X-Men/Characters/The Original Team: Difference between revisions

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* [[Bald of Awesome]]: Especially in the movies, where he's played by [[Patrick Stewart]].
* [[Big Good]]
* [[Cain and Abel]]: Has an evil twin sister (Cassandra Nova), had an evil stepbrother (Juggernaut, who had a [[Heel Face Turn]], and was actually called [[Meaningful Name|Cain]]), an evil former best friend (Magneto), and an evil ''son'' (David "Legion" Haller, not actually evil but misguided with severe mental problems)!
* [[Cool Old Guy]]
* [[Crazy Prepared]]: Professor X had at one point plans to be put into play in the event that any given X-Man executed a Face Heel Turn. For example, the plan for dealing with Wolverine was immolating his entire body, severing his head with a laser and sealing it in an adamantium safe.
** [[Popularity Power|Of course, nowadays, all that would do to Wolverine is make him chuckle.]]
* [[Deus Exit Machina]]: Professor Xavier also tends to suffer this fate as, at his full potential, he should be able to just sense and mindwipe any sentient problem that's heading the X-Men's way. Hence, most major threats in the X-Men comic books will begin with Xavier either disappearing, losing his powers, falling into a coma, turning evil, or otherwise being rendered useless for the rest of the story.
** Believe it or not, a lot of the early battles usually came down to the X-Men distracting the villain long enough for Professor X to get in range and defeat them with his mental bolts.
* [[Easily Forgiven]]: It does not matter how many times you've tried to kill him; if you claim repentance, he'll welcome you with open arms. Sometimes this works out really well, and sometimes... not.
** This gained Charles a [[What the Hell, Hero?]] speech from ''the entire team'' when he decided to allow former foe (for former, read "they still considered her one") Rogue onto the team. It was only when Charles threw Storm's assessment of Wolverine (to wit: "he may be a psychopath, but there is good in him") back in her face and gave a [[Patrick Stewart Speech]] to the effect that he'd rather be stabbed in the back than stand by than spurn a suffering mutant that the X-Men backed down.
* [[Fiction 500]]: The X-Mansion and related equipment comes from his inherited fortune, so he might be as rich as [[Iron Man|Tony Stark]].
* [[Genius Cripple]]
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* [[Mission Control]]
* [[Patrick Stewart Speech]]: While he ''is'' played by Patrick Stewart in the movies, he's been making these sort of speeches for years before the movies ever came out.
* [[Phrase Catcher]]: "Get out of my head, Charles!" Especially true of the movies, where it will be said at least twice per film.
* [[Psychic Powers]]: One of the most powerful psychics in the franchise.
* [[Team Dad]]: Several of the X-Men view him as their father figure, specially Scott and Jean.
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The leader of the X-Men and Xavier's top student. Is skilled at [[The Strategist|strategy]] and [[The Captain|managing people]], but [[Not Good with People|fails at most attempts at personal interaction]]. The years of pressure in being an example for other mutants and a combat field leader have wound him up into a tight-assed, stuffed shirt: this brings him into conflict with just about any other mutant who doesn't have standards as high as Cyclops, which is nearly all of them. His powers are energy beams that shoot out of his eyes, uncontrollably unless filtered with ruby quartz, which are strong enough to level mountains; it's implied that his inability to control his powers has subconsciously driven him to have control and order in every other facet of his life.
* [[Alternate Company Equivalent]]: Being a straight-laced culturally human hero(but not biologically one) whose a time-displaced version of himself became a part of a future group of super-heroes (the Champions) made him one for [[Superman]]. His friendship/rivalry with Wolverine, that is often compared to [[Batman]], only made things more obvious.
* [[Anti-Hero]]: Originally type I-II, but recently briefly drifted to type IV when assembling X-Force, although he later reconsidered. Seems to have settled at type III [[Crazy Prepared]] [[Badass]] under Warren Ellis.
* [[Betty and Veronica]]: Scott was Jean's Betty to Angel and Wolverine's Veronicas. Later had Jean as Betty and Emma as Veronica.
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* [[The Chains of Commanding]]
* [[The Chessmaster]]: They don't call him "The General of the Mutants" for nothing, folks.
* [[Chick Magnet]]: Telepaths in particular can't keep their hands off him.
* [[Child Soldiers]]: Scott went from being orphaned in a traumatic military action (Shi'ar) to being trained to lead a secret army, all before becoming an adult. His recent treatment of the remaining mutants (especially minors) drifts into this trope as well. Recent X-Men author Kieron Gillen even [http://www.comicsalliance.com/2011/11/03/kieron-gillen-uncanny-xmen-interview/ cited] this characteristic as his central motivation for the character.
* [[Cool Shades]]: A lot of times, if he has to wear red shades all the time, they might as well be stylish ones on his off-time.
* [[Did Not Do the Research]]: Scott's dependency on his ruby-quartz visor and glasses renders him colorblind, which would greatly hinder his ability as a pilot.
* [[Dissonant Serenity]]: The entire building is exploding, there are giant killer robots all around, he's lost his glasses... and Cyclops is calmly walking towards the villain, warning her that if he hears her ''breathe'' wrong, he'll open his eyes.
