Watchmen (comics)/WMG: Difference between revisions

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== The book is really a prequel to ''[[V for Vendetta]]'' ==
The Russians will eventually find out that {{spoiler|the attack on New York was faked}}, and they'll panic once they realize that the Americans have the power to {{spoiler|genetically engineer [[Eldritch Abomination|Eldritch Abominations]]s like Veidt's creature}}. The sheer paranoia from this will end up sparking the nuclear war that will lead to Norsefire taking over the British government. Later, they'll discover one of Dr. Manhattan's synthesized chemicals and test it on the prisoners at Larkhill Concentration Camp...
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== Rorschach is gay. ==
There's a higher than expected number of alternative sexualities among the masked vigilantes, the only relationship he has with anyone is with Nite Owl, and his dislike of homosexuals is due to internalized homophobia.
* There could be more to it than that, actually. It should be noted that in Watchmen, gay characters have a 100% mortality rate - Hooded Justice, the Silhouette, Moth Man, the Lesbian couple in New York. No gay character gets out of Watchmen alive and Rorschach is the only one of the active modern costumed heroes who dies. In addition to this, he is particularly fond of the Veidt perfume 'Nostalgia', which Veidt himself in one of the [[Easter Egg|Easter Eggs]]s says is deliberately marketed to homosexuals.
** Rorschach did hate all women as being whores due to his experiences with his mother. Due to his own feelings of betrayal from his mother during a period when he might have even had a Freudian attraction to her, he likely gave up on all women. He subconsciously became a gay but he also hated all immoral sexual activities (his mother was a whore) and so he repressed his homosexual tendencies.
** Actually, there is no evidence of Moth Man being gay, and he was still alive, albeit in an asylum. HJ could also easily have been straight.
Line 165:
** Because a human body, complete with a brain and nervous system, and a monstrous floating tower made of gears are way easier to manipulate than missiles headed from point A to point B (which he can erase from existance by looking at them).
*** And you know this from your vast experience manipulating matter and energy at the quantum level? It could simply be that his power has limits we aren't aware of, because they weren't fully explained.
** Here's an idea: Dr. Manhattan could only stop 50% of the nukes launched because that's all he saw himself intercepting in a hypothetical nuclear future. He could stop all of them hypothetically--buthypothetically—but he didn't see himself stopping all of them, so he can't. He really is a slave to time, regardless of his godlike abilities, not unlike the Tralfamadorians of Slaughterhouse Five.
*** Maybe, but remember, he was speaking hypothetically. In reality, there is no time where Dr. Manhattan would have to stop any nuclear missiles, because war has been averted. So combine all of the above theories, and it makes sense that he said what he did.
Line 217:
* Or, alternately, the word never came into use for gay women, as it is believed that it would be disrespect to the Greeks who fought with the [[300|300 Spartans]]...
* I always thought it was because the word became associated with hate crimes.
** Or, running with the "Veidt is gay" theory below--Veidtbelow—Veidt's hardly ''hiding'' it-- theit—the pervasive use of "gay" became more common regardless of gender with Adrian's influence. Having the world's smartest man be physically formidable, making a focused effort to come across as powerful and all-American as well as ridiculously rich, and very, very gay has to do something for the GLBT community, for good or ill. Probably horribly enrage people like the folks at the New Frontiersman (more) but if there was never so much of a distinction in the first place...
== The nuclear exchange wouldn't have happened anyway. ==
After all, in the real-life cold war there were times when the general feeling was that escalation was inevitable -- butinevitable—but despite all the doomsaying and "The Soviets aren't like us, they're desperate and ruthless and capable of ''anything''", the threat of mutually assured destruction did in fact keep hostilities at bay. Consider then how Veidt's nightmare ("I'm swimming towards a hideous...never mind") highlights the parallels between Veidt's story and ''Marooned''. In ''Marooned'', the protagonist commits horrible deeds, repulsive to himself and increasingly evil, finally hurting his own loved ones, leaving him alone in the world and damned forever -- allforever—all on account of an attack on his homeland which never happened, and never would have happened.
* Confirmed by the events of [[Real Life]].
