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== Anime and Manga ==
* Generally, if a [[Rei Ayanami Expy]] is in the cast, there will be a moment like this somewhere in the [[Anime]]. (See the very next example, below.)
* Eucliwood in ''[[Kore wa Zombie Desu ka?]]'' surprises Ayumu when she finally shows her extremely cute smile.
** Seraphim as well.
* ''[[Black Butler]]'' goes out of its way to prove this of Ciel. To the point where Joker in the manga gives him the stage name of Smile in an ironic sense...but then finds out that Ciel is a [[Even the Guys Want Him|damn knockout]]. It seems as though Elizabeth's entire point of existing is to make him smile again...and she is one of the few people who can get a genuine smile.
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** The scene in the English dub. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZM1xiB7UYsY\]
** The scene in its original Japanese. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnZC8uNi494\]
** As well as {{spoiler|Kuyou (resident [[Stringy -Haired Ghost Girl]], in novel ten, during the fight with Ryouko Asakura. Kyon comments on how smiling makes her whole appearance different, even beautiful.}}
* [[Emotionless Girl|Rei]] in ''[[Neon Genesis Evangelion]]''.
** Done again in [[Rebuild of Evangelion]] when she starts to warm up to Shinji.
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* [[Those Two Guys|Arisa]] in the manga of ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha]]'' really didn't want to like Fate. She was rather jealous of the attention Nanoha got from her. But she has to [http://www.mangafox.com/manga/mahou_shoujo_lyrical_nanoha_a_s/v01/c004/3.html admit] that disliking her is [http://www.mangafox.com/manga/mahou_shoujo_lyrical_nanoha_a_s/v01/c004/4.html hard to do] when subjected to the smile.
* When Ayu smiles in ''[[Deep Love]]'' Reina starts crying because she's never smiled at her before. In the live action version, she merely pointed it out.
* ''[[Rosario to+ Vampire|Rosario + Vampire's]]'' [http://www.mangareader.net/319-43954-33/rosario-vampire-ii/chapter-26.html Inner!Moka]. That is all.
** To a lesser extent, [[An Ice Person|Shirayuki]].
* England in [[Axis Powers Hetalia]] is usually the [[Perpetual Frowner]] of the group. But when he genuinely smiles [http://img823.imageshack.us/img823/4885/britanianmalicekick131.png here], [http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/080/7/a/define__moe_by_11blackcat11-d3c5jgs.jpg here] and [http://images4.fanpop.com/image/photos/16900000/England-in-anime-hetalia-england-16950894-336-190.jpg here] it happened so naturally, you would think he does this all the time.
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** Not so. She's definitely stoic, but she does have very, very, very subtle expressions if you watch for them. Still, the general rotation goes between 'Confusion', 'Detachment', 'Disgust', and 'Frustration', with occasional visits to a subtle smirk of victory. Even her obvious rage face only makes an appearance in one episode. But this trope still applies, because the few times she actually shows happiness it is absolutely heartwarming, and it's quite possible this is why Batou hesitates. Alternately, it could be that he was simply very confused as to why she was smiling.
** She's actually pretty expressive in the manga.
* [[Umi no Misaki|Nagi]] feels this way about all three of the girls. [[Genki Girl|Karin]] is seemingly perpetually happy, which Nagi finds one of her most endearing traits; He likes [[The Stoic|Shizuku]] when she is able to smile and relax; It's a positively heartwarming moment for him when he gets [[Tsundere|Soyogi]] to open up and smile.
* In ''[[Black Cat (manga)|Black Cat]]'' [http://i640.photobucket.com/albums/uu130/jate88/saya-train-17078163d9.jpg Saya] convinces Train to change his ways.
* Natsume Takashi from ''[[Natsume Yuujinchou]]'' has managed to charm quite a few people [http://img855.imageshack.us/img855/4453/natsume.png with a well-placed smile]. He's even flustered a youkai woman on the far end of the Kinsey scale with one.
