World of Warcraft/Headscratchers: Difference between revisions

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* What the hell happened to the Draenei? In Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne, they were a race of warriors/seers that lived on Draenor. Fair enough. Then, you get World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade, and discover that they've been transformed into goat-men with futuristic technology... I thought it was supposed to be a fantasy game.
** This troper can explain it....
{{quote| "Wait a moment, did you just bring a race full of space-faring goat-people to a [[Medieval European Fantasy|Medieval Fantasy]]?"<br />
"Yeah, so?"<br />
"That's against the lore, isn't it?"<br />
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*** Agreed - Steampunk tech is pretty heavy for Gnomes, Goblins positively wade in it, and there are 1800s-based powder rifles posessed by half the population of Gilneas, not to mention they own cannons. Orcs have already been established as from another planet. While I'm not entirely satisfied with Draenei being from space, their technology is so badly explained (mostly with sparkly crystals) that it's a bit ridiculous to make any significant complaints about it.
*** Honestly, the problem is not with the technology (Dalaran can do pretty much the same things as the exodar). The problem is that it's the Draenei who get this technology. True, there is a pretty good canonical explanation, but when we were told that the draenei were playable, we expected to play the draenei we saw before. Instead, we got pretty much the complete opposite. Primitive? Nah, they live in a massive city of great magic and technology. Shamanistic? They are the most devout worshippers of the light on the planet. Stealthy? They can not play rogues nor stealthy druids. What do the draenei we got and the draenei we remembered have in common?
** One explanation is that possibly the Draenei we see split off after the ship crashed. Some of the Draenei want to repair their ship and go home, while others want to stay. Everybody is different, even within their own race.
* The Scarab Wall. Okay, it's a stone barrier about seven in-game humans high, by my approximation. Why didn't the [[Big Creepy-Crawlies]] ''fly'' over it? For that matter, why didn't anyone try flying into Gilneas to discover what's actually going on there?
** A wizard did it. It's a magic wall, so, yeah. That pretty much explains it.
Line 25:
* Also, what the hell is up with Gilneas? Did Blizzard just forget about it?
** By [[Word of God]], yes, they did exactly that.
** They apparently remembered enough to show a few plagued villagers by that large wall. The plague probably hasn't reached there yet but I'm surprised they haven't tried to contact them. They basically just sat back and did nothing, like the Swiss. And for all we know, that's probably why they haven't all become more of the 90 million undead Rogues that make up the horde.
** Screw gilneas...what about Kul Tiras?
** According to what's known about the next expansion, it seems like they've come back to explain what's been happening in Gilneas, amongst other things.
*** Even before Cataclysm was announced, Gilneas was said to have been extremely isolationist and built the Greymane Wall to shut themselves off from the world, which is why we've never been there in [[WoW]]. We've just got the explanation now that the Gilneans pretty much quarantined themselves because the population fell victim to the [[Our Werewolves Are Different|Worgen]] curse. As for Kul Tiras, [[Word of God]] says that the Cataclysm caused it to drift out a bit to sea, with some typically Blizzard cheekiness. The most popular current fan theory is that Kul Tiras will like be patched in some time during the Cataclysm expansion.
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** Well the early scripts for the movie were about an enslaved human rebelling against his evil Orc captors to become the hero of the Aliiance - I can't imagine that going well with 50% of the player audience. The best thing to do would be to adapt one of the major questlines (such as the Lich King's attacks) and come up with some suitably engaging characters on both sides to follow.
*** It's for this reason that the movie should've been what it was originally planned to be: a movie adaptation of Warcraft: Orcs and Humans. It would feature Garona, Lother, Khadgar, Medhiv, and Llane as main characters. Possible main villains would be probably be Gul'Dan and Blackhand the Destroyer, as well as his nefarious sons Rend and Maim. And part of the movie would detail a bit about the rise of Orgrim Doomhammer... Why the hell did Blizzard cut that idea!?
*** Two reasons: most people discovered the Warcraft universe with [[WoW]], so they wouldn't know about what happened 30 years before in universe; and the first Warcraft game, while not bad, was a stereotypical heroic fantasy story (good humans fighting evil orcs and an evil sorcerer), which could make people think that Warcraft is just a ripoff of [[The Lord of the Rings|another story adapted in movies a few years ago]].
** Just to point out, it ''has'' been labeled (at least by Blizzard's PR folks on the forums) as explicitly a ''Warcraft'' movie and not a ''[[World of Warcraft]]'' movie.
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** I personally found it hard to sympathize with him after what he did to Keristaza. Granted, she did send the player out to kill Saragosa, but Saragosa and Malgyos were responsible for having her imprisoned in the first place, and the player ultimately winds up having to kill her in the end.
*** Do the quest chain that involves killing him. He was right about magic causing imminent doom for the world.
** Except that Malygos was ''using magic himself to cause the imminent doom for the world.'' If he had his way, Azeroth would have ''exploded''. Nevermind the fact he has likely mentally scared several innocent magic users thanks to Mage Hunters capturing and torturing them because they used magic, and likely broke up several families by forcibly conscripting unwilling people into the group. He was also leading a full on assualt on the Wyrmrest Temple. ''Where Alexstraaza was.'' In the end, it was obvious Malygos had never truly recovered from his insanity, and he drastically overreacted at the magic usage seen in Azeroth. Like I said - if he wasn't stopped, he would've destroyed everything.
