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A game by [[Ubisoft|Ubisoft Montreal]], ''Watch Dogs'' was announced at [[E 3E3|E3 2012]]. The story is set [[Twenty Minutes Into the Future]] in a [[The Windy City|Chicago]] run by [[Mega Corp|MegaCorps]] and the "Central Operating System", a massive software that [[Big Brother Is Watching|monitors and manages all aspects of city life]] akin to a computer operating system. You play as Aiden Pierce, a rebellious hacker out to fight the system. The game will also feature a [[Co-Op Multiplayer|Co-Op Mode]]: the E3 demo briefly showed a second [[Player Character]] (nicknamed Bixxel_44) covering Pierce from the rooftops.
The gameplay shown so far looks [[X Meets Y|like a mix of]] ''[[Deus Ex]]'', ''[[Assassin's Creed]]'', and ''[[Grand Theft Auto (series)|Grand Theft Auto]]''.
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* [[Post Cyber Punk]]
* [[Real Life Writes the Plot]] - The plot is [[Very Loosely Based on a True Story]] about a [[Real Life]] [[wikipedia:Northeast Blackout of 2003|blackout]].
* [[Truth in Television]]: [[Paranoia Fuel|Disturbingly]], much of the game's recurring themes. Internet privacy and security; aggregation of personal information, scattered around the Internet into the all-encompassing "digital shadow"; vulnerability of the essential infrastructure to cyberattacks are topics hotly debated in media and beyond.
* [[Twenty Minutes Into the Future]]: Set in 2013, with only slightly futuristic premise.
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