{{quote|'''Hinoe:''' Why do you have to be a ''man!''}}
* Alviss of ''[[Marchen Awakens Romance]]''. Lampshaded in the series the few times he has smiled genuinely as [http://i171.photobucket.com/albums/u312/sasukeitachi777/Alviss_016.jpg seen] [http://i614.photobucket.com/albums/tt229/Rukia_200/Marchen%20Awakens%20Romance/Alviss.jpg here.]
* Kanda Yuu of ''[[D.Gray-man]]''. He's the group's resident [[Deadpan Snarker|cranky]] [[Jerkass]], but when he [http://www.mangareader.net/dgray-man/208/18 smiles], he ''[http://www.mangareader.net/210-57824-22/dgray-man/chapter-199.html smiles]''.
** He smiles in episode 93 of [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGsbMmlMVog this] clip as well.
* The titular ''[[Inuyasha]]''.
* ''[[Baccano]]'': Elmer seems to have a tendency to make bets with himself to see if he could make Huey smile within a certain time period.
* Yuki of ''[[Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru]]''. Also, Luka. In chapter 21 Luka tells Yuki "I'm glad to see you smiling. I wish you could keep smiling like that." and [[Ho Yay|touches his face]].
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* In ''[[Vampire Hunter D]]'', D's (very, very rare) smiles are apparently worthy of historical documentation.
{{quote|If that boy could have seen it, he would have told people for the rest of his days how he'd been the one to bring it out. It was just such a smile.}}
* Konzen, from [[Saiyuki]], like his later incarnation, Sanzo, is very pretty but has a permanent scowl. Goku, his surrogate son, thinks he'd be beautiful if he did smile. Subverted, though, as when he finally does Goku decides it doesn't suit him at all, even though it is a completely genuine loving smile. Doubles as a crowning moment of heartwarming, as essentially Goku is saying he loves Konzen as he is.
* Mika and Koharu of ''[[Koharu no Hibi]]'' just want Akira to always be happy and smile. And Koharu is normally a creepy [[Stepford Smiler]] [[Yandere (disambiguation)]] but she does genuinely smile [http://www.mangafox.com/manga/koharu_no_hibi/v03/c018/30.html here] without any insanity or creepiness behind it.
* Nako of ''[[Poor Poor Lips]]'', [[Older Than She Looks|with her kid-like proportions]], is frequently mentioned by [[Lipstick Lesbian|Ren]] to not be her type. However, all of that changes when Nako flashes one of her genuine smiles...
{{quote|'''Ren:''' The thing I want most in the world, is to see her smile.}}
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== [[Comic Books]] ==
* The rare times [[Batman]] smiles -- a real smile, not a fake "Bruce Wayne, idiot billionaire playboy" smile -- can be either really creepy or really heartwarming, depending on the context.
* All those moments of shame, defeat and unhappiness and depression Charlie Brown goes through is worth it to the reader just to see him when he's really, truly happy.
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* Mordion from Diana Wynne Jones' ''[[Hexwood]]'' is fairly alarming looking - he's tall, gawky, much too skinny, and his face is frequently said to resemble a skull. However, he has such a transformatively warm and beautiful smile that the female protagonist almost falls out of a tree the first time she sees it. Interestingly, at points he is actually seen to deploy the power of his smile strategically.
* [[A Song of Ice and Fire]] occasionally lists several major flaws in Ygritte's appearance and then comments that when she smiles they are much less noticeable.
** Subverted with Brienne of Tarth; when she wins a spot on Renly's Rainbow Guard, her delighted smile lights up her face, but it doesn't make her any less hideously ugly.
