Warhammer 40,000/WMG: Difference between revisions

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let it be forgotten for a time. Fear drives change, anything to be other than itself. It is
simple, unreasoning, and the constant companion of humanity."''
{{quote|--[[Neon Genesis Evangelion|Shinji Ikari]], [[Shinji and Warhammer 40 K (Fanfic)Warhammer40K|Shinji and Warhammer 40 K]]}}
Not sure how it ties into the God-Emperor is a Chaos God/Malal still exists theories, but it should still hold water.
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== Alternatively, the Instrumentalized humans from ''[[Neon Genesis Evangelion]]'' evolve into the Warp, and Shinji, with his newfound god-like powers, becomes the God-emperor of Mankind ==
No, not [[Shinji and Warhammer 40 K (Fanfic)Warhammer40K|Shinji and Warhammer 40 K]]: instead, after the [[Endofthe World As We Know It|Third Impact]], Shinji, having retained his [[End of the World Special]] powers and thus able to draw powers from Instrumentality / Warp, became an immortal powerful psyker, and being the only surviving man, decides he can finally strip off his [[Butt Monkey]] tendencies and unify humanity (his descendants) as more of a Ubermensch this time, molding human history for millenia and finally leading to the creation of the Imperium of Man. This of course would also make a good [[Freudian Excuse]] for the Imperium's actions. Alternatively, both Shinji And Warhammer 40k and Warhammer 40000 canon are Alternate Universes Shinji created during Instrumentality with him placing himself into the role of the possible God-Emperor.
== The Emperor is [[Sailor Moon|Sailor Cosmos with her mind taken over first by Sailor Venus and then by Sailor Galaxia, and the Old Ones were the Silver Millennium]] ==