Who Framed Roger Rabbit?/Funny: Difference between revisions

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* ''[[Who Framed Roger Rabbit?]]'' has positively ''hilarious'' scenes, due half of the cast [[Roger Rabbit Effect|being cartoon characters]]. One of the great examples is the singing scene:
{{quote| '''Eddie (singing)''': I'm through with taking falls<br />
and bouncing off the walls<br />
Without that gun, I'd have some fun<br />
I'd kick you in the -- [[Curse Cut Short|(vase hits him in the head)]]<br />
'''Roger''': [[Subverted Rhyme Every Occasion|Nose]]!<br />
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'''Eddie''': No, but ''this'' does! *[[Groin Attack]]* }}
* And what comes to real-actors:
{{quote| '''Dolores''': Could you explain [[Not What It Looks Like|what she was doing her arms around you]]?!<br />
'''Eddie''': Probably looking for a good place to stick a knife!<br />
'''Dolores''': C'mon, Eddie, I caught you [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|with your pants down!]] }}
* Don't forget the scene with the Toon bullets:
{{quote| '''Bullet 1''': Eddie Valiant! Where ya been?<br />
'''Eddie''': ...drunk. }}
* A lot of Eddie's lines are this because of his [[Deadpan Snarker]] attitude.
* The scene where Eddie, [[Chained Heat|handcuffed to Roger,]] takes a hacksaw to the handcuffs, and Roger holds the table steady... with both hands.
{{quote| '''Eddie:''' You mean to tell me you could've taken your hand out of that cuff at any time?!<br />
'''Roger:''' No! Not any time, [[Rule of Funny|only when it was funny.]] }}
** Note that Roger is explaining this in total [[Sincerity Mode]].
* Roger can't spell.
{{quote| '''Roger:''' We're gonna be happy again! Got that? Happy! Capital H-A-P-P-I!}}
* The record repeats itself, causing Roger to keeping smashing plates on his head. When Eddie stops it, Roger freezes and has a funny look on his face.
{{quote| '''Roger:''' ''[[Overly Long Gag|Look there's no pain-- *smash* no pain- *smash* no pain-- *smash* no pain-- *smash* no pain-- *smash* no pain-- *smash*]]'' [Eddie stops record] no-- [Roger freezes]}}
* The club scene! "Nice monkey suit," "[[Literal Minded|Scotch on the rocks]]," Donald and Daffy playing pianos...
** "This...means...war..."
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* "[[Dick Tracy|Eddie Valiant... you're UNDER arrest!]] Bl-bl-bl-bl--!"
* Eddie sneaks up on Maroon, and startles him.
{{quote| '''Eddie:''' [[Bugs Bunny|What's up, Doc?]]<br />
'''Maroon:''' ''Valiant, what are you tryin' to do, gimme a heart attack?!''<br />
'''Eddie:''' You need a heart before you can have an attack. }}
** This dialogue:
{{quote| '''Maroon:''' [pulls his gun out] Let me see that will.<br />
'''Eddie:''' [about to have a drink] I told you, I got it.<br />
'''Maroon:''' I wanna see it ''NOW''! [smacks the drink from his hand, Eddie quietly grabs the seltzer as Maroon reads] "How do I love thee, let me count the ways"? Its supposed to be a joke!? [crumbles the paper and puts it in Eddie's pants]<br />
'''Eddie:''' No! This is. [sprays water at his face] }}
* Eddie mocking Bongo the Ink and Paint Club bouncer: "Ooga-booga!"
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* "I can give you stars, look! LOOK! '''LOOOOOOOOOK!!!!'''"
* This line, coming from an otherwise-innocent Baby Herman who, a few seconds ago, was acting like a typical baby in the cartoon being filmed:
{{quote| '''Baby Herman''': ''WHAT THE HELL WAS WRONG WITH THAT TAKE?!''}}
* "Hey Roger, what's the part in the middle of a song?" "Jee I dunno, a[beat, about to crash into one] BRIDGE!!!"
* After Marvin Acme sprays ink onto Eddie's shirt with a fountain pen and starts giggling about it, Eddie responds with
{{quote| '''Eddie''': ''You think that's funny? *seizes Acme's tie* You won't think it's funny when I stick that pen up your nose!''}}
* The smug look on Roger's face when Eddie says "I got no keys for these cuffs!" While we find out Roger could get out anytime, it looks as though Roger doesn't care if he'll be stuck with him forever.
* Roger hides in Teddy's desk.
{{quote| '''Roger:''' Hide me, Eddie! Pl-pl-pl-pl-please! ''[Jumps into the bottom side drawer. Then he sticks his head out of the top drawer.]'' Remember you never saw me.<br />
'''Eddie:''' ''GET OUT OF THERE!!'' }}
* Eddie keeps hitting his head on the ceiling lamp in the bar's secret room.
{{quote| '''Roger:''' Jeepers Eddie, that almost killed me!<br />
'''Eddie:''' ''[BONK]'' Ow!<br />
'''Eddie:''' ''[grabs Roger by the ears]'' Crazy toons! ''[BONK]'' Oof!<br />
'''Roger:''' Watch your head!<br />
'''Dolores:''' And you said you'll never take another toon case. What do you have, a change of heart?<br />
'''Eddie:''' Nothing's changed! Somebody's made a patsy out of me and I'm gonna find out ''[BONK]'' why! }}
* "Dolores. Dolores! ''[[Say My Name|DOLOOOOREEEESSS!!!!]]''"
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*** Still, it was hilarious.
* Eddie wonders how Roger found out about his office.
{{quote| '''Eddie:''' Does anybody know you're here?<br />
'''Roger:''' No one! Not a soul! Except...<br />
'''Eddie:''' What?<br />
'''Roger:''' Well... I didn't know where your office was, so I asked the newsboy- he didn't know! So I asked the fireman, the green grocer, the butcher, the baker- they didn't know! But the liquor store guy- he knew!<br />
'''Eddie:''' In other words, the whole damn town knows! }}
* This exchange.
{{quote| '''Roger''': Let me get this straight. You think that my boss, R.K. Maroon, dropped a safe on Marvin Acme's head, so that he could get his hands on [[Toon Town]]?!<br />
'''Eddie''': Yep, that's my hunch. (to Dolores) Can he stay here for a couple of days?<br />
'''Dolores''': He's not going to do anything crazy, is he? (pan to Roger, who's cleaning his ears with a nail file) }}
* Eddie, with Roger handcuffed to him, as to smuggle Roger to the diner by keeping him stuffed down his trench coat, but Roger can't breath. So when the rabbit pushes his head out the collar for some air, Eddie manages to stuff him back down before anyone can see him. Except Delores;
{{quote| '''Delores:''' Hello, Eddie. Is that a rabbit in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?<br />
'''Eddie:''' Cut the comedy, Delores, I've had a very rough day. }}
* Confronted with a sword wielding Judge Doom, Eddie seizes a nearby box labelled "ACME Singing Sword" and whips out...[[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|a cartoon singing sword]] (singing [[Frank Sinatra]] no less). Doom is amused, and continues to advance with his ''actual'' sword.