Worthy Opponent/Quotes: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|The destroyer edged closer and closer...Bobby Chastain swimming no more then fifty feet from the ship's port side, could see the sailors lined up by the rail...It was then that Carter realized what was going on. "It appeared to me that every man on deck was standing at attention, like a muster, giving us one big salute."...Carter wrote, "I'm sure of one thing...she appreciated a fighting lady...''USS Johnston.''''|Survivors in water watch passing Japanese ship from ''Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors'' by James D. Hornfischer}}
{{quote|More men were climbing the trail hither. While they numbered only a score they were of many sorts, not only soldiers, but workmen, serfs, slaves. Rank on Earth counted for nothing before Ahura Mazda.
As it did not before the Lord of the Christians...but they welcomed women to their services, passed fleetingly through Gratillonius. His father, his brother, himself, followed Mithras; but his mother had been Christian and so, by amicable aggreementagreement, were his sisters raised. Could that alone be the reason Christ was triumphing?|Roman soldier muses over the controversy between religions in ''The King of Ys'' series by Poul Anderson.
Roman soldier muses over the controversy between religions in ''The King of Ys'' series by Poul Anderson.