** A lot of it has to do with the pre-release material explaining the Nexus War. It didn't mention a lot of the more insane things Malygos was up to; i.e., the world blowing up. In fact, Blizzard was pushing the fact that Malygos wasn't going insane(this was, of course, back at the height of the "Lore character X has gone insane and we have to kill him" craze), but rather that, having been infused with Netherdragon energy, had his insanity cured and was going very, very ''sane''. With the information available at the time, it honestly sounded like Malygos was right and that the Kirin Tor were basically acting like a bunch of spoiled children were throwing a tantrum because their favorite toy was being taken away. Support for Malygos was ''huge'' on the forums. A few people suspect that some of Malygos' more [[Kick the Dog]] moments as well as the crazier aspects of the war were added during development to put a stop to this.
* So there are both Horde and alliance Death Knights in the Death Knight Quest chain. Yeah fair enough. Makes sense. But just one small thing... how were they communicating with each other? Do they speak Scourgish or is everyone multilingual and speaks Common and Orcish? (And due to [[Gameplay and Story Segregation]], players speaking to each other in common through Death Knights would just be annoying now wouldn't it?)
** They are multilangual. After all, every race except the orcs and humans already speak two languages in game. The language limitation is just a gameplay thing.
*** The quest [ The Flesh-Bound Tome] confirms that the Scourge has its own language.
Line 77:
** Can't have too many kids running around for ratings reasons, I guess.
** In the page for the system that helps parents restrict how much time their kids spend on [[WoW]], all the "kids" seem to be dwarves and gnomes.
** There are tauren, nelf, belf and orc kids in the game in the [ Orphanage of Creepy Children]. There are also some other race's kids in Shattrath, including gnome, dwarf and humans.
** As before, try the Shattrath city orphanage. There's babies of every race, and children of most, including draenei and blood elves.
** It seems you've been listened to. Varian's kid is now a teenager and I see a young dwarf (Other than Shorty) standing in Ironforge.
** Strangely enough, in Leyara's flashbacks, her daughter Istaria has a ''blood elf'' child model. It doesn't make sense, especially considering that Istaria was 1,000 years old at the time of her death, and was likely an adult by then.
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*** Having spent last night in Dalaran watching trade chat fill up with variations on spells, achievements and talents combined with the word "anal", I'm not so sure saronite hasn't wreaked its awful curse already.
** It would also be somewhat unbalanced, as while Saronite is often a component in making items, many of the items that are made out of Saronite, such as Saronite Swordbreakers, are for plate-wearing classes.
** Player characters are adventurers. In the middle of training and preparing to defeat the worst evil ever, an adventurer will drop everything to kill pigs for a demon to eat and crap out a set of keys. Adventurers are already insane. You wouldn't be able to tell the difference.
** the "adventurers" are just the meat puppets we, the players, work through to interact with azeroth, they dont have a mind to drive insane
Line 107:
** ...why wouldn't they?
** No reason, it's just a weird position to sit in.
*** Not that weird. Maybe it's because I studied martial arts in my younger years, maybe it's because I have a chronic bruised tailbone, but when I sit on the ground, that's how I sit (at least until my feet fall asleep).
** Least humans can actually ''sit'' - I've never met a troll in my life who has known how to sit. They just squat.
* What happens when an achievement that is part of another one gets affected by a game change? For example, Blackwing Lair will apparently be upgraded to a Cataclysm-level raid, leaving the question of whether players will still need to do it for the Classic Raider achievement (This is especially relevant for this troper, as it is the ''only raid'' he still needs to do for Classic Raider). Additionally, Gnomeregan will be removed from the game (and thus, most likely from Classic Dungeonmaster's list of requirements). Considering that {{spoiler|Cairne and Magni die, and Garrosh becomes Warchief}}, the For the Alliance! and For the Horde! achievements may see some changes, as well as most likely creating additional requirements or achievements for the new faction leaders.
Line 114:
* How do the Darkspear maintain their population? Already described as the smallest of the Jungle Troll tribes, there was enough of them to fit on the Horde’s stolen boats in the Warcraft III demo, several of them blow themselves up as their unit ability in the same game, several must have been killed in their Horde’s missions in Warcraft III, and Admiral proudmoore viciously attacked the Echo isles in Warcraft III which must have killed a dozen Darkspear.
** Most significantly Zalazane is said to have [[Brainwashed and Crazy|brainwashed]] most of the Darkspear population in World Of Warcraft, which makes the Darkspear population much lower the in Warcraft III. There’s been no indication that Vol’jin freed any in Cataclysm and he hasn’t recruited any more tribes like the orcs and tauren. Additionally they’re shown to have a large civillian population in the troll starting quests despite the constant trauma they continually face. Even if they had been screwing like rabbits when on the orcs ship and somehow raised their young while moving constantly to Kalimdor, there hasn’t been enough time for their hypothetical kids to grow to adulthood. '''TLDR version''':How do the Darkspear continue to be a noticipable population in Azeroth when they’re a small tribe that has had its numbers totally devasted repeteadly(including most of their population being brainwashed and killed) and have had no time to grow?
