We Will Wear Armor in the Future: Difference between revisions

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** This is illustrated in the first battle scene in the entire series. Armored stormtroopers vs. unarmored rebel bodyguards—if a blaster bolt hits anywhere near one of the rebels, they go down, while only direct hits to storm troopers do any damage. Also, you see some stormtroopers helping up their wounded after—while ''none'' of the rebel troops seem to be even moving.
* ''[[Starship Troopers]]'' - Making the fact that they left out the book's power armor even more obvious.
** The armor props were sold to a ''lot'' of other productions, like ''[[Power Rangers Lost Galaxy]]'' and ''[[Firefly (TV)|Firefly]]''.
* The colonial marines in ''[[Alien (Filmfranchise)|Aliens]]'', though apparently it doesn't provide much protection from acid blood.
** Debatable. Hicks DID survive the acid burning. Without the armor he could have potentially been burned much worse.
*** Given the damage his breastplate sustained, he'd have died in pretty short order if he were unprotected.
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== [[Live Action TV]] ==
* ''[[Babylon 5]]'': Earth security forces wear armor designed to deflect energy and plasma-based weapons. There are a few variants of this, including a vest and full jacket style.
* ''[[Farscape (TV)|Farscape]]'': The Peacekeepers use an also-space-suit variant.
* ''[[Star Trek: theThe Next Generation]]'', in the first episode when Picard is put on trial by Q for the crimes of humanity there were some [http://memory-alpha.org/wiki/Unnamed_Humans_(21st_century)#Soldiers 21st century soldiers in body armor.]
** Given that World War III was generally acknowledged to be partly nuclear in nature, these may be radiation suits of sorts.
* Not an actual example, but probably why the guys in [[The Big Bang Theory]] wear an excessive amount of plastic while playing paintball. That and getting hit with a paintball ''hurts''.
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== Web Comics ==
* In ''[[SSDD]]'' it's stated that buckminster fullerene armor made conventional firearms obsolete. However, the various weapons designed to counter it all have their own disadvantages ([http://www.poisonedminds.com/d/20070709.html slow firing], [http://www.poisonedminds.com/d/20070710.html cumbersome], [http://www.poisonedminds.com/d/20070712.html expensive], [http://www.poisonedminds.com/d/20070714.html tends to explode], etc).
* In ''[[Schlock Mercenary (Webcomic)|Schlock Mercenary]]'' the Toughs begin using armor fairly early on. The low-profile powered suits they eventually settle on look a lot like cloth uniforms, but definitely function as armor. And [[Armor Is Useless]] is usually averted (when it's not, bloody dismemberment usually ensues.)
** To elaborate they first realize they need armor after facing a squad of commandos wearing armor good against small arms, so they buy bulky powered armor that is destroyed a couple missions later. Since that armor restricted movement so much (their martial arts instructor said he'd rather fight naked) they exchanged it for low-profile suits that look exactly like regular uniforms (and are used as such), but are still powered and can stop a tank round. Now they also have heavier suits for use in boarding actions.
** The low profile armor, along with the obvious benefits of protection, also have neat features like being able to sustain the wearer in space for short time periods, and inertic flight.