World Championship Wrestling/Awesome: Difference between revisions

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{{quote| ''"As far as I'm concerned, all this crap in the ring represents these fans out here. For two years, brother, for two years, I held my head high, I did everything for the charities, I did everything for the kids, and the reception I got when I came out here, you fans can stick it, brother. Because, if it wasn't for [[Hulk Hogan]], you people wouldn't be here. If it wasn't for [[Hulk Hogan]], Eric Bischoff would still be selling meat from a truck in Minneapolis, and if it wasn't for [[Hulk Hogan]], all these Johnny-Come-Latelys that you see out here wrestling wouldn't be here. I was selling out the world, brother, while they were bumming gas to put in their car to get to high school. So the way it is now, brother, with [[Hulk Hogan]] and the New World Organisation of Wrestling, brother, me and the new blood by my side, whatcha gonna do when the new world order of professional wrestling runs wild on you? Whatcha gonna do?!"''<br />
The video of that event on Youtube has a great quote: "I was a little kid when I watched this. I started crying." }}
** Also at ''Bash at the Beach 1996'': the show was kicked off with a singles match between [[Rey Mysterio, Jr.]] and his arch-rival Psicosis (Psychosis in WCW). The match itself was a classic, ranging on average between 4 and 4-and-a-half stars (depending on who you ask). The finish, when Psicosis tried to do a top rope move and Mysterio countered with a Rana ''in mid air'', brought the entire stadium to their feet. So, so many of the cruiserweights these days are following in the footsteps of Mysterio and Psicosis, and it's a Crowning Moment of '''Un'''Awesome that Psicosis never became a star like Mysterio did.
* [[Goldberg]]'s electrifying defeat of Hollywood Hogan on ''Nitro'' in July 1998 to win the [[WCW]] World Heavyweight Championship for the first time. Though the match really should have been saved for a pay-per-view in order to create a massive PPV payday, the deafening crowd reaction (thanks to WCW scheduling the victory in Goldberg's hometown of Atlanta, Georgia) and the mere fact that Hogan took a ''clean'' pinfall loss in WCW make it probably the last truly great [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]] that WCW can attest to (since it was the last time ''Nitro'' defeated ''Raw'' in the ratings).
** Prior to that, winning the United States championship from [[Wrestler/Raven|Raven]], after taking out the Flock. No-selling a shot to the head from a STOP sign was amazing.
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{{quote| ''"Fire me! I'm already fired! Fire me! I'm already fired!"''}}
** Best part is, that was a shoot.
* [[Chris Jericho]]: Cruiserweight Champion. Working at a time when WCW's Crusierweight division could not have been hotter, Chris Jericho reached his creative peak as a slimy, whiny [[Smug Snake]] who would do anything - short of actually wrestle - to keep hold of the title belt. His feud with Dean Malenko resulted in so many Crowning Moments of Awesome, including (but not limited to) proving that he is The Man Of 1004 Holds, his introduction of the Crusierweights at ''Slamboree'', his trip to the Library of Congress and subsequent gloating to Malenko (complete with a good old finger-poke-to-the-chest), and his five-star match with "[[Rey Mysterio, Jr.]]".
** It should be noted that Malenko was taking time off for most of the feud. Jericho built this feud up ''by himself'', making fun of Malenko at every turn and even carrying around a blown-up version of one of Malenko's promotional photos. This culminated at the aforementioned ''Slamboree'' Cruiserweight battle royal, which was won by Ciclope when Juventud Guerrera jumped over the top rope to eliminate himself. Jericho ran in to gloat (and to attack his challenger) immediately afterward, and Ciclope unmasked, revealing Malenko. [ The crowd came completely unglued in response.] In his book, Jericho notes that this was one of the top three most electric crowd responses he'd ever heard.
*** [[Crosses the Line Twice|"Hey Dean, how's your dead father doing?"]]