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* In ''[[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon]]'', the "Warp Seed" item teleports the user to a random location on the current dungeon floor; it can also be thrown at enemies to make ''them'' be teleported elsewhere.
* Tele-fragging in ''[[Unreal Tournament]]'': Utilising the Translocator to reappear ''inside'' another player.
* The [[Command and& Conquer: Red Alert|Red Alert]] series has the Chronosphere, which can be [[Video Game Cruelty Potential|creatively used]] to teleport any land vehicles into the sea, or any sea vehicles onto the land, destroying them instantly. Additionally, any infantry it is used on will die instantly as well.
* Subverted in the game ''[[Achron]]'', which features teleportation and [[Time Travel]] as major elements but where it's impossible to teleport enemy units and any attempts to make your own units teleport into the same space and time will damage or destroy both units, making weaponisation of this technique impractical. There are however two superweapons, one of which teleports anything it affects into another time period and the other, a missile that teleports to avoid incoming fire.
* In ''[[The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion]]'', attacking [[Mad God|Sheogorath]] causes him to teleport you several thousand feet above Execution Point, with predictable results. The fall will still kill you even if you've enabled [[God Mode]]. If you head to Execution Point on foot you can find the bodies of other people who've displeased Sheogorath, including one who was sentenced to death for [[What Do You Mean It's Not Heinous?|growing a beard]].
* Subspace Bombs of ''[[Super Smash Bros.]] Brawl'''s story mode ''The Subspace Emissary''. They transport the lands they're on into Subspace, but when exploding create a vacuum powerful enough to rip apart people caught the blast area. {{spoiler|Too many bombs launched in the same area can result in the land they swallow being disintegrated instead.}}
* The Banishment Device from ''[[Hexen]]'', a magical artifact which shoots projectiles that teleport enemies to another location on the map.