• This bit a dialogue from Chapter 1-2:

Angel: Did you have to run over the Commander!?
Saul: Um...He was in the way.
Angel: You SWERVED to hit him!

  • From Chapter 2-3:

Saul: If you experiment on the lady's cat, you ain't never gonna get anymore pussy...well, except that one.

  • Chapter 3-2 Saul and Angel are arguing about whether or not to help Burt:

Saul: Whatever Michael would have done the same thing
Angel: Well he's not here now. He's probably back at the Tower surrounded by ladies.
(Cut to Michael and the other Tower residents besieged by zombies)
Michael: Shoot that bitch in the face!

  • Chapter 10-1:

Datu: You're going to bed?
Samantha: This is more of a floor. I'm going to floor.

    • And later

Samantha: Shut up and go back to floor!

  • Chapter 10-2:

Angel: I am so sick of having a broken rifle!
Riley: I think I have some medication for that back at the Tower.

  • Michael and Pegs trapped on a yacht in Chapter 16-3. While trying to start the yacht Michael asks Pegs if she can find a manual on how to drive the thing and she responds that she doesn't think yacht's have manuals. Later after they crash the yacht, cue Pegs shouting:

Pegs: Oh my God...
Michael: What? What is it!?
Pegs: Here's the manual!

  • From 28-1:

Chinwe: "Why would he risk being in there unless he had someone to contact?"
Saul: "There could be a lot of reasons. I don’t know, call for help maybe?"
Chinwe: "Really? Who You Gonna Call??"
Saul: "...Ghostbusters...?"

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