** And sheer luck.
Line 236:
*** I'm SORRY for Rorschach, but he can't be an aspie. He survives in the streets on his own. He's an outlaw wanted by the cops. He fights crime with his bare fists. ALL AT ONCE. And somehow manages to get away with it. For years. This is not very Asperger-like. A true aspie would have given up the very first week. If somebody DESERVES to be called an aspie, this is DOCTOR MANHATTAN. Doc has an immense talent, but lacks of the ability, the willpower and the motivation to put his gifts at good use. He spends his time in a world of his own, and dislike interferences. He barely cares about anything outside his little sphere of interests. He leads a life of reclusion and seems happy about it. He's a genius dealing with unanimated things which work in a simple, logical pattern (clocks, neutrines & the likewise). But he sucks when it comes to relating with pesky emo talking primates. He just doesn't get people's feelings, and people fails to get what's in his head. In spite of his apathy, he has a crush for a perky girl (or that was me?). He's a nice guy who does what he's told but shows no enthusiasm nor initiative. He respects autority and wouldn't question an order... usually, but he doesn't like being questioned himself. When he says "enough", he MEANS it: he doesn't feel like wasting time in discussions. He feels bad about people dying because of him. But if there is somebody else doing the killing... of course it's not his business. Correct me if I'm wrong (I'm not an expert), but an aspie is like Doctor Manhattan without the super-powers. Rostcharch is not like Doctor Manhattan. Ergo, Rorschach can't be an aspie.
** Aspies are the highest function autists around, so your arguement is moot.
*** Not always, it varies by degree-- somedegree—some cases of Aspergers' are worse than others.
** Or alternately, Doctor Manhattan is a relatively well adjusted person with Asperger's, and has learned to function- barely, and not well, but prior to his 'accident' does just fine. Rorschach is what he might have been had life really screwed him over- abusive home, awful childhood, and on and on and on. DM's life may not have been peaches and partying but compared to Rorschach's... (Maybe they function at different levels?) Diagnosing Rorschach takes some dot-connecting but Doctor Manhattan-as-aspie makes good-ish sense to me...
*** Even more alternatively, his disconnection comes from the lack of any bodily function, which will eventually lead to him becoming nothing more than a self aware natural phenomenon...
** I don't know, as a troper with a family member who has aspergers, I think that Rorschach could easily do all that, because you say that he is motivated, and that an aspie couldn't be motivated. But my brother, who has aspergers, is very motivated. I could well believe that rorschach has aspergers.
*** [[User:Mac Phisto]] has Asperger Syndrome. He does not like the term "Aspie". Not that he feels victimized -- hevictimized—he just thinks it sounds stupid. That being said, while he does believe that Rorshach fell somewhere between Autism and Anti Social Personality Disorder, he did not have A.S. Doctor Manhattan, on the other hand, did not have A.S -- but Alan Moore certainly gave him the personality traits of someone who did.
* Didn't Rorschach go with social interaction with Nite Owl early on? I am more inclined that to believe Rorschach was raised as a "special little snowflake" that snapped here and there leaving him with no social skills growing up. That one murder case just further broke him as a person. So I think his similarities to having Aspberger's is in the same vein as a shark and dolphin looking similar. Different reasons, same effect.
** Raised as a "special little snowflake"? By whom? By his mother, who beat him and told him that she should've aborted him? By the Charlton Home? Abusive mother followed by institution does not add up to "special little snowflake".
Line 258:
The inkblot patterns (in the first mask at least) are caused by basically blobs of oil floating around in water, settling aimlessly on the surface of his face. And though he probably doesn't make terribly exaggerated facial expressions much of the time, it would still adjust to raised eyebrows or a sudden change in body temperature. So it * does* display his facial expressions... but nobody wants to hang around him long enough to figure out which one is what.
* I'm not sure, but I think it's established that Rorschach doesn't HAVE facial expressions.
** He speaks in a really creepy monotone at all times, and without his real face he seems to be expressionless-- butexpressionless—but with it on, who can tell? He might not raise his eyebrows a lot, or let his mouth fall open, but it has to be reacting to something.
** I think the reason he doesn't have facial expressions is because since the mask "is" his face, when he doesn't have it on, he perceives himself as not having the capability or need to express emotions, since the people he's talking to are just seeing his "mask."
