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== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
* In the ''[[Lyrical Nanoha]]'' franchise, Yuuno has displayed the ability to teleport living beings against their will (no other character is so far capable of it). In ''[[Nanoha As]]'', he, Arf, and Shamal use that ability to teleport the [[Final Boss]] of the season into outer space (where it is finished off by a starship bombardment).
* In ''[[Naruto (Manga)|Naruto]]'', Madara Uchiha uses it often, offensively and defensively. Kakashi can use a similar technique as well.
== [[Comics]] ==
* ''[[X-Men (Comic Book)|X-Men]]'': Any time Night Crawler used his natural mutant teleportation ability offensively against an enemy in combat.
** Also applies to Magik (Illyana Rasputin) of the ''[[X-Men (Comic Book)|X-Men]]''. In one story, both she and Nightcrawler teleported part of Magus away, severely injuring him.
* Done accidentally by Doctor Manhattan in ''[[Watchmen (Comic Bookcomics)|Watchmen]]'', when he teleports a television show's studio audience away and some of them die of shock. He also breaks up a riot this way.
* ''[[PS 238PS238]]'': Superpowered bully Charles liked to teleport people he didn't like into the lake.
== [[Literature]] ==
* In the story ''[[It's a Good Life]]'', (later adapted into an episode of ''[[The Twilight Zone (TV)|The Twilight Zone]]'') the psionically empowered boy Anthony "sends" people he doesn't like to "the cornfield."
* Joe Haldeman's novel ''Mindbridge'' has a race which uses miniature teleporting field projectors as cutting weapons.
* In ''[[The Wheel of Time (Literature)|The Wheel of Time]]'', the gateways are known to have deadly sharp edges, and we see people "accidentally" butchered a few times after being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Lews Therin shows Rand how to use these gateways as weapons on the battlefield.
== [[Live Action Television]] ==
* On ''[[Blake's Seven|Blakes Seven]]'', the Liberator crew occasionally used their teleport bracelets to beam unsuspecting villains into space, where [[Explosive Decompression|they would explode]]. This was used on Vargas from "Cygnus Alpha" and several other villains-of-the-week.
* Any time a Transporter on ''[[Star Trek (Franchise)|Star Trek]]'' was used to beam someone directly into space, or inside a bulkhead, or some other hostile environment, was an offensive example of this trope. Beaming bad guys away without killing them would be the defensive use of this trope.
** ''[[Star Trek: theThe Original Series (TV)|Star Trek the Original Series]]'': The Mirror Universe Kirk kept an alien device called the Tantalus Field which could make anyone, anywhere (presumably within its scanning range) instantly vanish. In an un-filmed episode of ''[[Star Trek: Enterprise (TV)|Star Trek Enterprise]]'', it [[What Could Have Been|would have been revealed]] that the Tantalus Field was actually a kind of interdimensional/temporal transporter, which deposited its victims in isolated penal colonies. This would have allowed for the return of Mirror-Kirk, in a different century of a parallel universe. The Tantalus Field would count as a Teleport Gun if it weren't the size and shape of a TV set (it also didn't require manual targeting like a traditional weapon).
** [[Aliens Are Bastards|Armus]], a god-like alien from an early episode of ''[[Star Trek: theThe Next Generation (TV)|Star Trek the Next Generation]]'', used his psionic teleportation abilities to mess with the Away Team sent to rescue Troi and a [[Red Shirt]] from a shuttle crash, for example by teleporting their phasers, tricorders, and Geordi's visor away from them.
** For Q, being an omnipotent [[Reality Warper]], this was the least of his abilities. He would do it with a snap of his fingers and a bright white light.
** ''[[Star Trek: Voyager (TV)|Star Trek Voyager]]'' once used [[Tele Frag]] to destroy a Borg ship by attacking their shields and beaming a photon torpedo inside.
** Again in ''Voyager'', a Kazon faction stole transporter technology and used it to beam out into space a few Kazon delegates that refused to bow down.
* Occasionally, the ''[[Sliders (TV)|Sliders]]'' used their Timer to open up wormholes that sucked in unsuspecting villains. Overlaps to a degree with Teleport Gun, since the Timer was gun-sized, mechanical, and had to be aimed properly at its target for this trick to work.
* In ''[[Babylon 5]]'', forming a jump point (portals to/from hyperspace) in anything but empty space vacuum can cause the destruction of whatever was occupying that location; Minbari cruisers used this tactic as a weapon against Earth battleships during the Earth-Minbari war, by opening jump points in the middle of the enemy fleet. Similar to the above ''[[Sliders (TV)|Sliders]]'' example, but larger scale and ship-based.
* ''[[Farscape (TV)|Farscape]]'': In an overlap with [[Weaponized Exhaust]], ''Moya,'' an otherwise unarmed [[Living Ship]], once used her Starburst capability (basically an interdimensional FTL drive) to ignite the Caesium fuel trail of a malfunctioning Peacekeeper Marauder, resulting in the Marauder's destruction.
* Used defensively in the ''[[Doctor Who]]'' episode "The Parting of the Ways" against the Daleks, by teleporting them to an undisclosed location (likely back to their own ship) to slow down their invasion progress. It didn't help much.
== [[Tabletop RPG]] ==
* The ''[[Dungeons and Dragons (Tabletop Game)|Dungeons and Dragons]]'' spell "Teleport Other", which could send a target object or creature to another location.
* 3rd Edition ''[[GURPS Supers]]'' had the Teleport power with the Exoteleport enhancement, allowing the user to teleport other characters.
** The ''Supertemps'' supplement had Apparition, an [[NPC]] with this power.
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== [[Video Games]] ==
* In ''[[Final Fantasy Mystic Quest]],'' you can use the Exit spell in battle to teleport one monster away.
* In ''[[Zan ZarahZanZarah]]'', there is a nasty, nasty spell available only to the Psi fairies, which teleports the target to a random location across the battle arena--including the [[Bottomless Pits]] underneath. Possibly an example of [[Magitek]], as the spell was functionally similar to a weapon: you have to aim them at the targets manually and their "magazines" are limited.
* In ''[[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon]]'', the "Warp Seed" item teleports the user to a random location on the current dungeon floor; it can also be thrown at enemies to make ''them'' be teleported elsewhere.
* Tele-fragging in ''[[Unreal Tournament]]'': Utilising the Translocator to reappear ''inside'' another player.
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* Subverted in the game ''[[Achron]]'', which features teleportation and [[Time Travel]] as major elements but where it's impossible to teleport enemy units and any attempts to make your own units teleport into the same space and time will damage or destroy both units, making weaponisation of this technique impractical. There are however two superweapons, one of which teleports anything it affects into another time period and the other, a missile that teleports to avoid incoming fire.
* In ''[[The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion]]'', attacking [[Mad God|Sheogorath]] causes him to teleport you several thousand feet above Execution Point, with predictable results. The fall will still kill you even if you've enabled [[God Mode]]. If you head to Execution Point on foot you can find the bodies of other people who've displeased Sheogorath, including one who was sentenced to death for [[What Do You Mean It's Not Heinous?|growing a beard]].
* Subspace Bombs of ''[[Super Smash Bros (Video Game)|Super Smash Bros]] Brawl'''s story mode ''The Subspace Emissary''. They transport the lands they're on into Subspace, but when exploding create a vacuum powerful enough to rip apart people caught the blast area. {{spoiler|Too many bombs launched in the same area can result in the land they swallow being disintegrated instead.}}
* The Banishment Device from ''[[Hexen (Video Game)|Hexen]]'', a magical artifact which shoots projectiles that teleport enemies to another location on the map.