Writers Suck: Difference between revisions

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== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
* In the anime version of ''[[Excel Saga (Animeanime)|Excel Saga]]'' Excel is given the mission of killing the creator of the manga the show is based on. While sneaking up on him he cheerfully sings to himself "La la la, manga artists are the scum of the Earth".
** In the first episode, no less. The living [[Reset Button]] gave Excel quite a lecture afterward. Which didn't stop her from doing it ''again''.
* Shigure in ''[[Fruits Basket]]''
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== [[Eastern European Animation]] ==
* In ''[[Film, Film, Film]]'', the writer gets several writer's blocks and then his writings are edited so much that these are unrecognizable compared to his original intentions. Later he attempts to commit suicide but is ultimately saved by the film's positive reception.
== [[Film]] ==
* Played with in ''[[Adaptation]]''. Yes, there are a lot of [[Meta Fiction|meta]] elements and oddities, but none of those make the on-screen Charlie Kaufman any less pathetic.
* In ''[[Bowfinger]]'', the writer is at the very bottom of the lead actress' campaign to sleep her way to the top. It's an old Hollywood joke: "There was an actress who was so dumb, she slept with the writer."
* In ''[[Shadow of the Vampire]]'', the [[Our Vampires Are Different|vampire]] Max Schrek eats the cinematographer for ''[[Nosferatu (Film)|Nosferatu]]''. The director yells at him ("We ''needed'' him!"), demanding that Schrek not eat the rest of the crew. Schrek then muses, "I don't think we need the writer..."
* In the remake of ''[[King Kong]]'', Jack Driscoll is quartered in a cage on the ship to Skull Island. Although this is at least partly because he was tricked into the voyage by the director and they didn't have any other accommodation for him.
* In ''[[Shakespeare in Love]]'', [[William Shakespeare]] (of all people) gets this treatment. He starts giving the actors a rousing speech on how great his new play ''Romeo and Ethel the Pirate's Daughter'' will be, when somebody asks the theatre owner who he is. The owner replies, "[[Hilarious in Hindsight|Nobody. Just the writer]]."
** This is actually historically accurate; at the time writers simply were not famous, even if the sovereign liked their plays.
* In ''[[Twenty Twelve|2012]]'', the lead character is depicted as a total loser living in a house filled with thousands of copies of an unsold novel. His wife left him and his kids hate him, but he is completely vindicated after the End of World partly thanks to his book being the last novel on Earth, and partly because [[Murder the Hypotenuse|his ex's new husband got himself killed trying to save his family.]]
* In ''[[Kiss Kiss Bang Bang]]'', Harmony ignores a writer who says his work was all fiction, because, "What did he know? He was just a writer."
* In ''[[Barton Fink]]'', the main character is an arrogant, self-righteous writer, who is very far removed from the "common man" he supposedly admires.
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* In his ''Black Widowers'' mysteries, [[Isaac Asimov]] loves to have the character Emmanuel Rubin insult him, mocking Asimov's conceit. One of the stories also had a mention of Lester Del Rey, and Rubin says, "Never heard of him." Rubin was based on Del Rey.
** In the ''George and Azazel'' stories, George spends much of his time running down the (unnamed) narrator's profession. The narrator is a writer (and in the introduction to the anthology, Asimov admits that the unnamed author is indeed himself).
* ''[[Don Quixote (Literature)|Don Quixote]]'': Gines de Pasamonte: An ungrateful galley slave whom Don Quixote frees. Gines is a [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|cynical bandit, thief, swindler and picaresque writer]]. Also, he's a {{spoiler|[[Master of Disguise]]}}
* In [[The Dark Tower]], {{spoiler|the characters meet [[Stephen King]] himself. The man is portrayed as a lazy, drunken jerk. [[Subverted Trope|Subverted]] in that the Stephen King writing the current novel is older, and has gotten over his alcohol and drug problems, though he's still portrayed as dangerously lazy to the main characters, who [[Meta Fiction|need him to keep writing]] so they can [[The End of the World Asas We Know It|save the multiverse.]]}} Much [[Mind Screw]] ensues.
* [[PGP. WodehouseG. (Creator)Wodehouse|PG Wodehouse]] never quite ventured into "writers suck" territory, but he made several jokes at their expense, mostly references as to how loony all writers are.
** In one instance he noted that poets were the most carefree, happy-go-lucky fellows alive... in contrast to their writings, which were invariably somber or morose.
* In ''[[The Lost Fleet]]'' series, Captain Desjani remarked once that she considered becoming a literary agent rather than a Fleet officer ... but "taking that job would have meant I had to work with writers, and you know what they're like."
* The major sub-plot of Dan Simmon's ''[[Drood (Literaturenovel)|Drood]]'' is seeing just how much of a jackass Charles Dickens can be to the people around him.
* In ''[[The Godfather (Film)|The Godfather]]'' an author of a best-selling novel visits Hollywood, expecting VIP treatment. He is promptly humiliated.