* Although I can't seem to find it now, I remember once visiting a website where all of Rorschach's mask patterns where listed. Most of them corresponded to Rorschach's emotional state at the time. If memory serves, this is why his mask looks exactly the same when he discovers that Jacobi is dead as when he realizes that the abducted child was killed, chopped up and fed to the two dogs. In both cases, he was clearly shocked/surprised.
Line 279:
== The World's Smartest Man is actually an Idiot. ==
Let's look at the facts, the man decides to name himself after Ramses II--fineII—fine, he happens to admire the man. Pity that Ramses II ended up losing to God... Also, interesting choice to pick the version of the name that's explicitly and famously tied to hubris and futility. And his choice of password?
** Uh, I'm pretty sure that was deliberate on his part. He DID {{spoiler|do it 35 Minutes Ago}}.
* In Exodus the Pharoh is just called Pharoh, not Ramses II, so Ramses did not lose to God. For that matter, Ozymandias did lose to God, {{spoiler|Doctor Manhattan defeated him}}. As for his choice in name, it could be an attempt at irony. Another possibility is that he liked Alexander the Great (who loved Greek culture) so, in respect for his former hero, chose the Greek form of his new hero's name. We also do not know how famous Percy Bysshe Shelley's poem is in Watchmen. His password could have been all part of the plan.
Line 285:
== The World's Smartest Man is really only a bit clever. ==
World's Smartest Man is a publicity based nickname, one that Adrian didn't even choose. Sure, he's probably got above average intelligence. He's a successful man who made a fortune through clever use of his image, and he's able to work out a lot of complicated factors for his [[Gambit Roulette]]. But his roulette comes together mostly because he's predicting the behavior of people he knows well, because he's flexible as long as he's moving towards his goal, and he has a lot of money and power to cover his tracks. And as has been pointed out many times, his plan is flawed for many reasons--hereasons—he can't contain every possible security leak, even if he could he wouldn't be able to maintain a lasting peace, in the long run he's probably as clueless about people as Dr. Manhattan. If I had to guess, I'd say he has an IQ of around 140. Notably above average, but nothing incredible.
** Two problems with your thoughts. One, 136 is entry level genius intellect according to scientists so 140 would qualify him as genius. Two, he accomplished genetic engineering (Bubastis), successfully blew up a god (even if he did reassemble himself), developed teleportation technology, and predicted the Keene Act years before it was even a discussion.
*** Read again. The WMG isn't about if Veidt is a genius, it's about if he's The World's Smartest Man.
*** "Technically genius" may look good on a business card or get you into [[Mensa]], but it ain't "incredible" by any stretch-- itstretch—it's the bare minimum on an arbitrary number scale. And he did none of those things by himself except predicting public disillusionment with vigilantes (not a fantastic accomplishment, just [[Genre Savvy]]), he had a huge research company and Manhattan himself helping out. None of that makes him anything close to "The World's Smartest Man".
*** I doubt there's many other people in the world who can attentively watch dozens of television stations at once while simultaneously reflecting on the sociological implications of the programs and considering stock options or dictating philosophical discourses.
**** I've got an IQ of 142, and from where I'm standing he still comes off ''way'' smarter than anything I'm capable of.
Line 327:
== There WAS no nuclear all ==
Ozymandias thought there was going to be a war because he was insane. He was a delusional, psychopathic man with a messiah complex who believed that only HE could "save" mankind from itself. He was clearly bonkers. More so, he saw the "normal" saber rattlings of the Cold War and believed that humanity, known for it's tendency to survive, would do something so utterly, instantly suicidal. This is entirely unlikely, even more unlikely being that if Dr. Manhattan is even half as powerful as he seems (multiplying, size changing, matter control) then stopping 40,000 or 400,000 nuclear weapons should be well within his capacity...really, it's simply not possible to overwhelm someone that powerful, so the only real logical conclusion is Manhattan was either lying or those were rumors or propaganda. Ozy saw this as "real" for some reason. The comic itself seems to imply this: the Black Freighter. The story of the Black Freighter parallels the story of Ozymandias in almost every respect: a man goes mad and thinks he has to "save" his village from pirates, but when he tries to he ends up just killing some people for no reason. It even has the guy fretting over a in, ''strawman fallacy''. The symbolism is actually made rather hamfisted when even Ozymandias, at the end, actually hints he's been dreaming of himself in the role of the sailor from the Black Freighter comic. Basically Ozymandias went crazy and killed millions of people because he started to believe his own hype, he started to think he was really "the smartest man in the world" and that only he could see these patterns around him, and only he could save the world and stop a nuclear war. In the end, he saved no one, stopped nothing, and killed half of New York for a pipe dream. It becomes somewhat obvious his plan wouldn't work for real--unlessreal—unless one allows for writer's fiat as an explanation--becauseexplanation—because the monster was genetically engineered from human DNA...meaning it would still have human DNA in it, or at the very least similar enough that someone would notice. And that is before people begin to question where the rest of this "alien invasion" is years later and why the alien died instantly when it appeared, a pretty piss poor invasion isn't it? Sooner or later people would figure out what happened, and that's assuming no one looks at The, Rorschach's notes and figues it out. Or that no one in the group breaks ranks, like Laurie.
