Warrior Therapist: Difference between revisions

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* ''[[Batman]]'', of course, gets tons of opportunities to practice this, since most of his enemies are actual mental patients. Harley Quinn and Scarecrow, both former psychiatrists themselves, are particularly likely to fall victim to Bat-psychoanalysis.
** Scarecrow can also use it back, though. (Harley ... [[Cloudcuckoolander|can't]].)
* [[Superman]] has spent a good number of his battles simultaneously talking ''and'' beating some sense into his opponents. It's turned more than a few villains to a less destructive path.
* [[Spider-Man]] has done this as a way to help villains such as The Lizard or Vermin. More often than not, he actually uses this in a way that is normally reserved for villains or anti-heroes: he humiliates them verbally, making them reckless. It has been revealed that a number of his foes have actually suffered some mental trauma because of this (then again, many of them were crazy already, so...)
** His daughter, ''[[Spider-Girl]]'', has a much better attempt and success rate with this because she has her own [[Rogues Gallery]] and a continuity consisting entirely of her series and a few 4 issue miniseries, so the patients aren't subject to having their progression undone so the writer can use them again.
== Fan Fiction ==