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[[File:word-world.jpg|frame|Welcome to our world!]]
''Word World'' is a [[What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made On Drugs?|very odd]] preschool show that centers on [[Funny Animal|Funny Animals]] and a [[Furry Confusion|non-anthro dog]] -- who are all living ''words''. They live in Wordville and can build new things out of letters. If you need a house, just build one out of the appropriate letters.
Pretty convoluted for something that's meant to teach kids how to spell, but whatever works.
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* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Duck
* [[Disembodied Eyebrows]]
* [[A Dog Named "Dog"]].... [[Up to Eleven|and a sheep, and a bear, and a duck, and a frog...]]
* [[The Everyman]]: Sheep
* [[EverythingsEverything's Even Worse With Sharks]]: Averted with shark.
* [[Exactly What It Says On the Tin]]: The animals themselves.
* [[Four Legged Insect]]: Inverted with Cricket and averted with the other insects.
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** Dog can't talk, but he actually owns a house, whereas Pig lives in a barn, Bear lives in a cave, Sheep lives in hay, Frog lives in a log, and Duck has a nest.
* [[Heterosexual Life Partners]]: Pig and Ant, Duck and Frog, and Bear and Sheep
* [[Hey ItsIt's That Voice]]: Who knew that Sheep was [[Pokémon (Anime)|Ash Ketchum?]]
* [[Interactive Narrator]]: He is sometimes heard talking with the characters, usually at the beginning of a story.
* [[Loads and Loads of Characters]]: Potentially any noun that refers to a living thing.
* [[Living Prop]]: Cow
* [[Merchandise -Driven]]: Tons of merchandise sold at Target. The new characters introduced for merchandise who don't appear in the show presumably have been [[Killed Off for Real]].
* [[Minor Injury Overreaction]]: In an episode in which Pig is sneezing, Sheep attempts to ''take him to the hospital.''
* [[No Cartoon Fish]]: Only a few cartoony fish have been seen.
* [[Our Monsters Are Different]]: Monster, who is a red monster shaped like his name.
* [[Partially -Civilized Animal]]: Any four-legged [[Word World]] character (Tiger, Elephant, Turtle, Monkey, Dog, Cat, and Goat)
* [[Shaped Like Itself]]: Litteraly.
* [[Single -Minded Twins]]: Pig's nephews
* [[The Smart Guy]]: Frog
** Except when his [[Large Ham]] qualities turn him into a [[Know -Nothing Know -It -All]].
* [[Steam Never Dies]]: The train is a large blue steam locomotive shaped like the word "TRAIN" that is for some reason fuelled by letters, couldn't decide whether it should have a 2-2-2 or a 4-2-0 wheel arrangement, and doesn't have anyone driving it.
* [[Tailfin Walking]]: Shark