Was Once a Man: Difference between revisions

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[[File:iusedtolooklikethis_6180iusedtolooklikethis 6180.jpg|link=Nedroid|frame|"[[G.I. Joe: The Movie|I wasss once a maaaan! Once a maaaaan!]]"]]
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[[Our Monsters Are Different|Monsters]] are pretty damn scary. Horrible, bug-eyed, slobbering, and in ''no way'' '''''ever''''' human. Therefore, it's all the more [[Nightmare Fuel|unsettling]] when it's revealed that a monstrous creature (almost never the main character) was once human, but became a monster through some sort of [[The Virus|infection]], [[The Corruption|curse]], sheer [[Evil Makes You Monstrous|personal evil]] or [[Transformation Trauma|transformation]]. And there's no means of changing them back.
Related to [[Body Horror]] and [[Face Monster Turn]], but distinct in that while [[Body Horror]] deals with the fact of the monstrosity itself and usually follows it from beginning to end, [['''Was Once a Man]]''' is where a creature is monstrous when first introduced, but is either implied heavily or later revealed to have once been human.
Sometimes the mind is not affected; [[Viral Transformation|only the body is]]. And sometimes [["I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight|the original mind can be reached.]] This does not undermine the horror of it. Indeed, in certain ways, it [[Tragic Monster|makes the horror even]] ''[[And I Must Scream|worse]]''.
See also: [[Body Horror]], [[Viral Transformation]], [[The Virus]], [[Tragic Monster]] and [[Stages of Monster Grief]]. Compare ''and'' contrast [[Uncanny Valley]]. Not to be confused with any tropes related to [[Gender Bender]]. Has [[I Thought It Meant|nothing to do with]] the aftermath of [[Squick|particularly ugly]] [[Groin Attack|Groin Attacks]]s.
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* In ''[[Xam'd: Lost Memories]]'', it becomes clear fairly early on that both humanform weapons and Hiruko are former humans.
* Each and every of the Awakened Beings in ''[[Claymore]]''. And, perhaps more shockingly, the Abyss Eaters.
* Every demon in the ''[[Berserk]]'' universe was once a human. Humans become demons when a creepy little egg-like item called a Behelit comes into their possession and they hit an [[Despair Event Horizon|emotional nadir]] where they will do anything to get out of their current situation. At this point, the Behelit rearranges the features scattered upon its surface into a human face and screams, which summons the demonic gods of the Godhand, who proceed to [[Deal with the Devil|offer him the chance to become a demon in exchange for the sacrifice of those closest to them]]. It also turns out that {{spoiler|every member of the Godhand was also human, and they are created with the use of Behelits as well}}. While demons do sometimes retain the personalities they had when they were human, all too often they commit [[Transhuman Treachery]], becoming [[Complete Monster|Complete Monsters]]s of the worst order, with many of them preferring to [[I'm a Humanitarian|dine on their former species]].
* Anna from ''[[Elfen Lied]]''... Dear ''God'', Anna. {{spoiler|When first introduced, she is an adorable and happy, if dimwitted, young girl who loves to run. [[Complete Monster|Her father]] is disappointed with her lack of intelligence, and transforms her into an enormous, horribly mutated creature with super-intelligence and precognitive ability. She cannot support the weight of her gigantic head, and so must remain virtually immobile in a pool. Remember how she loved to run? [[Blessed with Suck|Yeah.]]}}
** {{spoiler|She gets better, and in perhaps the [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming]] of a very dark story, she is overjoyed when she realizes she can't do simple math.}}
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== Literature ==
* The quote from the top of the page (now on the quotes page) is from ''The Beast in the Cave'' by [[H.P. Lovecraft]], written at some point around 1908. Similar themes can be found in ''The Rats in the Walls'', ''Facts Concerning the Late Arthur Jermyn and his Family'', and ''[[The Shadow Over Innsmouth]]''.