** Played with in the case of Tywin Lannister. He has apparently never smiled since his wife died, which is lamented by his brother and other people who [[Used to Be a Sweet Kid|knew him when he was a nicer man]]. His son [[The Unfavorite|Tyrion]] is present on several occasions when Tywin almost smiles, but instead of being a heartwarming moment, the look is described as "terrible", probably because the context suggests it would be a [[Slasher Smile]]. The only time a true smile appears on Tywin's face is {{spoiler|after he has been killed, and even then the maesters say the smile is not genuine, and is only a tightening of the facial muscles as the body starts to decompose. [[Go Out with a Smile|Tywin's children (unsurprisingly) prefer to imagine that he is at peace]].}}
* Another male example: Sheftu from Eloise Mcgraw's ''[[Mara Daughter of the Nile]]''. Another male character mentions that Sheftu is actually so plain as to be almost ugly, but his smile (along with his super-suaveness) prevents any woman from realizing this.
* In ''[[The Witch of Blackbird Pond]],'' Kit is unaware of her dazzling smile, and confused by the romantic overtures it invites.
* Tolstoy uses this trope in ''[[War and Peace]]'' describing Natasha and, to some extent, Princess Marya. At first, it isn't the smile but the expression of her eyes, but in the scene of her second meeting with Nicolas Rostov it's played literally.
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* Somehow averted in the 1995 version of ''Pride and Prejudice'' when Darcy states that Jane "smiles to much".
* In Meg Cabot's Airhead series, the lead Emerson {{spoiler|who is actually in super-model's Nikki Howard's body}} describes everybody (boys and girls) as having this reaction to {{spoiler|Nikki's smile, as opposed to what happened when she smiled on her own body}}.
* In Donna Jo [[Na Poli]]'s ''Bound'' (a Chinese "[[Cinderella (novel)|Cinderella]]" retelling), the prince was amused by Xing Xing's impudence. But once she smiled at him, he was surprised (and delighted) and at once, he was certainly interested in getting to know her.
* The first time [[Harry Potter|Ron and Harry]] notice how attractive [[Hot Librarian|Hermione]] has become is when she laughs and shows how her teeth had been fixed.
** Actually, that's only how ''Ron'' noticed. Harry only figured it out at the Yule Ball.
** Also, Sirius Black. He's not in great shape after breaking out of prison, but after {{spoiler|he invites Harry to live with him and Harry happily accepts}}, he smiles for probably the first time since his imprisonment, and it makes him look ten year younger.
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* In the YA book ''[[Will Grayson Will Grayson]]''.
{{quote|[[Name's the Same|Will Grayson #1]]: [Jane's] whole face changes when she smiles—this eyebrow-lifting, perfect-teeth-showing, eye-crinkling smile I've either never seen or never noticed.}}
* Prince Henry from ''[[The Wild Hunt Trilogy]]''. "Henry laughed aloud. The plain features lit up, became attractively mischievous..."
* Margaret in ''Sisters, No Way''. Aishling at one point notices how old she is looking lately but then Margaret smiles and Aishling relaxes. Cindy also remarks "she's not a very attractive woman but she has a nice smile".
* In ''[[The Dresden Files]],'' minor side-character Vince Graver from ''Turn Coat'' was described as [[The Nondescript]] until his last scene, when he smiles. Dresden notes that the smile completely changes him from a generic average Joe to someone who could light up the room just by being there.
** Note: Yes, it was Dresden describing this, and no, the description in the book had no [[Ho Yay]] whatsoever.
** In the ''[[The Dresden Files]]'', little Inara Raith is described as "pretty" but has a smile that makes her radiant.
** Thomas is described this way with a charming smile.
* Sharpe, who is described as looking perpetually sardonic and mocking due to a [[Badass Scar]], except when he smiles. Which isn't often, and then he looks kind and charming. Since he normally looks like some ancient God of War in mid battle, this is an improvement. It is worth noting that he is always described as roguishly handsome, its just that he looks kind when he smiles.
* In [[Harry Turtledove|Harry Turtledove's]] ''[[Worldwar]]'', Mordechai Anielewicz finds Bertha Fleishman more attractive when she smiles, normally considering her plain.