* Unless the entire story is part of his delusion, this makes little sense. From what we know of the World of Watchmen, there seem to be massive differences between said world and are own. One of these is Doctor Manhattan. His existence has pushed the Soviets into a conner, and they only have two options. One option is to submit to the United States, the second is to go out in a blaze of glory. It seems that they may choose option two. As for the alien having human DNA, it does not seem likely. The explotion was not the result of TNT, or a normal explosive, it was the effect of having one's atoms scrambled and re-arranged. One could assume that such an event might severally damage the DNA of the effected. So the DNA might not look all too human. The death of the alien could be seen as the invaders not yet prepared enough to take out earth, which would give people hope. The lack of invasion is a greater problem, but according to Ozymandias, he will be manipulated the world by then. It should also be noted that if there is one psychic, then there might be more. Rorschach's journal was not part of the plan, so it should not really count. It was an unprediactable variable. It should also be noted that his journal is full of such insanity that no one would believe anything in it by the time they got to the end. Also, the Newspaper it is printed in does not suggest much confidence, few seem to take it seriously.
** But that's the thing, the story depends on people doing something completely illogical. There IS no real reason, at all, for the Soviets to ever think they could "go out in a blaze of glory". Realistically, Dr. Manhattan would be impossible to stop. He can reproduce himself at least four times, as we have seen him do this. If ''one'' of him can hold off more than 50% of their missiles, then ''four'' should be able to defeat all of them. And that assumes all the nukes are missiles, since planes would be vastly eaiser to shoot down for a teleporter who can kill with a thought, and tactical nuclear weapons would not "destroy" the US or even annoy Manhattan. More so, the alien's DNA would have to at least be someone human in nature by virtue of the fact it is, at heart, a human being turned into a giant would still have human blood type, human bodily chemicals, things that havn't evolved in other races ''on Earth'' let alone in another star system. The existence of even one psychic is really bizarre, as no one on Earth knew but Ozy, but logic dictates that the existence of other psychic would only make it worse...presumably the quality is genetic in nature, and scientists would then be able to determine it's origin as terrestrial as it would have evolved from some other human genetic mutation, by definition, as the psychics are human. And all the massive problems with "manipulating the world" into believing the invasion is on not withstanding, it would still never hold together under any kind of objective scrutiny: Where are the other aliens? How did it get here? Why did it die instantly? Why have no more appeared? You can manipulate the world but even then you can't manipulate logic. If anything like real world logic applies to the Watchmen universe then Ozy's plan would fall apart in weeks, not even months. Rorschach's journals would only be the nail in the coffin...
Line 369:
== Hooded Justice is related to Rorschach ==
The exposÃexposé "Under the Hood" is an opportunity for Hollis to cover his past to the public by inventing much of his early life and his associates that we never see, while misdirecting the identity of Hooded Justice. His claim that he saw Hooded Justice and was inspired by him is his way to publicly deny knowledge of who Hooded Justice is, with the wrestler speculation as a further alibi. Nite Owl had a close partnership with Hooded Justice and wanted to keep his identity hidden, mirroring the modern relationship of Nite Owl and Rorschach (as a professional partnership, or a different kind altogether). Hooded Justice's vigilante fighting style was the inspiration for Rorschach, as Rorschach's trainer, or his father, who sees Rorschach's mother when she's working as a whore, and calls himself Charlie. Rorschach respects his father enough to follow in his crimefighting footsteps, haunted by his human side which he blames on sin and all the wrongs of the world, projected onto his mother, a product of the world he has no control over.