* [[J. R. R. Tolkien|JRR Tolkien]]'s Middle-earth (''[[The Lord of the Rings]]'', etc): As individuals, there are the Nazgul (once human leaders) and Gollum (once just an ordinary proto-hobbit). In Tolkien's concept, evil and the various [[Big Bad|Big Bads]]s cannot create, only pervert: therefore almost every evil creature (e.g. those used as mooks) is a corrution or mockery of a pre-existing being. The [[Our Orcs Are Different|orcs]] are descendants of elves twisted by Sauron's predecessor Morgoth. If you really want a [[Squick|squickysquick]]y thought, it's rumoured that the Uruk-hai were partly Man in some fashion. Trolls are a mockery of Ents. Subverted in the case of the undead Barrow-wights, who only possessed the dead bodies of those buried.
* In ''[[The Relic]]'', {{spoiler|the museum beast is revealed to be a scientist mutated by an ancient retrovirus}}.
* In William King's [[Warhammer 40000]] novel ''[[Space Wolf]]'', Ragnor is most horrified about the nightgangers that they find in a [[Mordor|Chaos-tainted cave]] because they, or their ancestors, had been human once.
** In Lee Lightner's ''Sons of Fenris'' when the Space Wolves and Dark Angels go up against Cadmus's elite forces, the tattered remnants of their uniforms is the only evidence they had once been human; some still wield weapons, but only those merged with their flesh.
* In [[Graham McNeill]]'s [[Warhammer 40000]] [[Ultramarines (novel)|Ultramarines]] novel ''Dead Sky Black Sun'', Uriel realizes the Unfleshed -- monstrousUnfleshed—monstrous, gigantic (next to him, a [[Space Marine]]), and flesh-eating -- wereeating—were once not only human but {{spoiler|[[Children Are Innocent|children]]. When they are willing to speak with him, having [[The Nose Knows|smells that he came from the same place they were made]], he finds that they are still good and will help him in his [[The Quest|his quest]]. One sadly confesses to him that they loathe themselves because of their forms. In ''The Killing Ground'', Uriel must [[Mercy Kill]] the last survivor and is left deeply melancholy thereafter.}}
* In [[James Swallow]]'s [[Warhammer 40000]] ''[[Blood Angels|Red Fury]]'', the Bloodfiends have fragmentary [[Genetic Memory|memories]] of the Blood Angels whose [[Blood Magic|blood they have drunk]]; Rafen, fighting one, is reminded of his dead mentor Koris, and when he kills it, its last breath [[Dying as Yourself|might have been a word]]: Brother.
* [[Gav Thorpe]]'s [[Warhammer 40000]] novel ''The Path of the Warrior'' reveals that Eldar Exarchs were once Eldar, but lost themselves in the struggle to control their rage and became part of a gestalt consciousness dominated by the first Exarch to lead their shrine, trapped and unable to die, subsumed into the whole, and speaking only in stream-of-consciousness.
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** Abeloth. She was once a mortal woman (species unclear) who served [[Star Wars: The Clone Wars|The Father, The Son, and The Daughter]]. She was eventually promoted to The Mother and loved her new family. As she aged, she grew paranoid that her ageless family would abandon her, so she drank of the Font of Power and bathed in the Pool of Knowledge. While this granted her immortality and advanced Force powers, this also mutated her into an [[Eldritch Abomination]]. Sadly, this event caused her family to abandon her.