* [[Eye Beams]], with [[Power Incontinence]], resulting in [[Sunglasses Atat Night]].
* [[Good Is Not Nice]]
* [[Grand Theft Me]]: Was possessed by Apocalypse ("[[Fan Nickname|Cyclopalypse]]") at one point, but he got better.
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* [[Status Quo Is God]]: A very dark and [[Deconstructed Trope|deconstructed one]], Cyke will NEVER be able to gain control over his power, no matter what, any time he finally does is met with a downer ending with him losing it again. He once gained it in the ''X-Men First Class'' two parter "Catalyst"", but was forced to give it up to because it was now godlike level of power.
* [[The Stoic]], [[The Captain]], [[The Strategist]]. Really, Cyclops is the closest to a [[Badass Normal]] the series gets...
* [[Sunglasses Atat Night]]: For a long time because he couldn't control his powers.
* [[Tangled Family Tree]]
* [[Took a Level in Jerkass]]: It's debatable when exactly it happened, but the general consensus is that after ''Messiah Complex'', no one wants to play for Cyke's team. Though, this is probably him just adapting to his current situation. Honestly, its like the universe is telling him to be a jerk or let mutants die off horribly.
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* [["Well Done, Son" Guy]]
* [[Why Couldn't You Be Different?]]
* [[You Fight Like a Cow]]
=== '''Warren Kenneth Worthington III/Angel, Archangel''' ===
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* [[Heel Face Turn]]: When his Death persona takes over and he becomes the successor to Apocalypse.
* [[Heroic Sociopath]] or maybe rather [[Villain Protagonist]] in Apocalypse-engineered mode.
* [[I Believe I Can Fly]]
* [[The Lancer]]: Full of himself, overconfident, and continued to contend with Scott for Jean long after Bobby and Hank lost interest.
* [[The Medic]]: A grisly version, since he can use his [[Bloody Murder|blood]] to heal others.
* [[Razor Wings]]: As Archangel.
* [[Rich Idiot With No Day Job]]
* [[Super-Powered Evil Side]]
* [[The Worf Effect]]: It may seem absurd, considering that he was the weakest of all the X-Men, but back in the day when he wasn't QUITE so useless the first thing that would happen in most fights is that Angel would rush in and get his ass handed to him, after which he would either be totally taken out or have to retreat to be rescued by the others.
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* [[Petting Zoo People]]: Originally he was basically a shaved gorilla, then became a blue gorilla with Wolverine hair, ''then'' he became a blue version of [[Beauty and The Beast|the Beast]].
* [[Pillars of Moral Character]]
* [[Professor Guinea Pig]]
* [[Psychologist Teacher]]
* [[Techno Wizard]]
* [[Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness]]
* [[Sophisticated As Hell]]: It's like a game for him, and it's his favorite one.
* [[Stripperiffic]]: Less likely to wear a shirt than Iggy Pop.
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* [[Action Girl]]: What she became with time.
* [[Action Mom]] / [[Team Mom]]: Oddly enough Jean fits this despite never having actually carried a child. All her offspring are from alternate universes or timelines.
* [[Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence]]: Currently in the White Hot Room, gathering fragments of the Phoenix Force.
* [[Back from the Dead]]: Repeatedly, to the point of becoming a inside joke between X-Men fans. Despite this, she actually stayed dead for 20 years from her creation until her resurrection in 2017, almost half of her publication history.
* [[Betty and Veronica]]: Had to choose between Angel and Cyclops, and later Cyclops and Wolverine.
** She's also the Betty for Cyclops while Emma Frost is the Veronica.
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** [[Green Eyed Red Head]]
* [[Glowing Eyes of Doom]]: When she is possessed by the Phoenix Force.
* [[The Heart]]: The X-Men immediately rally around Jean to fight for her during the final act of the [[Dark Phoenix Saga]] despite their opponents being the Shi'ar Empire because she is so nice to everyone.
* [[The Heart]]
* {{spoiler|[[Killed Off for Real]]: So far, no one has any intention on bringing her back...}}
* [[Levitating Lotus Position]]
* [[Messianic Archetype]]: What she has become with time, especially in and after [[Grant Morrison]]'s run.. Not very surprising: both [[Jesus Christ]] and the legendary bird are associated with the concept of resurrection.
* [[Mind Over Matter]]
* [[Mini-Dress of Power]]: Her second outfit.
* [[The Phoenix]]: Well...
* [[Pillars of Moral Character]]: Other than the [[Depending on the Writer]] bouts of madness with the Phoenix Force, she can be a pretty decent person for the most part. She is usually presented as one of the more compassionate members of the X-Men as seen when she helped raise Cable to be more of a good man than [[Bad Future|he would have been]], and comforting Jubilee after Illyana dies.
* [[Playing with Fire]]: Her Phoenix powers give her cosmic pyrokinesis, essentially magic fire.
* [[Phrase Catcher]]: Male characters around her tend to to [[Say My Name]] often, and specially often after the trope just below this entry.
* [[Power Strain Blackout]]: Practically the poster child for this trope.
* [[Pretty in Mink]]: Bought a white fur coat (and provides the page picture).