** This problem actually applies to the entire horde, the darkspear are just the most prominent example. The orcs consist of the small group that fit on the ships thrall managed to capture, as well as the Mag'har, who were already facing extinction back in TBC. It's pretty doubtful many other orcs managed to find a way around the world. Not to mention the fact that many of the orcs that joined the horde were agents of the shadow council or twilight hammer, which further brings down the population after their respective questlines/events. The tauren, like the Mag'har, were fearing extinction back in WCIII, and their military power was so small that they couldn't even flee without the help of Thrall. The forsaken originally consisted of a small group, are surrounded by enemies, and only replenish their numbers very slowly. The blood elves first had most of their members die during the scourge attacks, then had a number defect to the alliance, then lost a significant portion to mana madness, then had a majority leave to join Kael'thas or Illidan, then lost the isle of Quel'danas to demonic invasion(though they're probably still the largest faction). The goblins that joined the horde all had to escape a friggin' volcano.
*** The Alliance has the advantage of numbers but isn't doing much better. The humans are composed of Stormwind and the refugees of Lordaeron who didn't become Scourge, Forsaken or Scarlet Crusaders. The majority of the gnomes died in the trogg invasion and the radiation bomb. The dwarves were, until Cataclysm, only one out of the three major factions. The Night Elves had fewer population crises, but most of the battle against the Burning Legion's demonic forces in the Third War took place on their territory. The Draenei lost many to the Burning Legion and the Orcs. And the Gilneans suffered losses from the out-of-control worgen even before the Forsaken invasion. This just goes to show that Azeroth is quite a [[Crapsack World]].
*** You forgot Kul Tiras. And Stormwind already was one of the largest factions in the world and has suffered very little damage in the last 47 years. The dwarves, while only one out of three factions, were a very large one out of three factions, and had several hundred years to build population. You are right regarding gnomes and gilneans though.
Line 120:
* Why did Blizzard miss the chance to implement Blood Elf Druids? Canonically, there were high elven druids and there is even a blood elf druid in-game, so it wouldn't be too hard to try explaining it.
** Lore wise, Blood elf druids would make sense. Gameplay wise, the Developers were probably listening to the complains about too many blood elves and wanted to encourage people to play the classic Horde races.
** Because if Blood elves could be ''any'' class at all, the horde would be composed entirely of Blood Elves or undead with the [[Token Minority]] trolls and tauren. Yeah, I know you guys dislike having race-class restrictions, but it's to keep out what I call "Drow syndrome" and despite a whole ton of cool races, everyone wants to play as the "cool looking" race or one's overpowered as hell and everyone ignores the other racial advantages and picks those. (Remember Clasic World of Warcraft, where The Horde was just The Horde [[In Name Only]] because it was 90% undead and the other 10% were Shamans, Hunters, and Druids?)
** Lore-wise, the high elves with nature powers were mostly slaughtered during Arthas's assault, and the remainder had set them aside for more "practical" skill sets in the interim. (This is explained in quests relating to the now out-of-control animals and treants in Eversong.) Also, there's no indication that high elven "druids" had access to the sort of shape-shifting and Elune-based powers druids have in game. Also also, their lack of participation in the Cenarion Circle would have to be explained somehow.
** The explanation could simply be that the blood elves did fine without them for 10000 years. And there are plenty of racial classes that should have different abilities, like undead priests, troll priests, night elf priests, orc priests, tauren priests, tauren paladins, goblin priests. In fact, druid seems like a more logical choice for blood elves than priests. We know the paladins get their power from M'uru. But the priests aren't members of the blood knights, and don't follow any deity. Where do they get their powers from?
Line 129:
*** By my count (I really really wish we had an official timeline) Nobundo and Thrall have been shaman for about the same number of years. And Thrall has only been to Outland once that we know of, probably not many more times considering how busy he must be. So Nobundo would be more experienced with the Draenor elements. But of course we're sent after this random Dwarf guy, because Blizz has to promote Dwarf shaman.
**** Unless Thrall started training as a shaman a ''lot'' earlier than he logically would have had the opportunity, Nobundo's got him beat for experience. And Muln Earthfury almost certainly has ''Nobundo'' beat. So ''Muln'' holding the world together would probably have made more sense. (I half suspect Thrall got the role because he's a staff favorite.)
***** The nightmare of Iso'Rath and Twilight of the Aspects indicate that Thrall is just one of many shaman at the Maelstrom, along with Aggra, Muln, Nobundo and Rehgar.
*** In The Shattering, it's shown that Thrall's first choice was his old teacher Drek'thar, but he was getting senile, so Thrall decided to go to Greatmother Geyah, who sends him to Aggra. The dwarf never appears, which is one conflict between the pre-Cataclysm game events and the book (similar to how Vol'jin wasn't present when Thrall told Garrosh he was appointing him warchief in the book).
*** ''Lord of the Clans'' seemed to indicate that Shamanism is something of a [[Hard Work Hardly Works]] situation. While study and dedication are necessary to become a shaman, once you've actually become one, natural aptitude and how much the elements and spirits like you seems to be the deciding factor. Once Thrall received the blessing of the spirits, he surpassed Drek'thar, who'd been a shaman at that point for the better part of fifty years, almost instantly.