* In Neal Shusterman's ''Everlost'', the monster called the McGill is revealed to have been {{spoiler|Mary's brother, who sank down to the center of the earth and clawed his way back up. When he returned, he was a monster.}}
* The Steel Inquisitors of ''[[Mistborn]]'' are humans who have been transformed into immortal killing machines via the dark art of [[Black Magic|Hemalurgy]]. {{spoiler|The [[Always ChaoticExclusively Evil|Koloss]] from the same series were originally humans as well, created by a similar process.}}
** Also {{spoiler|The First Generation of kandra were ALSO former human Feruchemists who were friend of the Lord Ruler before his ascension, the other kandra are descended from mistwraiths that were ALSO Feruchemists, who weren't friends of the Lord Ruler and so didn't get to be sentient after the Lord Ruler was done with them. Kandra are made from mistwraiths using the same [[Black Magic]] that makes Inquisitors and koloss.}}
* In Book 5 of ''[[The Dresden Files]]'', Harry gets a nice shock to the system when he looks into the eyes of the latest monstrosity to cross his path and {{spoiler|sees the human soul it has.}}
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* Several of the monsters on ''[[Supernatural (TV series)|Supernatural]]'', the most important being the demons.
* One later iteration of the Daleks in ''[[Doctor Who]]'' were produced by "filleting, sifting, and pulping" living humans to render a handful of cells judged strong enough to be shaped into Dalek form and welded into a travel machine.
** Another Dalek faction, the Imperials, were made from [[Human Popsicle|Human Popsicles]]s. "Not pure enough in their blobbiness" indeed. And the original Daleks were once the humanoid Kaleds.
** The Toclafane are [[Axe Crazy]] flying metal spheres that are able to deploy knifes and laserguns. {{spoiler|Turns out that they once were humans living at the time of the universe's end. They turned themselves into metal spheres in hopes of surviving the end of the universe.}}
** And of course the Cybermen, more than any of the others. It's arguably the whole conception behind the way they were originally written in the 1960s.
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*** Scylla and Charybdis also fall into this category.
** For a full list, read Ovid's ''Metamorphoses''.
* Fafnir, aka the dragon from Wagner's Ring cycle, aka the inspiration for Smaug in ''[[The Hobbit]]'', [[Was Once a Man]]! In fact, he got the gold hoard first, and it cursed him for his greed.
** ...his siblings, fyi, were a dwarf and an otter. No reason given.
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** A specific mutant in ''[[Fallout 3]]'' actually says word-for-word "I was once a man" {{spoiler|but he's referring less to his mutation and more to his being fused with a tree.}}
** [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=810JiQQ7G-w#t=1m24s These things look - I think they really used to be people].
* ''[[Dead Space (series)|Dead Space]]''. Every single zombie enemy you fight was once a human. The tentacle-baby monsters are implied to be embryos that were being vat-grown -- possiblygrown—possibly simply as an alternative to pregnancy, as it's demonstrated that the technology to grow limbs and organs independently exists in this universe.
* ''[[City of Heroes]]'' has several, notably the Devoured, {{spoiler|the Hamidon, the Rikti, and as you find out in one stoyr arc, Malta's Titan robots.}}.
** {{spoiler|The Hamidon}} is definitely the worst case, being {{spoiler|a giant [[Blob Monster]]}}.
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* The page image is from ''[[Nedroid]]'', "[http://nedroid.com/2010/12/face-it/ Face It]".
* [[Bog Leech]]: [http://www.bogleech.com/comics/comic18-trees.htm I was two men!]
* Demons in [[Dominic Deegan]] [[Was Once a Man|Were Once Men]]; we get to see some of the transitions. Most notable, of course, is {{spoiler|Siegfried}}, whom we knew rather well before his death. ( {{spoiler|In fact, he was the second recurring character to be introduced.}}) From [http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2006-04-25 this] to [http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2010-09-16 this] to [http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2010-12-07 this].
** Then there's Karnak, who is revealed to have been human near the end of the Ecstasy & Evil storyline, very casually by a former friend who has apparently given up even being sad about losing him. His back story is fleshed out as the comic progressed, and so far the only really bad thing he ever did in his ''life'' he repented halfway through and ran away to sacrifice himself heroically. May be the only being in hell not rightfully damned there.
*** Demon Karnak, however, is both evil and a total [[Jerkass]], although he ''has'' been having some character development. Had a Rorschach Moment in December 2010 and appointed himself ''Warden'' of Hell and informed the damned that they were all trapped in there with him.
