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Keep in mind that in order to qualify as true to this trope, it has to be [[Lampshading|lampshaded]] in the actual work -- i.e., one of the characters blurts it out. If it's the ''audience'' who's saying it, it's probably just ''actual'' bad writing.
When used in ''another'' work (usually a parody), often overlaps with a [["Not Making This Up" Disclaimer]].
See also: [[Self-Deprecation]], [[Take That]], [[Who Would Want to Watch Us?]]. Often a symptom of [[Better Than a Bare Bulb]] -- they're knocking the trope, but they're still ''using'' it...
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== Fan Works ==
* ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Abridged Series]]'' and Megami33's ''[[Sailor Moon Abridged]]'' like to take [[Macekre|Macekreed]] lines and say them ''as they are written'', wholesale or paraphrased. You see [["Not Making This Up" Disclaimer|disclaimers]] that this is the case.
{{quote|"In a few hours the sun will rise!" -- Tristan}}
** Finally, Raye got fed up with this.
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** Turns out Iroh taught Zuko how to break the fourth wall.
* In episode 7 of ''[[Wedding Peach Abridged]]'', Jama P told the love angels about the devil infecting rice with "the essence of fatness", and when they said it was lame, he said, "Hey! I didn't write this script, so don't complain to me!"
* ''[[Ranma ½: The Abridged Chronicles|Ranma 1/2: The Abridged Chronicles]]'' did this with Kunō as well, although only those who watched the original dub would be able to recognize it.
{{quote|'''Kunō:''' And so it falls out that we have we prize not to the worth whilst we enjoy it, but being lacked and lost, why then we wrack the value, then we find the virtue that possession would not show us whilst it was ours.
'''Ranma:''' What the f*** does that mean?
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* There was a moment on New Zealand TV when Leighten Smith, the "colour" presenter for the then relatively new [[TV 3]] channel, interrupted a lead-in to say, without changing his serious tone of voice; "Who writes this stuff? [Long Pause] I did". He then went on as though nothing had happened.
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BAuGI0pxyHQ&list=QL&playnext=8 This] behind-the-scenes video of rehearsal footage from ''Late Night With Conan O'Brien''. The look on Conan's face and the tone in his voice as he reads the name "Yakov Smirnoff" is absolutely laced with contempt.
* A famous example of 'celebrities at their worst' is an [[MP 3MP3]], originating from the BBC's Classic ''[[Doctor Who]]'' site no less, of Tom Baker recording a commercial for a company named Symphony Furniture. The seven-minute recording features Tom berating the other poor individuals in the studio without mercy, saying (among other hilarious quips) that the commercial should've been marketed as a sleep aid, read like a translation from early Serbo-Croat (or "fucking Albanian"), seemed to have been written by a "fucking infant teacher," and was powerful enough in its sheer emotion to give him an erection.
* The infamous ''Frozen Peas'' tape, featuring outtakes from Orson Welles' readings of various commercials where he complains about the directors, the inane pronunciations, and the writing.
{{quote|'''Wells''': Because it's full of--of--of things that are only correct because they're grammatical, but they're tough on the ear. You see, this is a very wearying one, it's unpleasant to read. Unrewarding.}}