose to Orks most of the time) and my Predator recovered from stunning to deliver a [[No -Holds -Barred Beatdown]] onto the enemy predator tank (Orks can loot tanks so they have equal firepower, read their codex)(Note from another troper: Orks COULD do this, in the 3rd edition codex, not any more). Cue an explosion with three other orks incinerated, quickly followed by an entire Ork Squad being carved up by my Dreadnought. The guy conceded and packed up after. At a tournament my new Vindicator also blew up a Dreadnought and a Leman Russ tank, without which I would have been overwhelmed. We won the game because the explosions from both took out half a squad of infantry.
* This troper had a double in an apoc game. the opponent was playing orks and had a stompa and a four strong mob of deff dreads. Deciding these could be problematic, I charged the deff dreads with one carnifex and managed to destroy all of them with three exploading taking out a nearby mob of stormboyz while the carnifex was compleatly unharmed. The stompa was taken care of by a outflanking winged CC optimised hive tyrant. The stompa missed with all its attacks but the hive tyrant struck back with four attacks and destroyed the stompa with a massive explosion that took out a truk carrying a tankhunter squad. Once more the tyranid was unharmed while orks burned all around.