* Why do the fights with the Faction Champions in the Trial of the Crusader have to be ''to the death''? At the end of the fight, Tirion laments losing so many champions for little good reason, and in the boss fight against the three champions in Trial of the Champion, the enemies kneel down when defeated and retreat. Tirion wanted to ensure that the winners were strong enough to fight in Icecrown Citadel, but it seems wasteful to have them kill each other when there were many non-lethal fights before.
** Flat-out bad writing, probably. That entire raid seems a rather patchy to me -- the bosses are all reused models, even the arena itself is shared with another instance, and the whole ordeal doesn't make much sense and screams "written by programmers". My best guess is that they were under tight time constraints and needed to make up a raid quickly, with not much time to think over quality.
*** I don't think it was written by programmers. [[Take That|If it were written by programmers, there'd be a lot of vague stuff you need a PhD in whatever to figure out combined with lots of Guide Dang It instances, and if you asked for help they would only give incredibly vague answers and refuse to help]].
* So what's everyone here going to do when Cataclysm is released? My guess is that half the playerbase is probably going to reroll worgen and flood the starting areas, and that the other half will probably level to 85 as fast as possible and then complain that there's no content in the game, ignoring all the nicely rewritten quests, storylines...
** I made the race/class combo I've always wanted to, a Blood Elf Warrior, and leveled through Kalimdor. Currently I'm at level 60 and in Outland, and let me tell you that there are a LOT of awesome and epic quests on the Horde side (and quest chains; not gonna spoil anything, but you ''definitely'' want to visit Thousand Needles) to go through. I'm unsure if I'm gonna immediately roll a Goblin or Worgen, or keep working on my Belf Warrior, but I'm certainly going to check them out soon after Cataclysm comes out.
Line 141:
* So now you have to get tokens from raiding to get gear. I hope this doesn't turn into Burning Crusade - I really don't want to see people who made the unfortunate mistake of joining a couple months too late or made the ''unforgivable'' sin of ''enjoying the ride to 85'' instead of leveling up as fast as possible so they can catch the rush to get ready for raiding and [[PvP]]. I ran on Dentarg and Andorhal so [[Values Dissonance|this may have been just because of that]], but if you weren't rushing as fast as possible to 70, then it was your own damn fault that you couldn't get attuned - even though ''attunements required PEOPLE'' to run. And what do you do when people refuse to lift a finger to help? I was always told "Get people who haven't run it yet". Uhm...gee...''we're bloody trying''. We were in Shattrah and had messages out on the LFG tool for ''days'' and nobody's answering - then we're just told to "just [[PvP]] or GTFO". I quickly left the game and didn't look back until I was told they ''finally'' removed attunements - If I wanted social elitism, ''I'd go back to bloody high school''. Or I would [[Take That|go to a Baldur's Gate forum]]. Sad thing is, I hear people say they'd ''prefer'' it this way. Please don't start catering to the [[Vocal Minority]] again...
** You only need tokens for two pieces of your Valor Point class set, which will enable you to get the first set bonus, and there's the chance of getting good equivalent gear, or of having them drop somewhere else (like how Toravon drops the T10 hands and legs on 10 man and 25 man respectively). It was quite difficult to get the Marks of Sanctification, but most of it was because in a 25-man group, there was virtually no chance of not having anyone who could use your type of mark who still needed to sanctify at least one of their items; 10 man groups should make it easier, as should the fact that each token is for a specific item.
*** Okay. I guess I'm just worried about Burning Crusade getting repeated because the players declared themselves "done" with the previous dungeons and left those of us who still needed half their sets in the dust and wouldn't lift a finger to help.
**** [[It Got Worse]]; in 4.3 ''all five'' pieces of a tier set will only available from the second through sixth bosses in Dragon Soul. This will likely pose problems for [[PU Gs]], since while guild teams will ultimately gear up, enabling players who just joined to gear up easily (if they're fair about distributing loot) once everyone else on the team has the gear, in [[PU Gs]], the question is not whether anyone else will need on your emblem, but ''how many'' will.
* Is it just me or do I expect to hear some variant of "Brooklyn Rage" coming from a Goblin?
* Just out of curiosity:If there is a Pit of Sauron in in Northrend, does that mean Middle Earth has a Pit of Arthas?
** I thought it was Pit of Saron as in Yogg-Saron.
*** It is, as the slaves are mining saronite, Yogg-Saron's blood.
* Near the end ''The Shattering'', Garrosh meets up with Baine. Hammul Runetotem was there! This would've been the perfect opportunity to bring the attack on the druids earlier in the book! Especially since the reason why Cairne challenged Garrosh to a duel in the first place was because he thought that he had ordered the attacks on the druids! But there was no mention on it. He could've brought it up, and Garrosh could've attempted to explain that he didn't order the assassinations! But no mention of it was ever made! Just a passing plot point.
** Garrosh didn't exactly do a good job of tactfully or convincingly denying his role in the massacre when Cairne confronted him the first time, and it's unlikely that Hamuul (who met with Baine after he fled Bloodhoof Village) learned anything more. Baine seems to indicate the meeting is less about Cairne's grievances against Garrosh, and more about ''his own.''
