Witchcraft: Difference between revisions

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* [[Heel Realization]] - One step of a typical initiation into the Fellowship of Judas: when the prospective member is confronted at the threshold between life and death, and then forced to realize how selfish and vile they were when they were alive.
* [[Hollywood Voodoo]] - Averted, as the Legban Covenant featured a detailed description of the [[Voodoun]] religion and Voodoo deities ''other'' than Baron Samedi.
* [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters]] - One theme in the setting, as demons prefer to seduce humans into committing evil rather than get their own hands dirty, the Mad Gods can't breach our reality without the help of human cultists, the Combine (with all ''its'' megalomaniacal oppressiveness) may be a purely human organization, and - last but not least - the Disciples of the Flesh are created by all-too-human abusers.
* [[Humans Are Special]] - An alternate theme of the game setting. Humanity is the only known species that possesses the Divine Spark. This essentially means that human potential is virtually infinite, and upon realization of this potential, humanity may well be like God. Seraphim (both the angelic one and the demonic ones) tend to be... unhappy about this.
* [[Instant Expert]] - One application of the Old Soul quality, especially at higher levels.