* Probably isn't Rorschach's father. HJ is gay, after all.
** Ambiguous. It's entirely possible Hooded Justice is straight, and Mothman or Captain Metropolis or Dollar Bill are gay. We're never told straight out that anyone is gay.
== Hollis Mason is related to Adrian Veidt ==
Hollis Mason is a pseudonym given by Mason's father to him. We don't know Hollis' real name or his dad's. Hollis is 23 in 1939, is blonde, and has a face shot that looks surprisingly like Adrian Veidt, born in 1939. Hollis may have escaped Germany after anti-Nazi sentiment, seeking to prove his loyalty to the US by battling Nazi villain Captain Axis as Nite Owl, while keeping his German heritage hidden. His son Adrian disowns him and makes up stories about his parents immigrating to the US with tons of wealth and dying when he's 17, and continues his life alone, perfecting his skills to live up to his ÃœbermenschÃœbermensch ideal. Hollis meets Dan Drieberg and trains him, treating him like a son, letting him avoid prejudice by doing good deeds as Nite Owl. Dan uses the name Hollis to stay anonymous, just as the name has always been used.
== Hollis Mason has a secret ==
Line 405:
**** Besides, if he were gay you'd think those three chubby servants of his would be hotter.
** You're crazy. Ozymandias is the pinnacle of alpha manliness.
*** Manly =/= heterosexual. Perhaps even Ozymandias doesn't know what he is vis-Ãá-vis sexual attraction, or doesn't think it's consequential enough to waste time on.
**** Really, in the comic Ozymandias could be gay or straight, since sex and romance are so irrelevant to what we see of him. If the movie version isn't actually gay he was made awfully "swishy," that is effeminate and stereotypically "gay looking." At the same time, (with unfortunate implications) he became overtly sinister and seemed more evil. And he picked up a vaguely European accent. And grew a big black handlebar mustache. (Okay, that last bit isn't true.)
**** His actor's European. That covers all but the mustache.
Line 420:
In the comic, Silhouette is outed, expelled from the group, and murdered six weeks later. So it's natural to think it whoever did it was motivated by homophobia. But she was murdered by "one of her former enemies", ie someone with a motive to kill her that preceded the scandal. Even in the 1940s, "beats up violent criminals" is more likely to provide a motive for murder than "is a lesbian". So the only connection between her being outed and being murdered is that the press revealed her identity in the process and she lost the protection of the group. There's a weird parallel here with Kitty Genovese, the woman who inspired Rorschach. She was also a lesbian who was murdered by someone who either didn't know or didn't care about her sexuality. You'd think Alan Moore did this intentionally, but Genovese wasn't publically revealed to be a lesbian until 2004.
* Of course he knew, Moore's a Time Lord.
* The two aren't completely mutually exclusive -- someoneexclusive—someone who wanted to kill Silhouette for other reasons (most likely revenge, as suggested above) might be spurred into acting on that impulse by the outing, In addition to the "lost the protection of the group" opportunity noted above, the killer could be both vengeful ''and'' homophobic, or perhaps he killer could be vengeful and clever enough to figure that the risk of being caught afterward was less (because the authorities would jump to the wrong conclusion about the motive, and would be less motivated about investigating a crime against a lesbian).
* Also, note that the "Lesbian Whores" text written at the crime scene was only in the movie; in the comic, we never see the murder scene and it is only referenced to briefly.
Line 494:
* Actually, the tendency is for over-the-top stunts and special effects with the violence, but ''no blood''. Look at [[The Dark Knight]]. One of the scariest, most violent superhero movies out there. No blood. Ever. No blood in X-Men. No blood in [[Spider-Man]]. The only one I can think of is Blade, and that's about vampires, so you ''can't'' really do it without blood. Also, 300, but that was the point. The stunts in Watchmen are "people fighting with fists and kicking" stunts, not the usual "dude dodges a helicopter blade using teleportation" stunts or "dude throws a dude through a concrete wall" stunts - ''superhero'' stunts. Other than Dr. Manhattan exploding people, which he does in a manner no more fantastic than the ordinary hand grenade, the stunts are simply ''not fantastic'' - that is, not fantasy-based. Also. The sex. When was the last time you saw a superhero movie with sex? They ARE deconstructing it, and they're doing it [[Darker and Edgier|the same way the comic did]]. Unfortunately...