{{quote| '''Baine''': My father issued the mak'gora, and '''the argument between you and he is settled''', ven if, due to Magatha's treachery, the fight was no fair one. }}
* What's with the mood swings in the Tranquil Wash base in ''Cataclysm''? The NPC's are laughing one moment, then crying the next, then the cycle starts around again. But why?
Line 170:
* Have the Forsaken even considered the possibility of recruitment? It seems to work fine for the Cult of the Damned and Twilight's Hammer, why aren't there Forgotten Shadow missionaries preaching and handing out pamphlets in Horde and neutral towns? There's a quest chain focused on helping a plague-infected paladin who doesn't want to become undead, where's the quest chain about helping someone who's mortally wounded or fatally poisoned and wants to become undead?
** In the RPG this is pretty much what they did. The forsaken had necromancers that would raise dead into fresh forsaken(with care and respect, not in a manner of violation like the lich king), and the cult was very big on recruitment(problem being it was also extremely fractured and couldn't agree on anything). Thing is, Blizzard seems to have about as much respect for the rpg information as they do for the paper they wipe their ass with(and the two may indeed be one and the same), so if the rpg presents a good idea, it's likely Blizzard's going to go in the other direction.
** Eh, the RPG had a lot of lore problems too. Tauren tech-mods are the most obvious example. Also, the weird thing where half-orcs, children of two warring races, are more accepted than half-elves, children of two races that have been allied for about a thousand years. The manual of monsters dedicating the entire third section to putting stuff from ''[[Dungeons and& Dragons]]'' in the Warcraft universe.
*** I liked tauren tech-mods.
*** Fair enough. However, since that comment, I finally read all the first edition RPG books and there are plenty more problems, mostly concerning weird and inconsistently applied retcons. I'm not sure which is more blatant; alliance armies driving Illidan off Azeroth (rather than what we see in the frozen throne) or all warcraft undead being sentient and independent. I actually did a review of all first edition RPG books [ here].
Line 180:
** Draenei and Night Elves don't really have an explanation for them either. I think it's just a side effect of the way the priest class was implemented. There are too many types of priest to stuff into one class, but they really didn't want there to be four or five race-specific specs. Thus, every race ends up with the Forsaken's shadow spec and the humans'/dwarves' holy themes.
*** Additionally, the Forsaken shouldn't be able to use Holy magic as undead, but they can in the game, possibly because otherwise the Horde would have few options for priests in vanilla.
*** Actually the Forsaken can use holy magic (well, at least the Light), it just hurts them like hell.
* Why don't the Alliance just teleport their army to right in front of Orgrimmar? They have mages. In fact, the Horde has mages too, so why doesn't Garrosh just have a bunch of mages teleport his army to Stormwind's gates? Why even bother with troop movement? I mean, Jaina can teleport several people from the Undercity to Stormwind. The war would totally be over by now!
** Just because one of the most powerful mages in the world can teleport several people doesn't mean that they have enough mages strong enough to teleport an entire army. It's an awful idea for a number of reasons - win or lose, they'd be in the middle of now-enraged enemy-territory, with no supply lines or line of retreat! But you're right that the war would totally be over by now if someone tried it - having thrown away a large part of their army on an idiotic gamble, they'd be easy prey for the other side.
Line 199:
** The fight in the 3.1 trailer lasted maybe four seconds. That's not really enough to tell anything about the two fighters. And in ''Wolfheart'', {{spoiler|Garrosh loses the fight, precisely because he doesn't have Varian's enanced stamina. He would have died if not for the arrival of a magnataur.}}
*** Exactly: he only {{spoiler|lost because of the stamina boost. Not the super speed or agility. If Varian IS naturally that much worse than Garrosh, to where a buff from Goldrinn makes them equal, at least it's consistent, but I really doubt that's the case.}}
**** I haven't read the book(nor will I, I refuse to read anything by Knaak after war of the ancients), one could posit that Varian's super speed and agility are actually handicaps; he isn't used to moving that fast, isn't used to his body having those capabilities, so he's making mistakes. I'd throw out the analogy to [[Forgotten Realms|Drizzt Do'Urden]] trying to use super speed braces and finding that they made his swings too fast to control and thus incredibly straight and predictable. Then again, I'm probably giving Knaak way too much credit with that one.
** Garrosh points out that he got Gorehowl since his last fight, which is an upgrade to his combat capabilities.
* Teldrassil bugs me. At the start of vanilla, the entire thing is at most 4 years old, probably only 3 or 2. It is not a natural area. So how the hell did all the furbolg get on top of the miles-high tree? And how did the ancient highborne structure suddenly appear? Did the night elves, despite growing all their other structures from trees, just decide to go retro and import marble? And how the hell does a tree grow mountains (with caves no less) on top of it anyway? Did the night elves just decide to import all the wild creatures?
** Yes, they did import all the plants and animals and dirt, because it's important for their giant druidic tree to have life on it. The real question is why the newly-founded city of Darnassus is apparently so rooted in their culture that it's the name of their faction and language. Although, [[WMG]] warning here... it's possible that Darnassus was an ''ancestral'' capital of the night elven nation that was sunken under the sea during the Sundering (like the tomb of Sargeras). In which case, the elves could grow their tree on it intentionally, knowing it would raise the city out of the water. All of which would be potent symbolically, until it started going to hell..