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** Also in the ''[[Super Sentai]]'' series, [[Go Go Sentai Boukenger|Sakura Nishihori/Bouken Pink]] started out as a super serious member of the SGS and can't smile ever. It takes one mission to finally make her smile for a boy she's taking care of. As her leader said, her smile is possessed by only hers alone, and during the climax of the series, she did declare that her smile was her greatest treasure.
* [[Wonderfalls]]: Caroline Dhavernas is stunning as required per Hollywood law, but she manages to disguise the fact by looking permanently flabbergasted, resentful or miserable... until the very last scene.
* In the live-action drama of [[Nodame Cantabile]], [[The Stoic|resident stoic]] Kiyora was already pretty, being played by Asami Mizukawa. But you can see a notable difference when she is [http://pics.livejournal.com/tsukisagi/pic/0007bceh/s640x480 indifferent] to when she [http://img174.imageshack.us/img174/6272/nodame0417lghm6.jpg smiles.]
* [[Horatio Hornblower]]. Ioan Gruffudd is a very attractive man, but when he actually smiles (which is rare in the series as Horatio is a fairly serious character) it makes him that much more gorgeous. The first time one of his men salutes him he gets the most adorable surprised/pleased look, all the more stunning given that he's spent most of the episode looking quite miserable.
* Penny Parker (there's that name again!), the recurring character Teri Hatcher played on ''[[MacGyver]]'', made her debut in an episode called... "Every Time She Smiles."
* Dean Winchester of ''[[Supernatural (TV series)|Supernatural]]''. When he actually smiles (instead of flashing a [[Stepford Smiler|Stepford Smile]] at whichever poor waitress etc happens to be nearby), it's a kiddish grin. And that kiddish grin just makes him all the much better, considering the amount of angst he gets.
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* In ''[[Warehouse 13]]'' Pete tells Myka to smile because he thinks she looks pretty when she smiles.
{{quote|'''Pete''' "Smile. You're pretty when you smile"}}
* During a [[Angel/Recap/S02 E18 Dead End|season two episode]], we get to see that [[Angel]] has an absolutely [http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m0zu6nxQOS1qaimf2o4_250.gif radiant smile].
{{quote|'''Cordelia:''' And you ought to do that more often.
'''Angel:''' Buy you food?
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== Music ==
* "The girl works at the store sweet Jane St. Clair / Was dazzled by her smile while I shopped there." - Barenaked Ladies, Jane.
** That's a reference to the extended version of "[[The Velvet Underground|Sweet Jane]]": "Heavenly wine and roses seem to whisper to her when he smiles; heavenly wine and roses seem to whisper to her when she smiles." [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgUs7yWnDJ8 Hear it here].
* "and all her friends tell her / she's so pretty / but she'd be a whole lot prettier / if she smiled once in a while" - Shawn Mullins, Lullabye. (See ''[[The Pretender]]'' reference above.)
* "Here in town you can tell he's been down for a while / But, my God, it's so beautiful when the boy smiles," - Anna Nalick, Breathe (2am)
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* "When I See You Smile" by Bad English could also be this trope's theme song.
* As seen in the quotes page, Van Morrison's "Jackie Wilson Said (I'm in Heaven When You Smile)" and [[The Stone Roses]]' "Standing Here".
* [[Opeth|Mikael Akerfeldt]]. Not that he's normally ''un''attractive, but when he [http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/29/MikaelAkerfeldt.jpg smiles], he can be almost ''[[Moe]]''.
* "Just The Way You Are" by [[Bruno Mars]]: "And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for a while." Wow, that has to be one heck of a smile.
** And to think she's amazing just the way she is...
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* Lightning of [[Final Fantasy XIII]] has this in common with her [[Spear Counterpart]]. [http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091125173326/finalfantasy/images/4/43/Lightningsmile.PNG Aww.] (It's worth noticing that this is fairly early on, probably why it's a sad smile... but still gorgeous.) Seems someone at [[Square Enix]] has a thing for this trope.
