Warhammer 40,000/Tropes/A to H: Difference between revisions

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* [[Achievements in Ignorance]]: Ork technology as a whole, via instinctive knowledge built into the Mekboyz' genetic code and [[Unreliable Narrator|possibly]] [[Clap Your Hands If You Believe]].
* [[Action Girl]]: Commander Shadowsun, [[Ciaphas Cain|Inquisitor Amberley Vail]], and every [[Amazon Brigade|Sister of Battle]] ever. Most Howling Banshees, as well; there are a few token males, but even they wear [[Chainmail Bikini|armor with feminine curves]] and identify as female.
* [[Adventure -Friendly World]]: One of the big reasons the ''40k'' world is so insane is that every faction needs to be able, in [[Canon]], to fight every other faction, including itself.
* [[The Aesthetics of Technology]]: Brutally averted for the Imperium. That huge, boxy, primitive-looking Leman Russ? That tank is so damn maneuverable it can practically ''tap dance''. Played straight for Eldar and the Tau, whose tech is every bit as advanced as the inhuman sleekness suggests. Embraced by the Orks going the other way: their vehicles look like [[What a Piece of Junk!|rickety pieces of barely functional shit]] because they are. In fact, it's suggested that Ork technology only works through the sheer willpower (and latent psychic ability) of its users.
* [[After Action Report]]: Battle reports, a long-standing feature in White Dwarf magazine.
* [[After the End]]: Though there have been about five "ends" for humanity alone, each more awful than the last.
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** Tau drones are also entirely well-behaved. Mind you, their AI is approximately the same as a squirrel (OK, [[Call a Rabbit A Smeerp|pterasquirrel]]), though it does increase as more of them are networked together.
* [[Air Jousting]]: Eldar Shining Spears: space elf knights on flying bikes with laser lances.
* [[AKA -47]]: Some vehicles were quite clearly based on certain real-life vehicles:
** The Imperial Guard's Bombard siege mortars (particularly the old Epic versions) were based on Nazi Germany's [[wikipedia:Karl-Gerat|Karl-Gerät]] super heavy mortars (one of the few cases where the real vehicle is ''more'' excessive than its 40K counterpart). Their Chimera was based on the old [pre-Desert Storm] Bradley and on the Soviet BMP 1 and 2, including having Lasguns as firing port weapons. And the Leman Russ bears an uncanny resemblance to a turreted version of the British Mark I tank from WWI, though it has a laundry list of other influences including the Panther, Tiger and T-72. Forgeworld's Hydra Chimera variant looks to be based on the [[wikipedia:Ontos|Ontos]], and the Cyclops demolition vehicle is a barely-altered [[wikipedia:Goliath tracked mine|Goliath Tracked Mine]]. The ''Epic Armageddon'' Imperial Ragnarok Tank is a Soviet KV-2 heavy tank(which was a very crappy tank).
** The Basilisk with armored crew compartment is based on the configuration of gun carriers used by the Germans during [[WW 2]], such as the [[wikipedia:Marder III|Marder III]], [[wikipedia:Hummel %28artillery%29|Hummel]], [[wikipedia:Grille %28artillery%29|Grille]] and [[wikipedia:Wespe|Wespe]]. The Basilisk gun itself is basically a long-barreled [[wikipedia:203 mm howitzer M1931 %28B-4%29|Soviet B4 Model 1931 howitzer]]. Forgeworld's cruciform base variant is based on the infamous [[wikipedia:8.8 cm FlaK 18/36/37/41|8.8cm FlaK]].
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* [[Annoying Arrows]]: Half averted, half played weirdly straight - there's at least one instance of alien bows and arrows going straight through Space Marines, but failing to harm them because of their superhuman toughness.
* [[Another Dimension]]: The Warp.
* [[Anti -Air]]: Post ''Titan Legions'', aircraft and specialized AA vehicles with a rule called "Snap Fire" started to show up in ''Epic''. Not really applicable to 40K outside Forgeworld products, since most things in the sky are "skimmers" as opposed to true aircraft, and pretty much anyone can shoot at them; however, special mention does go to the Imperial Guard Hydra Flak Tank, which is better at shooting down aircraft and skimmers due to the [[More Dakka|sheer amount of lead it can put into the air]].
** Aw, c'mon now, it has a special machine spirit to auto-track aircraft too. And let's not forget the amount of lead it can put against ''ground'' targets when there aren't any fliers to kill...
* [[Anti-Magic]]: Pariahs, Blanks and Untouchables [[Power Nullifier|nullifying]] psyker abilities. Which means [[Superpower Lottery|you're immune to all the psychic and sorcerous nastiness out there]], but [[Blessed With Suck|everyone hates you because you have no soul, and the Necrons will do unpleasant things to you if they find you]]. Oh, and some Pariahs will actually harm psykers just by standing close by.
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** Sisters of Battle, the Sisters Repentia unit are Sisters who seek to atone for their sins by going into battle wearing practically nothing, and carrying massive [[Chainsaw Good|two-handed chainswords]].