* In ''[[The Hunchback of Notre Dame (Literaturenovel)|The Hunchback of Notre Dame]]'', Pierre Gringoire is a total failure as a writer, and also weak and cowardly (though still [[Lovable Coward|sympathetic]].)
== [[Live Action TV]] ==
* Averted awesomely in [[Friends]]. In the sitcom, Joey is making a lot of money in his acting job in the soap opera [[Show Within the Show|Days Of Our Lives]] - until he makes the mistake of giving an interview in which he says he writes all of his own lines. Needless to say, the real writers get pissed, and they kill off Joey's character in the [[Show Within the Show]], and Joey loses his brand new apartment, all his expensive furniture, and is forced to move back in with Chandler.
* [[Up to Eleven]] in ''[[Private Practice]]'', which once featured a writer who beat her child when she was in pain or had trouble writing. Further, before this was proven, Sam tries to defend the lady and get this reply from Cooper: "Why, because she's a writer? ''There's'' a group of historically stable people!"
* ''[[CSI]]'' Classic, in its Hollywood [[Sit ComSitcom]] episode ("Two and a Half Deaths") featured this.
* An episode of ''[[Supernatural (TV series)|Supernatural]]'' features the set of a Hollywood horror movie being plagued by ghosts, and features this trope. {{spoiler|The cause of the hauntings was the writer of the movie, who was really ticked off at [[Executive Meddling|the producer who tinkered with his script]]. No, really.}}
** Another episode has them meet a man who has written trashy romance novel versions of all the episodes. When it's not [[This Loser Is You|attacking]] [[Fan Girls]] the author is apologizing for the poor writing of tome of the novel/episodes.
* In the ''[[Boy Meets World]]'' "Hollywood Episode", Eric finds himself on a set of what is clearly supposed to be ''Boy Meets World'', and the writers are shown as small children.
* The writers working under head writer Liz Lemon in ''[[30 Rock (TV)|Thirty Rock]]'' seem to mostly be lazy, childish goof-offs (with the possible exception of Toofer). And Liz herself is a "socially retarded" neurotic mess.
* ''[[Entourage]]''
* In the short-lived series ''Action'', the writer of the movie being made is portrayed as a pathetic and wimpy.
* In "Yes, Virginia, There Is A Hercules", one of the ''many'' [[Something Completely Different]] episodes of ''[[Hercules: The Legendary Journeys]]'' based on the idea that Hercules is currently living in modern LA [[Celebrity Paradox|under the name Kevin Sorbo]], the writers were portrayed as twitchy losers who were expected to sleep in the studio. For added [[Self-Deprecation]], they were actually named after the writers of the episode; Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci.
* On ''[[I CarlyICarly]]'', the writers of the show that ripped off ''iCarly'' were portrayed very negatively.
* ''[[The Monkees]]'' once showed Mickey going backstage to ask the writers of the show (portrayed as a group of ancient, bearded asian men) to solve the problem the band was facing. He subsequently throws out the new script, complaining, "We pay those guys too much."
* Averted in ''[[Castle]]''; Richard Castle is charming, charismatic, in control and a pretty cool guy, all things considered.
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== [[Newspaper Comics]] ==
* Inverted in ''[[Dilbert]]'': "Idiots at job will happen anyway. The only way to avoid them is [[Leaning Onon the Fourth Wall|to quit the job and become a successful syndicated cartoonist]]".
== Other ==
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** At Act II Scene VII, [[Small Name, Big Ego|Cyrano (who has written a play, but it was not staged), rejects the Patronage of Cardenal Richielieu]] when De Guiche mentions that [[Executive Meddling|Richelieu could touch a few of his verses]].
** At Act IV Scene VI, Raguenau’s [[Broken Pedestal|is angry at Moliere because he stole a whole scene from one of Cyrano’s plays]].
* ''Hollywood Pinafore'', George S. Kaufman's [[Setting Update]] of ''[[HMSH.M.S. Pinafore (Theatre)|HMS Pinafore]]'', made Ralph Rackstraw a lowly writer for Pinafore Pictures who loves, alas, above his salary.
== [[Video Games]] ==
* In ''[[Vampire Bloodlines]]'', [[Show Within a Show|Deb of Night]] and one of her guests viciously trash another guest, who dared fancying himself a writer. Another amateur writer is the target of a side quest, which involves his screenplay (on which he worked all his life) destroyed and his "muse" either killed or chased out of town.
* ''[[Team Fortress 2 (Video Game)|Team Fortress 2]]'': The blogpost detailing how the "Meet the Sandvich" video came about explains that their draft was the script of ''[[Predator (Film)|Predator]]'' with the script of ''[[Road House (Film)|Road House]]'' in the middle. When this was rejected, the entire video was improvised by the voice actors, and the only lines added by the writers were stolen from those two films and ''[[The Simpsons]]''.
== [[Web Comics]] ==