** And she does it again in ''Dissidia Duodecim'', though very briefly, during the [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7sLM80nTtA ending scene] (1:50 of the video - of course, spoilers).
* Hanako in ''[[Katawa Shoujo]]'' is both a [[Fragile Flower]] AND [[Shrinking Violet|a shrinking violet]] because of her physical and mental scars caused by the fire that killed her parents. Her smile is recognized in-game as one of the most beautiful sights the protagonist has ever seen.
** Shizune who normally has a very serious, almost bossy demeanor also seems to have a nice smile. At the very least, it's nice enough that Hisao tells her that she should smile more during her Act 1 ending.
* Natasha of [[Fire Emblem]] 8, while already beautiful, is very serious and leans towards [[The Woobie]]. Naturally, most of her romantic supports feature the wooer attempting to cheer her up.
** Similarly, Ninian of [[Fire Emblem]] 7 is usually very shy and somber, but actually laughs in one chapter at the antics of Hector and Lyn.
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* The already [[Ms. Fanservice|lovely]] [[Lady of Black Magic|Morrigan]] in [[Dragon Age]]: Origins is even more so when she's smiling.
* Namine when Sora, Donald, and Goofy's antics cause her to laugh in [[Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories]].
* Samus in [[Metroid]]: [[Other M]] pulls something like this off a couple of times, towards the end.
* Neku in ''[[The World Ends With You]]'' is usually a stoic [[Deadpan Snarker]], but during a flashback in the second week, [http://l-userpic.livejournal.com/89429693/13790563 it's just awesome to see such a withdrawn character smile without a hint of cynicism or sarcasm.]
* Kaori Yae in the ''[[Tokimeki Memorial]] 2'' game series does this, particulary after [[She's Back|she has recovered]] from her [[Heroic BSOD]]. Lampshaded several times in the saga by the protagonist, such as in ''Dancing Summer Vacation'', saying the following, as he notices how dazzling she is when she smiles:
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*** Make that [http://mspaintadventures.com/?s=6&p=006273 two!]
** John is goofy looking to the point of bordering on [[Ugly Cute]], but within two pages of the comic's beginning [http://mspaintadventures.com/?s=6&p=001903 you see him smile]. Even later, he's [http://mspaintadventures.com/?s=6&p=005590 positively adorkable].
** In [http://www.mspaintadventures.com/?s=6&p=005338 [S] Equius: Seek the Highb100d], Equius's smile (accompanied by playing with is hair) is adorable.
** Aradia Megido is an odd example. When she enters the story, she's the resident [[The Eeyore|Eeyore]] and [[Emotionless Girl]], but she departs from this gloominess twice. The first is in [http://www.mspaintadventures.com/?s=6&p=004149 a flashback] {{spoiler|to just before her death}}, and the second is when [http://www.mspaintadventures.com/?s=6&p=005084 she hugs Sollux] {{spoiler|just before her robot body explodes}}. Then she gets over the issue that had been causing her gloominess<ref>(that is, she came back from death... [[Came Back Strong|as a god-tier player]])</ref>, and now she's almost constantly smiling. Though the smile on her [http://www.mspaintadventures.com/?s=6&p=005383 sprite mode] is a bit more subtle than the one from her hero mode and [http://www.mspaintadventures.com/?s=6&p=005392 close-up pictures]. [http://www.mspaintadventures.com/?s=6&p=005479 Further flashbacks] have shown that she smiled more often in the backstory as well--so her emotionless state from earlier in the comic had actually been a departure from the norm for Aradia all along.
** In the most recent development of the 'Sober Gamzee' arc, [http://www.mspaintadventures.com/?s=6&p=005995 Karkat is finally seen genuinely smiling] {{spoiler|as he manages to calm Gamzee down and establish his role as Gamzee's moirail}}. This smile stands out due to Karkat's characterization as someone who rages and screams constantly and is constantly negative, making it stand out.