* [[Atop a Mountain of Corpses]]-- Does anything need to be said about this?
* [[Attack! Attack! Attack!]]: Orks, except for the Blood Axez, who, having the most exposure to human technology of any of the clanz, have mastered the idea that "If we runs for it we don't lose either, cos we can come back for annuver go, see!"
* [[Attack Drone]]: Widely used by the Tau. Imperial servo-skulls are also somewhat like this.
* [[Attack Pattern Alpha]]: Tau and Imperial militaries follow this.
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** It's stated that the Tau are like this to their mercenaries, and are definitely Bad Bosses to aliens who join their alliance, though more in the style of ''1984''. We have yet to see much evidence though.
* [[Bad Vibrations]]: Justified - if you don't feel the tremors of an approaching Titan, you deserve what you get. Somehow, Titans are still able to sneak up on people despite this in ''Titanicus''.
** The Tyranid [http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Mawloc Mawlocs] do this as well. Just before they pop out of the ground and EAT YOU, in best [[Tremors|Tremors]] [[Sand Worm|style]].
* [[Bald of Awesome]]: The stereotypical look for Space Marines, except for the Space Wolves and the Blood Angels.
* [[Bald of Evil]]: In ''[[Dawn of War]]'' at least, the Heretics, Cultist Squads, and Chaos Lords are shown with shaven heads.
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** Repeat after me: ''The Commissar is always right.''
** Notice how the quote for [[Apathy Killed the Cat]] only goes as far as two...
* [[Bee -Bee Gun]]: The Tyranid fleshborer is a Beetle Beetle Gun, firing ravenous insects that chew their way into a target's insides. The Devourer does much the same thing with a horde of flesh-eating worms.
* [[Bee People]]: Tyranids. Also the Tau's Vespid Auxilaries, though they're more like Wasp People.
* [[Belief Makes You Stupid]]: ...and keeps you alive.
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** The Emperor is also a likely candidate for this trope, as it is hinted at in several texts that he knew the Horus Heresy would happen, and planned for it and all future events leading up to the present and probably beyond so as to (presumably) prepare the galaxy for an ultimately happy fate.
** Asdrubael Vect fits this trope in spades. An archon said he was better than Vect, three days later, a warp rift appears above said archon's house releasing an Imperial ship, which has its warp drive detonate. The only other person in Commmoragh that can match Vect is Lady Malys.
* [[Chicken Walker]]: Imperial [[Mini -Mecha|Sentinels]] and [[Humongous Mecha|Warhound Titans]], and Eldar War Walkers.
* [[Chunky Salsa Rule]]: Game mechanic: Instant Death.
** Quote from the 5th ed. Codex: "It can be imagined that the creature is vaporized, burned to a pile of ash, blasted limb from limb, or otherwise mortally slain in a suitably graphic fashion."
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== D ==
* [[Dance Battler]]: Eldar Harlequins.
* [[Dark Action Girl]]: Lelith Hesperax and [[Shout -Out|Kruellagh]] [[One Hundred and One101 Dalmatians (Disney)|the Vile]].
* [[Darker and Edgier]] with respect to the regular [[Warhammer]], which was fairly grim to begin with.
** It uses this [[Egregious|egregiously]], one might say.
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** This is a frequent response to internet discussions of the "who will win" within 40K. The winner will be the protagonists of the story, regardless of the connotations of their faction.
** Official GW policy is that beyond the broad strokes each author gets to choose what counts as canon. "All of it is real, and none of it is real."
* [[Depleted Phlebotinum Shells]]: Holy hammers, holy bullets, holy stakes, holy artillery rounds, holy flamethrowers, holy [[strike:[[Monty Python and The Holy Grail|hand grenades]] [[Shout -Out|orbs of Antioch]]....
* [[Derelict Graveyard]]: Space Hulks.
* [[Derivative Differentiation]]: It used to just be ''[[Warhammer]]'' [[Recycled in Space|with space ships]] before adding its own mythos and creatures.
* [[Determinator]]: The Necrons and Tyranids are entire races of [[Implacable Man|Implacable]] Determinators, but insanely determined people crop up everywhere in this universe.
** Non-race-specific example is any unit that has the "Rage" special rule, which force them to go after the closest visible enemy when they move, run, or charge, or the "Feel No Pain" special rule, which lets them keep going despite horrific injury.
** One of the more extreme examples is Black Templars, who are the only army that [[Attack! Attack! Attack!|move ''towards'' the enemy when their men die.]] On top of this, they are literally fearless in close combat - a lone Neophyte (a warrior ''novice'') who has just seen the rest of his squad die will stay in the fight against a monster three times his size, which just happens to have huge claws, acidic blood, head-bursting psychic powers and Emperor knows what else.