** How about Talindrela? She's supposedly a dryad of the forests, and people act like she has vanished for ages... but it has been at most 3 years at this point, even if you accept that the growth of Teldrassil and the growth of the forests on the tree only took a few months.
Line 214:
** Honestly, I have always found the idea of a full-fledged war between the horde and the alliance utterly ridiculous, especially with the horde as aggressors. Canonically, the alliance pretty much outnumber the horde 10 to 1. In addition, the three most powerful humanoid neutral groups, the cenarion circle, dalaran and argent dawn, are all alliance factions that became neutral only to achieve a specific goal(which have now been reached), and would probably help the alliance if stuff ever got serious, especially the cenarion circle for the night elves. It gets even weirder when you consider the power Velen is supposed to have, as well as the newly ressurected Cenarius. Why are all the horde people so eager to get into a war with the alliance?
*** The neutral factions that were formerly Alliance also have quite few Horde members in their ranks, and their members seem to be more loyal to their organization's goals, which typically involve the greater good of Azeroth, than their own faction. Tirion Fordring, while Alliance-affiliated as a human, is mainly working to clean up the Scourge in the Plaguelands post-Wrath; his work isn't necessarily over even though the Lich King has been defeated. Malfurion Stormrage is, oddly enough, not flagged for PVP and thus can't attack or be attacked by Horde players raiding Darnassus, even if they're killing his wife in front of him. He also states that a new Firelord might rise up even after Ragnaros' death, and some of the daily quests in the Molten Front involve making a permanent foothold with the Sentinel Tree. There's also an Earthen Ring shaman in Vashj'ir who warns you that if you try to start any trouble with people of the other faction, he will kill you himself.
*** And that last one was part of my point. If the horde would ever execute a full-scale attack on the alliance, it would be utterly silly for all those 90%alliance-10%horde factions to do nothing. Malfurion and the other night elves of the cenarion circle are not going to sit by as their people are slaughtered and it is unlikely the green dragons or the ancient guardians would sit by in that case either. Rhonin and Tirion grew up as members of the alliance and are unlikely to just sit back while the horde sack stormwind.
**** If you want to get technical on that point, Tirion was in his late twenties, early thirties at the youngest(more likely in his forties) by the time the Alliance was formed. He's from Lordaeron, was a citizen of Lordaeron, was the Governor of a province of Lordaeron. His only real connection to the people of Stormwind are that they're humans. Likewise, Rhonin was a grown man when the Alliance was formed; was already a somewhat accomplished mage of the Kirin Tor by the time the second war was over. His ties were to Dalaran and Dalaran was never particularly committed to the ideal of the Alliance as anything more than a temporary thing. So again, their only real sympathies to Stormwind are that Stormwin's population happens to look like they do, and that his wife is very racist against blood elves. Still, he might not be particularly keen on the idea of Varian using his people as artillery if they're not being directly threatened. Basic point; this isn't a race war. Just because they're humans doesn't mean they're on the same side. Malfurion stepping up for the night elves is fairly likely, but the flip side of that is Thrall getting back in and bringing the Earthen Ring to counter the Cenarion Circle. The dragon flights don't want any part of any war right now, having had the hell beaten out of them this last expansion(and really, they've been taking hits throughout all three expansions).
** In Mists of Pandaria, {{spoiler|Theramore gets destroyed}} and the Alliance fully commits itself to the war with the Horde. Additionally, Varian seems to be getting some [[Character Development]] in keeping his Lo'Gosh side in check more, and appears to be becoming a bit more reasonable, one has to wonder whether the Horde is now becoming portrayed more and more as the antagonist. Then again, (at least in my opinion), much of the pre-Cataclysm World of Warcraft consisted of the Horde making good faith efforts at demonstrating their desire to live in peace with the Alliance, only to be rebuffed by people like Admiral Proudmoore and Varian who are bitter about what the Old Horde did.
* Two things bug me about the worgen, even though I love them as a playable race option. First and foremost... worgen druids. I understand that they wanted to add an extra druid race for each faction, and that druidism isn't exactly an easy class to find races for, but why worgen? Worgen were all human until just recently, and their status as druids is made particularly jarring by the in-game implications that there were Gilnean druids even before they made contact with the night elves. Seems to me that the draenei would have been a better choice for druids, and the worgen could have gotten paladins instead (since the Horde got a new shaman race with the goblins, but the Alliance didn't get a new paladin race). The second thing is the fact that Blizzard is planning on giving the worgen actual mounts in patch 4.3... bareback horses. I get that they're really only adding the mounts because people were complaining that the lack of worgen mounts was due to players complaining that it was easier for Horde to get mount achievements now, and that they want the worgen players to stick with Running Wild, but... given the level of creativity that Blizzard usually puts into these things, bareback horses seem really lazy and unimaginative.
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*** This seems to be the main reason, especially since Gilneans were, and some still are, human. It thus makes sense for them to also use horses, although I've found Alliance racial mounts less interesting than the Horde's, as a whole.
