We Will Not Have Appendixes in the Future: Difference between revisions

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Of course, this trope can easily be justified through [[Genetic Engineering Is the New Nuke|genetic modification]] - the appendix didn't ''naturally'' evolve away, humans simply altered their own genome to weed out the junk.
A note on the appendix itself: The appendix has historically been thought a useless, vestigial or even [[Ruptured Appendix|dangerously]] [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/:Appendicitis |self-destructive]] organ, but [[Science Marches On]] - it's still considered vestigial, but not necessarily useless. In the last few years scientists have begun to suspect that it is actually important to the body, as a reservoir of the "good bacteria" species that populate the colon and are necessary for digestion. When the colon's population is thrown out of whack by infection, diarrhea, or the like, the bacteria "hiding" in the appendix can recolonize it and return the necessary balance. There are also suggestions that this reservoir is used in training the immune system of babies and young children. It's still a lot easier to live without one than it is to live without any of your other organs, but it does seem to serve at least a non-vital purpose. This is what we would expected from evolution; if you have something useless hanging around, it can be repurposed. Moreover a smaller appendix might more easily become infected, putting up a barrier to it's fading away and selecting for a larger apendix.
Incidentally, shouldn't the plural of appendix be appendices?
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Do not confuse with [[We Will Not Use an Index In The Future]]. Also see [[We Will Have Perfect Health in The Future]] and [[Evolutionary Levels]].
== [[Comic Books]] ==
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* ''[[Philip Jose Farmer|The Wind Whales of Ishmael]]'' features a race of four toed future people.
* The Hive Series by [[TJ Bass]] features a race of Nebish - four feet tall, four toes, pink blood due to lack of hemoglobin...
* In the ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'' [[Virgin New Adventures|New Adventures]] spin-off novels, the companions Chris Cwej and Roz Forrester have no appendices. They're from the 30th Century.
* In Mikhail Akhmanov and Christopher Gilmore's ''Captain French, or the Quest for Paradise'', the titular protagonist has 2000 years (subjective time) or 20,000 years (objective time) over his new wife, who is only in her 50s (but looks 20 thanks to the omnipresent cure for aging). The first thing he does after taking her onboard his ship is to have her examined by the ship's [[Auto Doc]]. The doc revealed something horrible to French - she still has an appendix. Angry at the carelessness of her home planet's religious fanatics, he has the [[Auto Doc]] remove the "offending organ" despite the fact that it there was ''nothing wrong with it''.
* The Lunar people of ''I, Weapon'' have engineered away belly-buttons and bodily hair because neither is considered important in the colony. Pregnancies are handled via test tubes and body hair clogs the air filters.
== [[Live Action TV]] ==
* This trope was facetiously employed in ''[[Phil of the Future]]'' when Phil ran into a problem: he would have to be seen barefoot to stamp tomatoes in a farm on a class trip, but in his time, no one has pinky toes. To quote Phil's mother [[Sci -Fi Writers Have No Sense of Scale|"They won't lose their pinky toes for another 70 years."]] Ironically, pinky toes are actually used for balance.
* In ''[[The Big Bang Theory]]'', Sheldon argues that his pinky toes and lateral incisors are smaller than average, indicating that he is a more advanced form of humanity, a "''homo novus''", and thus is too evolved to learn how to drive. Leonard would beg to differ, but doesn't bother.
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