** The stunts are not fantastic? People in the movie move like ninja in a low-gravity environment. The fighting is always sped up, slowed down or otherwise altered to seem less like a street fight and more like an application of movie magic. If that's a deconstruction of glamorized violence it looks an awwwwful lot like a straightforward, un-ironic use of glamorized violence.
* See, I'm thinking this was a case of Zach Snyder deconstructing ''himself''. Notice that, when the slo-mo effects kick in, it slows at all the wrong parts -- ratherparts—rather than slowing down the moves and impacts, making the violence look like ballet, it slows down on shots of bones piercing skin and the like -- thelike—the parts that are just plain gruesome.
** Bloody, disgusting combat is very in-tone for Watchmen. The storyline is gritty and realistic compared to normal comic books. Using the slowed motion to really bring the injuries to the fore in the combat scenes therefore feeds and informs the tone of the movie.
** Seeing as how Watchmen is essentially deconstructing the whole superhero thing it makes a lot of sense that the movie would be so incredibly brutal. These guys aren't going to web up the thugs and leave them for the cops where they will be promptly arrested. They're going to tear them right the hell apart, breaking enough bones to stop them from ever being a threat again... if they don't kill them outright to stop them. It may have been disgusting to watch but it's pretty authentic to the idea of what's being done.
== Watchmen is going to kick off a trend of stupid, mindlessly R-rated superhero movies. ==
If it does well, it's going to be just like when the comic came out. The producers are going to see that people liked ''The Dark Knight'' and ''Watchmen'' and go "Hmm. I guess we need to start making this shit [[Darker and Edgier|Darker and Edgier.]]." Ignoring, of course, that the damn ''plot'' was why people liked them. Effectively, the history of comic movies is going to echo the history of comics after the sixties done in fast-forward. Wont' THAT be fun.
* [ rated-blockbusters Jossed] by the film's lackluster box office. In fact, we probably won't be seeing any R-rated blockbusters in the near future.
Line 529:
== [[Firefly]] is the future of Watchmen ==
Veidt Corporation becomes Blue Sun, and Veidt was partially responsible for starting the Anglo-Sino Alliance. The Alliance has done the whole kill-several-million-people-to-save-more only they didn't have good intentions or the competence of Veidt.
* River and Simon are the direct descendants of Laurie and Dan-- theyDan—they have the looks, the intelligence, and wealth inherited from Dan's inventions. River is also a descendant of Ozymandias, resulting in prodigy-level intellect and physical ability, unusual thinking patterns, and potential mental instability-- sheinstability—she must be Simon's half-sister, as Simon shows no signs. Either Doctor Manhattan has chosen her to test his theory of creating superhumans, by granting her a small amount of his omniscience, or she is also a descendant of the psychic sacrificed by Ozymandias to create his monster in the comic.
== [[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined|Battlestar Galactica]] is the future of Watchmen ==
Line 571:
== The infamous ''[ Saturday Morning Watchmen]'' actually exists in the Watchmen universe ==
It's mentioned that Ozy made a lot of money by licensing his likeness, and the others, having secret identities, wouldn't be in a good position to sue, so can't you just see him putting together a Saturday morning cartoon? Especially one that appears to have [[Anvilicious]] [[Aesop|Aesops]]s about environmentalism and [[The Power of Friendship]]?
* This is practically canon; note the advertisements in-novel for the action figures of Rorschach, Comedian, Moloch, etc.
* Except for the fact that in Saturday Morning Watchmen, it says "Jon can give you cancer." Not only is that NOT Saturday morning approved, but they world only just found out that he "gives people cancer." Also, Bubastis is a girl. Other than that...
Line 602:
== Rorschach is asexual. ==
I can't believe no one said this before.
Rorschach is very childish. He's very naïnaïve. Sounds farfetched? Not really. There are plenty evidence that Rorschach is, in fact, stuck at a very childish mindset, and therefore thinks nothing of sex.
* If you read the essey he wrote when he was a child about his parents, you see what he thinks of his father back then, even though he never met him. At the first page of Watchmen, at least 30 years later, he still thinks the same thing. And I quote- "They could have followed in the footsteps of good men like my father, or President Truman. Decent men, who believed in a day's work for a day's pay."
