X-Men: Evolution/Characters: Difference between revisions

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======= Voiced by [[Kirby Morrow]] =======
The leader of Professor Xavier's students. A mutant who shoots [[Frickin' Laser Beams|high-intensity beams]] [[Eye Beams|from his eyes]]. Unfortunately for him, he can never shut this power off. So he must always wear special visors or glasses made of ruby-quartz. Due to having a strong sense of morals and drive to be the leader, Scott can sometimes come off as a "boy scout" or "do-gooder". But he also has an extremely competitive side and tries hard to hold his temper in check, which can sometimes get the better of him. In contrast to his reputation for being stiff, he surprisingly shows a good sense of humor. During the series, Scott reunited with his brother Alex, who he thought died in the plane crash both were involved in.
* [[Arch Enemy]]: Avalanche.
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* [[Mind Over Matter]]: Her powers are telepathy and telekinesis.
* [[Moral Guardians|Moral Guardian]]: Compare Jean to Cyclops in season one's ''Survival of the Fittest''. Both the Brotherhood and X-Men competed to get to the top of a mountain and place a flag before the other team. The catch was neither team could use their powers. But Scott had no problem cheating and using his powers after seeing Avalanche cheat. Jean though was quick to point out that the X-Men should be above such things and stick to the rules. Interesting that neither Scott or Jean were portrayed in a positive light here with Jean being shown as slightly overbearing and self serving.
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: The blue to Rogue's red.
* [[Plucky Girl]]
* [[Power Incontinence]]: [[Exactly What It Says On the Tin|"Power Surge"]] is dedicated to have her go through this.
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======= Voiced by [[Brad Swaile]] =======
Nightcrawler is a blue, furry mutant whose power is the ability to teleport. He uses a [[Glamour|holographic image inducer]] in public to appear as a normal teenage boy. Nightcrawler is the [[Luke, I Am Your Father|biological son of Mystique]], who [[Parental Abandonment|abandoned him]] a long time ago. They don't get along.
In contrast to his demonic appearence, Kurt is kind, fun loving, and a loyal friend. But there also is a sense of sadness about him as he longs to be accepted by the world outside despite his appearance.
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* [[Nice Guy]]
* [[Fan Nickname|Nickname]]: Fuzzy Blue Elf.
** [[In -Series Nickname|Used in-series, too.]]
* [[Platonic Life Partners]]: With Kitty.
* [[Plucky Comic Relief]]
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* [[Energy Absorption]]
* [[Goth]]: A huge departure from her [[Southern Belle]] comic persona. And it proved to be quite popular. Some Comic writers (notably Grant Morrison) wanted to [[Canon Immigrant]] this, but never got the chance to. Instead it appears X-23 has absorbed this trait when adapted into the Comics.
* [[Green -Eyed Monster]]: Rogue shows some jealousy toward Jean, possibly due to her [[Power Incontinence|own power's drawback]] and Jean seeming to be perfect in every way. This becomes clear in season two's ''Power Surge'' where Jean can telepathically hear Rogue snark on her for winning an award, and later for believing Professor Xavier gives Jean preferential treatment. Knowing that Scott, who she has a crush on, really loves Jean doesn't help either. At the end, she acknowledges that for all their differences, Jean does care for her.
* [[Heel Face Turn]]: She first joined the Brotherhood before joining the X-Men.
* [[Hopeless Suitor]]: For Scott.
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* [[Odd Friendship]]: With Kitty. The girls have nothing in common, but get along great. Well, they eventually do, earlier episodes showed them as not being able to stand each other.
* [[Only One Name]]
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: The red to Jean's blue.
* [[Romantic Two -Girl Friendship]]: Rogue made quick best friends with Risty Wilde, a girl from Manchester, England. They seemed to have a lot in common and some fans were getting some [[Schoolgirl Lesbians]] vibes from the two. That came to a halt when we learned Risty was actually her [[Squick|mother Mystique in disguise.]]
