Wolverine Publicity/Comic Books: Difference between revisions

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** When Wildstorm was still an Image imprint, Grifter and Zealot shared the spotlight with [[Spawn]] and [[Youngblood|Badrock]]. Badrock is an oddity in that he's never had a solo series but was the star of the ''Marvel Team Up''-like ''Badrock and Company'' and has had many crossover minis - including ones with Wolverine ''and'' Grifter!
* Emma Frost has been appearing in a great deal of comics, often [[Fan Service|just so that she can be there]]. The worst example is the time when she showed up in one page of one issue of the new White Tiger's miniseries to tell her that white wasn't her colour (after several thugs had mistaken her for Emma... because a dark-haired Hispanic woman and a blonde Caucasian woman are ''so'' alike).
* [[Deadpool]] has been appearing everywhere lately. Within one year (Fall '08 - Fall '09) he has been granted three of his own ongoing titles (more than [[Iron Man]] and [[Captain America (comics)]] ''combined'') and a confirmed a place as a regular character in X-Force, given his first animated speaking role ("Hulk vs. Wolverine"), confirmed as making his first speaking television debut (Season 2 of "The Super Hero Squad Show"), made one of the most prominent characters of Ultimate Alliance 2, ... errr... "featured" in a live action film ([[Fan Nickname|Barakapool]]), and offeredeventually got his own reboot movie (and when that proved to be hugely sucessful, a seque)l. Not bad for a character who was canceled less than a decade ago.
** It's safe to say Wolverine has officially passed the baton to Deadpool. Add to that a limited series and guest appearances in various titles (Spider-Man, Ms. Marvel, Wolverine, etc.) all in the time frame shown above. And an additional limited series being released next year and well, to put it simply, he is the ''new'' Wolverine. Look at the cover art for ''[[Marvel Ultimate Alliance]] 2''. He has ''more cover space than Wolverine himself.''
** Recently there was a Marvel Team-Up between Deadpool and It the Living Colossus. For all that Deadpool actually did to help, it was basically an It one-shot. It seems Deadpool's role in this team-up was just to get people to buy the book. Sorry, did we say Marvel Team-Up? Our mistake - the book's called ''Deadpool Team-Up''. Deadpool is the star of Marvel's team-up book - meaning Marvel editorial considers Deadpool their flagship character. Oh, and ''Deadpool Team-Up'' started with issue ''900'' and counts down from there. Granted, this was a joke about the then-current release of ''[[Superman|Action Comics]]'' 900 - the series got canned after a little over a year.