Where I Was Born and Razed: Difference between revisions

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* In Arestis' Childhood, {{spoiler|[[Enfant Terrible|Arestis]]}}, angry at the High Priestess of the village for {{spoiler|seeing through her cover up of her previous murder}}, takes it out on the village by {{spoiler|convincing the head of a different village to attack it}}. Her parents die in the attack. [[Complete Monster|She doesn't seem to much care]].
* In the ''[[Death Note]]'' [[Fanfic]] ''[[Low Light]]'' {{spoiler|L does this to Wammy's House after his [[Face Heel Turn]].}}
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*** They wanted to have her destroy the town in the film but didn't have the budget.
* At the end of ''[[The Addams Family|Addams Family Values]]'', {{spoiler|Debbie reveals this is what she did to her parents, because they didn't buy her the right Barbie doll for Christmas.}} The Addams, naturally, are quite understanding.
* The prequel comics and novel to 2007's ''[[Transformers (film)|Transformers]]'' movie all reveal, despite otherwise being separate continuities, that it was [[The Cape (trope)|Optimus Prime]], of all people, who launched the All Spark into space to keep it from Megatron's hands, dooming Cybertron to a slow, lingering death. In the movie itself, Optimus states that he's willing to sacrifice his own life to destroy the All Spark, if need be. Some characters think it's noble. Others think it's disturbing...
* In ''[[Monsters vs. Aliens]]'', Gallaxhar reveals that he destroyed his home planet, although his reasons for doing so are [[The Un-Reveal|constantly interrupted]]. Maybe he should have waited until he was out of his cloning machine to give his [[Backstory]]...
* A variant occurs in ''[[Pokémon: The First Movie|Pokémon the First Movie]]'', when Mewtwo destroys the laboratory he was created in.
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*** When Kryten is constructing Rimmer's defence in ''Justice'', it sounds a lot like he is lying in order to get Rimmer off the hook. The Justice AI after all has no actual evidence, just Rimmer's guilt over the event. Not a very good judicial system, really.
*** This troper took it to mean that while Rimmer was tasked to fix the drive plate, he had absolutely no idea how to do it right, and was never properly trained. Rimmer thought that, because he's such an arrogant egotistical moron, that he should be able to do a good job regardless. In this instance, it would be Captain Hollister's fault for relying on an incompetent crewman to do work that could (and did) kill the entire crew. {{spoiler|Though him really being Denny the Doughnut-Boy may have something to do with it.}}
*** Hollister's own records stated that if a job was worth doing, it was worth doing well, and if it wasn't worth doing, give it to Rimmer. So clearly, it would be the fault of anyone moronic enough to have assigned a job with potentially lethal consequences, say, repairing a drive plate that could leak fatal doses of radiation, to Arnold Judas Rimmer in the first place.
* ''[[Doctor Who]]'': The Doctor was only able to destroy the threat of the Daleks during the "last great Time War" by also destroying the other Time Lords and his home planet Gallifrey. {{spoiler|Despite this, the Daleks and [[The Master]] have managed to survive. One of the surviving Daleks even went back into the Time War and ensured that Davros would survive.}}
** {{spoiler|Then the Doctor does it ''again'' in "The End Of Time" as we find out how the Time War really ended. The Doctor really did personally push the button that ended it and all involved, Time Lords, Daleks, and other horrors, and it was mainly to stop the ''Time Lords,'' not the Daleks, as they'd [[Jumping Off the Slippery Slope|jumped off the slippery slope]]. Now that they'd returned, the Doctor had to foil their attempted resurrection, dooming them and Gallifrey to death in the Time War. The alternative was the destruction of the entire universe by the Time Lords, who wanted to start over as [[Energy Beings]] and the universe's only life forms - the same [[Omnicidal Maniac|omnicidal]] plot (minus the [[Energy Being]] thing) the Daleks had tried in the previous season finale.}}