* [[Ship Tease]]: Beside the aforementioned crush on Scott, in the later seasons she had one full episode of blatant [[Ship Tease]] with Gambit, plus scattered moments in other episodes.
** Though, according to the character designed and ocasional director of the series, they kept this to a minimum because a lot of the writing team shipped Scott and Rogue.
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* [[Team Mom]]: And aunt to Spyke.
* [[Weather Dissonance]]
* [[White -Haired Pretty Girl|White Haired Pretty Woman]]
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* [[Cool Old Guy]]
* [[Friendly Enemy]]: How Xavier sees Magneto, although their friendship is not as emphasized as in other portrayals.
* [[Non -Action Guy]]: Justified since his power is telepathy. He ''could'' perform [[Mind Rape]] and the like, making him a destructive force, if he wasn't so moral.
* {{spoiler|[[Parental Neglect]]: He didn't mean to be negectful, ''he didn't know the kid existed!}}
* [[The Professor]]
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* [[Character Development]]: Starts off as nothing more than an extra face. By Season four, he offically replaces Evan's role in the series, getting to hang out with the main X-Men.
* [[Heterosexual Life Partners]]: With Cannonball.
** [[Platonic Life Partners]]: With Jubilee. [[Ship Tease|As far]] [[Did They or Didn't They?|as we]] [[Put On a Bus|know anyway]].
* [[The Hero]]: To the New Recruits anyway.
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* [[A Day in The Limelight]]: Ends up getting two episodes of focus.
* [[Defrosting Ice Queen]]: Similar to the one below, Amara was aparently gonna be one of these, assumed to have happened off screen.
* [[EverythingsEverything's Better With Princesses]]: Not really mentioned or touched upon, but official bios confirm she's still a princess.
* [[In Name Only]]: Has little to do [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magma_<!-- 28comics29 with her comic self.]] -->
* [[Naive Newcomer]]
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* [[Race Lift]]: She's actually from Brazil in both show and comics, but her comic self was, for a difficult to explain reason, a blond haired, blue eyed caucasian girl.
** [[Playing With a Trope|Actually]], Brazil is a country [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brazilian_people with LOTS of demographic diversity] due to the high quotient of immigration. I.e., it's the country with the second largest white population in ''the whole of the American continent'', only behind the USA.
* [[Romantic Two -Girl Friendship]]: With Tabitha.
* [[Tomboy and Girly Girl]]: Girly Girl to Tabitha's/Jubilee's Tomboy.
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* [[Berserker Rage]]: His codename ''is'' [[Really Lame Pun|Berserker]], after all.
* [[Jerk With a Heart of Gold]]: [[Word of God]] claims this as the reason they created him, they wanted a New Recruit who has a 'Badboy' vibe, someone who acts tough but is really nice. In the show however he's almost always expressing the heart part.
* [[Hey ItsIt's That Voice]]: Hey, it's [[Ed, Edd n Eddy|Eddy!]]
* [[Only Sane Man]]: Surprisingly, he comes off as one of the most mature of the New Mutants. Yes, he has a temper but that doesn’t distract that he’s the least seen when the other members are doing their normal shenanigans
* [[Psycho Electro]]: Not as powerful or as psychotic as some, but does have serious anger issues which were adressed at times and did hold himself out against STORM (who at the time was upgraded by Apocalypse).
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* [[Cheerful Child]]
* [[In Name Only]]: Compared to his comic self at least, Who was the same age as most of the other X-Men.
* [[MesMe's a Crowd]]
* [[The Team Wannabe]]: He keeps begging and pleading to be let in on the antics the other kids get themselves into, it usually never works. Which is actually a good thing.
* [[Vague Age]]: While [[Word of God]] says they had no idea how old most of the characters were, Jamie's exact age in particular is uncertain, he was referred to as 'like 13' but this may just be an exageration.