* Rorschach conception of "truth or nothing", thinking that telling the truth is always the good thing to do, is also quite childish and naïnaïve.
* He seems to be fond of…¦ sugar cubes.
* This WAS discussed earlier on this page under different topics. I still don't think he's asexual, as I think he displays signs of being sexually repressed. His line about "American love" has always struck me as an odd thing to say as I don't believe he knows anything of the subject. I think that the desire is there somewhere, I just don't think he can sort it out and is physically repulsed by it. Your theory of him being "child-like" is interesting when you consider that his reaction to sex is pretty much the same as when he walked in on his mom when he was a kid - he doesn't understand it, he thinks it's disgusting and he's probably afraid of it.
* If he was really asexual he wouldn't be so obsessed with other people's sex lives.
Line 627:
== Dr. Manhattan wasn't detached; he was just a [[Jerkass]] ==
Like...[[Its Walky|Mike Warner]] levels of [[Jerkass|jerkasseryjerkass]]ery. Everything ascribed to his detached inhumanity, is actually just him being a tremendous douche.
* Leaving his wife for a sixteen year old.
* Letting the Comedian shoot the [[Asian Baby Mama]].
Line 731:
== Rorschach is a zombie powered by sheer force of will. ==
Under the mask, he shouldn't be able to breathe-- notbreathe—not a problem if you don't really need to. (Somebody else gets to explain how he talks.) This is also why he didn't need any obvious protection setting off on foot towards an Antarctic moon base. Injuries take longer to heal, and he still has to eat, but this does explain to some degree his utter disregard for personal comfort. And when he gets a-sploded at the end? How else to dispose of someone who's already dead?
* "(Somebody else gets to explain how he talks.)" --Sentence—Sentence fragments. No grammar.
== The film flopped because of the sundial lobbies. ==
Line 823:
== Rorshach borrowed street drugs from the dealers he caught as painkillers. ==
And then one day he got a tainted batch, or just mixed up one white powder for another, and had a really bad trip in which he hallucinated a little girl's corpse torn apart by dogs, and what followed. It was on that day that Rorshach was truly born. And that's really why he keeps going after criminals; to hide his addiction (even from himself) under a storm of dead serial killers and rapists, when his real targets all along are those who-- inadvertantlywho—inadvertantly and involuntarily-- keepinvoluntarily—keep him supplied. At one time, he was with-it and together enough to be invited to join a superteam, and spoke in complete sentences; now he hardly feels pain, neglects his hygeine, attacks with the strength of a madman, and believes his face was being torn off by police. And as the prison scene shows, he's [[Berserk Button|even worse]] when he's in withdrawal...
== Veidt was the result of [[Stupid Jetpack Hitler|Nazi superscience]]. ==
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While it may not look like this sometimes, we have to remember that "Doctor Manhattan", as we call him, is no longer truly a physical being. He is an omnipresent, nigh omnipotent(but not omniscient), bodiless "entity" that exists unbound by space and time. The smurf is just a physical avatar created for the human's convenience(Like [[Suzumiya Haruhi|Yuki Nagato, but less cute]]). He(it?) is completely and utterly immortal, for all we know, at any given point in time experiences the entirety of his existence-past, present, and future. Billions of years mean nothing. He will still be there, floating in the quantum background of reality when the heat death happens and the universe turns into a cold, lightness void... for all of eternity. And he experiences every second of that eternity of loneliness and cold every moment of his life. No wonder the guy is emotionally detached. He already has/will have an [[Unknown Armies|infinite amount of failed checks on the Isolation track.]]
== [[Justice League (animation)|Rorschach is the Question]] ==
Doctor Manhattan didn’t kill Rorschach at all – merely de-aged him and moved him into a parallel universe. When he’s there, he adopts the identity of Vic Sage, and begins a career as a similar masked vigilante. When he joins the JLU he begins to recover from the psychological damage inflicted on him by his mother when he meets Huntress, the first woman he has ever regarded as an equal. JLU rules force him to stop killing, but he can sympathise with her because he has been in her position and come out the other side.]]
** Perhaps Doc toyed with his mind a bit to help him out, making him a bit saner. Remember, the DCAU Question is a redhead (he dyes his hair)...