*** It could be a case where Blizzard had to do something that they never planned on. The mounts weren't added because Alliance players would need to find two more mounts to get an achievement, but because Horde players who had the Goblin trikes and faction changed (a paid service) to Alliance would run into the issue of having nothing to change the trikes into. Therefore, they ''had'' to do something, but did not budget any time to do something special or proper, so they did the fastest, cheapest thing they could.
*** Say, remember when Tauren didn't have a mount and got Plainsrunning for free?
** Draenei getting a new class, especially druid (appropriate as it probably ''would'' have been, all [[Fan Wank]] aside) would require Blizzard to stop [[Demoted to Extra|shuffling them under the rug]] and give them relevance to the metaplot, rather than focusing the vast majority of the Alliance's lore on [[Spotlight-Stealing Squad|humans]]. And if that were to happen, [[Vocal Minority|certain loud fans]] who [[Ruined FOREVER|still feel personally affronted by BC]] would rage.<br />Hopefully, Blizzard will eventually figure out that said loud fans are ''not'', in fact, in the majority (even if they tend to fraudulently present themselves as such) and stop listening to them. But that's not happening yet, and looks unlikely to happen in this expansion pack.
*** The funny thing is; the other members of the alliance are self-aware. Tyrande didn't invite the Draenei faction leader(s) to vote on whether or not the Worgen should join the alliance because they were so centered on the burning Legion and Outland that they thought they went back to Outland, and that the only other draenei left were shamans in the earthen ring or warriors in the Argent Crusade. If you ask me, that's a good "Hey guys, forgot about them?".
** Worgen Druids actually do have justification to them. The Worgen curse itself is Druidic magic, it was created when a group of Night Elf Druids attempted to use the Scythe of Elune to create a wolf form, and indeed it's Druidic magic that allows the Gilneans to retain their human minds as Worgen rather than going feral. The preexisting Gilnean "Druids" are [[Handwaved]] as being harvest witches in the early levels, and by the time you get your first form the Night Elves have arrived so presumably you've started learning from them. With Druidic magic having such a heavy impact on their culture, it's not unreasonable to assume some Gilneans would want to study it.
* So apparently because they put an option to see the cutscene of the Lich King being replaced, it's a response to the bawing. Am I the only one who saw this as just taking away a bit of trouble? You just ''KNOW'' that if that statue ''wasn't'' there in the middle of Dalaran, that cutscene would have been uploaded to [[YouTube]] the second the patch went live and data-miners found it.
* Wouldn't it make more sense if the final raid of Cataclysm was called "Hour of Twilight" and the third Patch 4.3 5-man dungeon was called "Dragon Soul?" The raid is essentially set in the [[Arc Words|Hour of Twilight]] that you're trying to prevent from happening, while the dungeon involves escorting the Dragon Soul, and most of the enemies are specifically trying to kill Thrall and retrieve the Dragon Soul.
* Does it strike anyone else as strange that some bosses are based around parts of the game that are practically obsolete now, especially with regards to statistics?
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** Nefarian in Blackwing Lair uses quite a few abilities that interfere with people's abilities, such as forcing a warrior into Berserker Stance (based on the old assumption that warriors could only tank in raids) and Druids into Cat Form (again, assuming that druids could only heal). Granted, they added a new class ability for Death Knights, but it's mainly a simple "pull the raid to the boss" move.
** General Vezax in Ulduar is in some ways, more difficult after Wrath, because mana conservation is more important, and it's thus more difficult to heal through the achievement with the limited supply of mana.
*** Because people rarely went in there, anyways. Blizzard probably thought of this (hence adding the Death Knight ability) but they probably didn't see any reason in "updating" any bosses. Even though there are some bosses that were still difficult because they required specific mechanics. Yeah, Molten Core was easy as hell if you went in at 70 (or 80) but right now, we have ''five-man dungeons'' more complex than Molten Core.
* If dragons are sentient, how does using one as a mount work? I could see a dragon giving you a lift somewhere because you're friends, but basically acting as a full time personal servant? No way. So, what goes on there? Do dragons just give away mentally damaged children that don't have the self-awareness to protest being used as mounts?
** Drakes are said to be of less intelligence than dragons. Some might be sentient, but others, like mounts and trash mobs, might not be.
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* How exactly are Alexstraza and Ysera sisters? In the [[Thrall Twilight of the Aspects]] geneaology guide, they are the only Aspects noted as being siblings, even though some of the Aspects address the others as "brother" or "sister".
** While the dragon aspects were the first of their species, they were created from the protodragons (and those from the elemental dragons). So the titans could have taken two protodragons who happened to be sisters.
** Or it may simply be a term of endearment; they've known each other for thousands of years.
* In the [[War of the Ancients]] trilogy, an orc and a human mage travel back in time and fight in the war of the ancients on the side of the night elves. Tyrande meets them personally. At the end of the trilogy, the timeline is not reset. Yet neither of these factors appear to have any effect on the events of warcraft III. Why did the night elves (who have lived since the war of the ancients) and Cenarius still attack the horde without warning in the altered timeline?
** Because Richard Knaak is an idiot, and used the [[Timey-Wimey Ball]] to have his author surrogate influence major plot events without thinking of the established storyline.
** Wait, when was the [[Timey-Wimey Ball]] used? As far as appearances go, the new timeline has been adopted in all places. Except that Malygos randomly went crazy again, but since he still had his flight, so even that story was changed.