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A mutant from New York City and also Storm's nephew. He has the ability to project bonelike spikes from his skin. Spyke is stubborn and lacks respect for authority. This often puts him in conflict with the other X-Men. When his powers can't be controlled he leaves the X-Men, and joins the Morlocks, becoming their champion.
* [[Anti -Hero]]: Part of Evan's character development. At the start of the series he's a type I; he's the less serious minded of the cast, regularly skipping out on meetings and acting really hot headed. After his secondary mutation, and seeing the living condition of the Morlocks, Spyke grows into a Type III, taking to vigilantism to protect mutants who are being bullied and attacked by humans, but his heart remains in the right place.
* [[Bad With the Bone]]
* [[The Big Guy]]: He's the most reckless and prone to violence.
* [[Canon Foreigner]]
* [[Commuting On a Bus]]: Part of the main cast for the first two and a half seasons. He leaves the X-Men during the third season to join the Morlocks. He is all but forgotten about till he reappears in a season four episode.
* [[Dark -Skinned Blond]]
* [[Fad Super]]
* [[Good Is Not Nice]]: In Season 4.
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* [[Took a Level In Badass]]: After joining the Morlocks.
* [[Totally Radical]]: If the hair and skateboard weren't enough of a clue.
* [[Well -Intentioned Extremist]]
* [[Word of God]]: The creators state that Spyke was not supposed to be a male Marrow.
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A mutant with the ability to manipulate the earth by generating seismic waves from his body. Avalanche came from the same home town as Shadowcat, but had a much different upbringing. He grew up as a streetwise orphan who seemed angry at the world. Confused and alienated, he was a perfect target for Mystique and the Brotherhood. Lance was one of the most complex characters. He started off as a punk, before becoming more of a troubled youth, and then ultimately showing responsibility and maturity. His romantic interest in Kitty Pryde and their relationship played a major role in his attempts to change. It even leads him to attempt a major [[Heel Face Turn]] by joining the X-Men. As the oldest Brotherhood member, Lance is often the defacto leader and feels responsible for the others.
* [[Anti -Villain]] ([[Sliding Scale of Anti -Villains|Type I or III]]): With the ability to be an [[Anti -Hero]] ([[Sliding Scale of Anti -Heroes|Type III or IV]]).
* [[Arch Enemy]]: Cyclops
* [[Berserk Button]]: Since Season Two on, for your own good don't hurt or threat Kitty...
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* [[Evil Counterpart]]/[[Foil]]: To Cyclops - both are a [[Big Brother Mentor]] and usually the most responsible member of their team, both are orphans, and both tend to take the initiative. The differences end there though as while Scott is calm and collected, Lance is impatient and impulsive, and Scott has turned his own misfortunes in life towards more productive endeavours as opposed to Lance's self-destructive behaviour. Small wonder they're each other's [[Arch Enemy]].
* [[Fingerless Gloves]]
* [[Hair -Trigger Temper]]
* [[Heel Face Turn]]: Attempted one and almost succeeded, but settled in as a [[Wild Card]].
* [[Hot Blooded]]
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** And in the series itself, in his first episode he's destroying his school and in following episodes his powers generate an [[Oh Crap]] response, to being love stuck on Kitty for the second season to then not even bothering any more either way to the third. In the fourth he becomes a [[Jerk With a Heart of Gold]] and is shown to be the most powerful member of the Brotherhood, possibly even more so than the other villains not over 50.
* [[Steven Ulysses Perhero]]: If you switch his first and last names you get pretty close to his codename.
* [[Tall, Dark and Handsome|Tall, Dark, Handsome]] [[Tall, Dark and Snarky|AND Snarky.]]
* [[Troubled but Cute]]: Bad boy, check. Rebel attitude, check. Antisocial behavior, check. Difficult home life, check. Fingerless gloves, check. Heart of gold, check.