** This is also true of Sisters Repentia in a Sisters of Battle army. Their zeal and will to repent is represented in their special rules, which attempt to ensure that they will always rush towards the enemy during their movement phase, and will always charge the enemy ''if they ever fail a Morale check in combat''. Adding in a Priest only <s>exacerbates the situation</s> improves their chances of doing so.
** On the Chaos side, the Khorne berserkers voluntarily undergo a partial lobotomisation that make them singlemindedly bloodthirsty and removes their inclination towards self-preservation. This means that they rush into melee brandishing chainsaw axes and are completely immune to morale effects.
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* [[Fashionable Asymmetry]]: Tau Fire Warriors wear an over-large, reinforced shoulder pad on their left shoulder to provide additional protection when they open fire on the enemy. Some older patterns of Space Marine power armor have a studded, reinforced shoulder pad on one side for the same reason.
* [[Fast Roping]]: A tactic that was introduced in the ''Cities of Death'' expansion that allows troops to drop directly onto buildings from their skimmers. Later adopted as a standard - if dangerous - technique for exiting a Valkyrie at speed in Codex: Imperial Guard.
* [[Faster -Than -Light Travel]]: ''[[Hyperspace Is a Scary Place|through Hell]]''.
** Unless you're the Tau. They just "''skim the surface''" of hell.
* [[Fatal Flaw]]: Everyone.
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* [[Friendly Enemy]]: Ghazghkull Thraka, to Commissar Yarrick. The feeling is ''not'' mutual.
** Orks have a word to describe this: "Skumgrod" roughly translates to "Favourite Enemy." Or "Best Friend." This is the Ork psyche in a nutshell.
* [[Full -Circle Revolution]]: All of the Imperium's reforms and resolved civil wars since the Horus Heresy.
* [[Full -Frontal Assault]]: [[Stripperiffic|Sisters Repentia]], [[Nightmare Fuel|Arco-flagellants]], and [[Sealed Evil in A Can|daemonhosts]].
* [[Funetik Aksent]]: Orks.
* [[Fun Personified]]: Orks. They're the only non-Chaos-corrupted race that really enjoys war, and see the galaxy as a big playground full of wacky hijinks. Plus, their Codexes are hilarious. Pretty much the only race [[The Loonie]] can play and not get a [[Dope Slap]].
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** In the case of the Dark Reapers and Maugan Ra, this is directly from the Nightbringer. The Eldar Aspect Warriors are all embodying a single aspect of Khaine, the Eldar War God; the aspect of the Reaper is a direct result of Khaine getting a bit of the Nightbringer stuck in him.
* [[Grimmification]]: First-edition Rogue Trader ''started off'' as a spectacularly grim and horrible place where the good guys were insane thugs and war and horror dominated everything. [[It Got Worse|It got much, much, much,''much'' worse]].
* [[Guilt -Free Extermination War]]: pretty much every single race has a reason to exterminate every other race and has [[Plan|plans]] to do so.
* [[Guns Akimbo]]: Cypher and Sisters of Battle Seraphim, mostly. Dire Avenger Exarchs can have this too.
* [[Gun in My Pocket]]: Plenty of examples of models holding their guns in, shall we say, suggestive ways, but kings of this trope are the old Ork Gargant and Imperator Titan models, both of which featured rather unfortunately placed trouser cannons.
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** How do you get rid of crime on a planet? Why, become [[Death Note (Manga)|a terrifying serial killer who kills all the other criminals, down to jaywalkers]]. At least, that's how the [[Batman|Night Haunter]], Primarch of the Night Lords, chose to go about it. Is it really surprising he fell to Chaos?
** Really, you can apply this to the whole of the Imperium. It helps that in some cases, they are fighting ''actual monsters''.
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]]:
** Three of the main characters in the ''[[Ultramarines (Film)|Ultramarines]]'' movie are voiced by the [[Big Bad]] of ''[[Superman (Film)|Superman]] II'', the [[Big Bad]] of ''[[Equilibrium]]'', and the [[Big Bad]] of ''[[V for Vendetta]]''. Appropriate, really.
** Wow, [[Mass Effect 2|Zaeed]] is narrating the [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHu4Na0lsd0 trailer] for ''Warhammer 40,000: Dark Millenium Online''!
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* [[Horse of a Different Color]]: Mutant horses, cyber-horses, cyber-boars, giant lizards, daemons that look like slugs, daemons that look like ''metal rhinos''...
* [[Hot Blade]]: The [[God-Emperor]] sported one back in his heydays.
* [[Hot -Blooded]]: [[Authority Equals Asskicking|Shas'O]] [[Hot -Blooded|Vior'la]] [[Badass|Shovah]] [[Ace Custom|Kais]] [[Overly Long Name|Mont'yr]] aka [[The Strategist|Commander Farsight]] has this ''right in his name''. He is also [[Memetic Mutation|A CHAR]].
* [[House Rules]]: If you and your opponent agree to them.
** The rulebook actually takes a very congenial stance towards them. Some things basically HAVE to be decided by the players (especially when dealing with terrain).