* Is End Time really random? I've run it a good twenty times and every time has been Tyrande and Baine Bloodhoof.
** Yes it is random, you've just been very, very unlucky.
* At the end of Wrath Of The Lich King, {{spoiler|Bolvar Fordragon}} makes himself the new Lich King, in order to keep a leash on the Scourge. As Lich King, couldn't he simply have ordered all the Scourge to jump off a cliff or something? Problem solved!
* While I definitely agree that the Worgen are cool, I can't help but wonder: why is Gilneas the only Human kingdom [[Fantasy Counterpart Culture|based on]] [[wikipedia:Victorian era|a real-world place]]? All the other Human kingdoms seem [[Medieval European Fantasy|kind of generic]].
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* Where does the scourge get its massive army from? After Warcraft III, I just assumed that the scourge had scourged most of the continent of lordaeron, but that is evidently not the case. In fact, the only nations they really scourged were Azjol-Nerub, Quel'thalas, Lordaeron and Dalaran. While a significant number of people lived (or were buried) in those states, they fought a large number of wars afterwards. First, they failed their main purpose in the invasion of Kalimdor. Then, a civil war was fought between the dreadlords and Arthas. Then the forsaken broke free. Then the blood elves and forsaken freed much of Quel'thalas. Then they failed assaults on all major cities. How are the scourge still numerous enough to overthrow the world if set loose?
** When your main source of recruits is death, you can expect quite an inflow when anything alive exists, let alone fights other living things.
** The bulk of their forces actually comes from mass graves and tombs. The bodies of the long dead pile up. With the plague, they can also turn a substantial number of enemies, both combatants and noncombatants into loyal soldiers without losing a single one of their own. On top of that, not only do they raise the bodies of their fallen enemies, but their own fallen can either be raised again or used for spare parts. On top of all of that, the threat the Scourge poses isn't based completely on numbers(though they do have the largest single army on Azeroth), but rather in the advantages of undeath. Their forces don't have to sleep or eat, they don't have to be outfitted or equipped. They can march continuously. They can't really be demoralized. Put all that on top of their abilities that make recouping their losses so easy, and you're left with a force that can win just about any war through attrition.
* In terms of lore, what is the justification for the Blood Elves joining the Horde? They wouldn't even be Blood Elves, if the Undead hadn't ravaged their homeland. Before that, the Orcs did their best to burn Quel'thalas. And the Trolls have been doing the same since before then. And these might not be Forest Trolls, but they still shouted "Revenge for Zul'jin!" in ''Warcraft III''. So, the Blood Elves are so unprejudiced that they ally with three races who worked to destroy their homeland?
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** I find both these explanations fairly useful. I suppose that means that if a Paladin was bitten by a Worgen, they would either die, or not be affected, rather than Turn? Admittedly, having a noble Paladin who sounds like they're choking on a cockney would be a little odd... Also, the reason I suggested Gnomes for Druids was because right now there are four classes they cannot be, while all the others have at most three.
* More of a general blizzard that a World of Warcrat specific question, but did the dialogue in world of warcraft get in general more cliched and over the top as more new expansions were added? (I ask because of the large gap between starcraft and Warcraft 3's "often cliche but still fun to listen to" and starcraft 2 and diablo 3's "cringe worthy, shove a cliche out with every line" style of dialogue.)Presumably, Warcraft might fill the gap, so am curious how that transition might have taken place.
* How necessary was Illidan really do defeating the Burning Legion. In the "Legion" expansion, the story is pushed that Illidan has a vital role to play. Given his controversial actions and the fact that there was an available alternative to everything he did, was Illidan really needed?
** While Illidan did form the Illidari, they seemed to do fine without his guidance thanks to the player character. The one time they did get in touch with him, he pretty much just said “I’m fine, (insert player character’s name here) is in charge, keep at it.”
** In lore the Illidari destroyed the Nathrezeim homeworld, but this isn’t shown to have any effect in the story. Several Nathrezeim are still encountered, including Detheroc and their leader Tichondrius – both of whom were killed in Warcraft 3 but had regenerated thanks to Sargeras’ ace in the hole.
** Illidan wasn’t needed to kill Gul’dan at the Nighthold; the player characters had nearly killed him, and Khadgar was there too. Illidan technically just pulled a Kill Steal on Gul’dan, as shown in the cinematic.
** When placing a Pillar of Creation, the players already have Maiev and Khagar there to help defeat the demons, so Illidan’s presence in the Cathedral of Eternal Night dungeon was questionable.
** He opened the planet-sized portal to Argus, letting people know about the Burning Legion, despite the fact that there were already plenty of indicators (the deaths of Voljin and Varian, warnings from various faction leaders and demonic invasions across the world).
** They didn’t need Illidan’s portal to get to Argus, since Velen had resolved to head to Argus after the raid on the Exodar and his encounter with Rakeesh. Velen statement to repair the Exodar because they’re “going home” infers Velen knew how to get there. Even then, he built the Vindicaar which could make the journey and he could contact the Xenedar, and by extension the Army of the Light.
** The Titans didn’t ask him to help imprison Sargeras. They were able to pull him off Azeroth to the Seat of the Panthen, so did they really need Illidan there?
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