* [[Unskilled but Strong]]: Has the potential to be the most destructive recurring mutant in the series and for the most part is, but he lacks the control and the patience to make him a real powerhouse.
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* [[Wimpification]]: Tends to suffer from this in some Lance/Pietro fanfics.
* [[Weak but Skilled]]: Pietro is a full-blown [[Fragile Speedster]] and in most direct confrontations he goes down in one hit. However, Pietro is the first member of the brotherhood seen with considerable control of his power and the other aspects his power might give him, no doubt having trained in its uses alongside his father. It’s to be noted that Pietro is often the Brotherhood member who wins the most battles (or at least before the inclusion of his sister on the team), combined with [[Motor Mouth]] [[Casual Danger Dialogue]]
* [["Well Done, Son" Guy]]: Pietro constantly looks for approval from his father. It explains (but ''not'' justifies) a LOT.
* [[White -Haired Pretty Boy]]
[[File:toad_3812.jpg|frame|Toad/Todd Tolensky]]
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* [[Affably Evil]]: You can't ignore there is a certain charm to Magneto.
* [[Ambiguously Jewish]]: In the episode ''Operation: Rebirth'', Wolverine rescues a young Erik from a WWII German controlled camp. Although it was not named in the episode, it was clearly a Nazi concentration camp.
* [[Anti -Villain]]: [[Sliding Scale of Anti -Villains|Type III. Sometimes Type I.]]
* [[A Nazi By Any Other Name]]
* [[Arch Enemy]]: How Magneto sees Professor Xavier.
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* [[Brainwashed and Crazy]]: {{spoiler|is defeated by Apocalypse and turned into one of his Horsemen}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Heel Face Turn]]: Both just after being saved from Apocalypse, and in the future Xavier saw.}}
* [[Hey ItsIt's That Guy]]: [[Stargate SG 1|Teal'c]] plays an old badass in a sci-fi series? Guaranteed awesome!
* [[Knight of Cerebus]]: Brought upon the first of many dark arcs in this series.
* [[Leitmotif]]
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* [[Selective Magnetism]]
* [[Visionary Villain]]
* [[Well -Intentioned Extremist]]: Fellow mutants could certainly see him this way.
[[File:mystique_1676.jpg|frame|Mystique/Raven Darkholme]]
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** Also, her relationship with Amara.
* [[Pretty Freeloaders|Pretty Freeloader]]: Her looks got her into the Brotherhood boarding house and kept her there no matter what stunt she pulled.
* [[Romantic Two -Girl Friendship]]: With a slight stretch, you could see this in her relationship with Amara (Magma). And 'lo, did the [[Yuri Fan|Yuri Fans]] squee at that.
* [[Sticky Fingers]]: She pretty much took anything she wanted. She liked Lance's jeep so much she "borrowed" it when she wanted, even after she left the Brotherhood.
* [[Tomboy and Girly Girl]]: Tomboy to Magma's Girly Girl.
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Piotr is pressured into serving Magneto, who had abducted his family. {{He appeared to have found and freed them before the end of the series.}}
* [[Anti -Villain]]
* [[Apologetic Attacker]]: When Wolverine asks him why he fights for Magneto, he becomes melancholy and quietly says that it wasn't his choice.
* [[The Brute]]: Co-Brute with Pyro.
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* [[Hotblooded Sideburns]]: Nice chops there.
* [[Master of Illusion]]: His speciality.
* [[Non -Action Guy]]
== Apocalypse ==
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{{quote| "Gimme a break kid, I started the morning by falling out of an airplane."}}
* [[Heel Face Turn]]: At the end it's revealed she joins the X Men.
* [[Hell -Bent for Leather]]
* [[I Work Alone]]: She keeps shoving away Wolverine when he tries to help. Turns out it's not only because of the threat from HYDRA or SHIELD, but she intends to kill off HYDRA and Logan might get in the way.
* [[Jerk With a Heart of Gold]]: Of the [[Good Is Not Nice]] variety.
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