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* The ''[[Warcraft]]'' series: As of ''Warcraft 3'', each faction has a distinctly different worker unit. All four primary workers(the Peon, Peasant, Wisp and Acolyte) can repair structures and mechanical units, harvest gold (by cycling in case of Peons & Peasants, or via magic in case of Wisps & Acolytes). All four can construct structures - directly in case of Peons & Peasants, through summoning in case of Acolytes, and through the 'growing' method in case of Wisps. All except the Acolyte can harvest lumber, while the Undead use their basic combat unit, the Ghoul, to harvest it. In emergencies Peasants can also be turned into emergency Militia to defend the base, while Wisps can explode to drain mana and damage summoned units nearby and Peons can garrison burrows.
** A mercenary worker unit, the Goblin Shredder, is also available. It harvests lumber using the cycling method, but hauls in much larger loads than the standard workers. It's also a reasonable fighter, but using it as one is terribly inefficient due to its cost.
* ''[[StarcraftStarCraft]]'': All workers use the standard cycling method of resource collection, but use different construction methods. Terran SCVs use direct construction, Protoss Probes use summoning, and Zerg Drones use the growing method. The SCV can also repair mechanical units, and the Drone can burrow to protect itself. In ''Starcraft 2'', an additional temporary worker, the M.U.L.E is available to the Terrans, which harvests resources at a faster rate, but does nothing else.
* ''[[Warzone 2100]]'' has a 'truck' module that can be fitted to any ground-based chassis, as well as the combat engineer cyborg. Both are used to directly construct and repair buildings, and capture oil wells. Repairing units is done by another class of cyborgs/modules.
* ''[[Sins of a Solar Empire]]'': A space-based RTS, it has constructors, refinery ships and trade ships as workers, which construct orbital structures, help generate resources(via refineries) and help generate money(via trade ports) respectively. There are also colony ships, which [[Captain Obvious|establish colonies]] on unclaimed or newly-conquered planets. As of ''[[Expansion Pack|Entrenchment]]'', there are also special worker ships specifically designed to construct Starbases.
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