X-Wing Rogue Squadron/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Berserk Button]]: Alderaanians are pacifists, Endor never happened.
* [[Continuity Snarl]]/[[Retcon]]: The first arc of the comics had Winter, who'd read up on him, telling another Rogue that he'd lost a fiance, Mia, on Alderaan and that he'd been drafted into the Imperial military, since he was a man of peace at heart. Two problems: it had already been decided that his fiancee's name was Nyestria, and he'd joined willingly and enjoyed his job. This was retconned by means of him correcting her at a party and saying that his records had been scrambled.
* [[Four -Star Badass]]: In the later EU.
* [[Number Two]]
* [[Dogged Nice Guy]]: His pursuit of [[The Thrawn Trilogy|Winter Retrac]].
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* [[Hot Amazon]]
* [[Kissing Cousins]]: Marries her first cousin Rial, who she'd been engaged with since an early age.
* [[Royally Screwed -Up]]: Not her, though.
* [[Shoot the Dog]]: Killed her brother when they were both children, because {{spoiler|the rest of her immediate family was being slaughtered in a revolution and he was trying to call the revolutionaries' attention to where she had escaped.}}
* [[The Bus Came Back]]: The arc after she left the Rogues to rule her planet she returned with a squadron of fighters to pull a [[Big Damn Heroes]] moment - and the arc after ''that'', she was with them again.
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=== Tycho Celchu ===
Very different since the comics. The change in his character from a [[Hot -Blooded]] pilot to one who is endlessly patient and seems to have no temper whatsoever is usually attributed to the time he spent on the ''Lusankya'' being tortured by Isard.
* [[The Ace]]
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=== Nawara Ven ===
* [[Artificial Limbs]]
* [[Batman Gambit]]: The way he [[Out -Gambitted|played]] the [[Smug Snake]], Dr. Edda Gast, in ''Solo Command'' definitely qualifies as one of these. And arguably qualifies him for [[Magnificent Bastard]] status because he pulled it off so [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|awesomely]].
* [[Chekhov's Skill]]: Once he mentioned that he used to be a lawyer in the first book of the series, we all just ''knew'' there was going to be a trial of some sort eventually. He has shown up in several other EU works defending main characters.
* [[Interspecies Romance]]: With Rhysati.
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* [[Mismatched Eyes]]: One eye is red and one is blue, evoking fire and ice to suggest her tendency towards both cold intellect and raging fury.
* [[Punny Name]]: She's known as "Iceheart", similar to how 'Isard' is pronounced.
* [[Self -Made Orphan]]
* [[Xanatos Gambit]]: Rather than trying to defend Coruscant, she arranged for it to be infected with the manmade Krytos Plague (affecting aliens only) so the New Republic would conquer a poisoned chalice and be open to accusations of not doing enough to live up to its alien-friendly reputation. However the Rogues' activity did mean that Coruscant fell earlier than she wanted and the plague was less bad than she'd hoped.
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* [[Improbable Aiming Skills]]
* [[Naked People Are Funny]]: As seen in Wedge's epic revenge scheme... yes. Yes, they are.
* [[No -Holds -Barred Beatdown]]: He's very good with his fists.
* [[Oh Crap]]: Unspoken. Wedge planned to work with Chewbacca on a mission; Wes remembered that Wedge can't speak Wookiee and went to every pilot in or related to Wedge's command, taking bets about what Wedge would do or say when he realized his mistake. Wedge realizes, arranges for a protocol droid to come with him and Chewie, and finds out what Wes did.
{{quote| "You know, you've finally earned my gravest revenge."<br />
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* [[Awesomeness By Analysis]]: An expert at reading [[Body Language]]. He can tell what planet you're from by the way you ''walk.''
* [[Former Child Star]]: For the Imperials. Everyone but him thinks this is hilarious.
* [[Good Scars, Evil Scars]]: A large one over his face, marring his boyish good looks. {{spoiler|[[Unexpected Inheritance|Phanan actually]] [[On One Condition|forces him to fix this]] [[Unexpected Inheritance|in his]] [[Will]]. However, afterwards, Face [[We Will Not Use Stage Make -Up in The Future|uses stage makeup]] to [[Loophole Abuse|simulate having one anyway.]] It's implied via dialogue that Face didn't actually have the procedure done until immediately after his almost-death at the battle with ''Razor's Kiss'', though; if this is so, he only had the fake scar for one chapter anyway.}}
* [[Glurge]]: The only one of his old roles for which we get a synopsis features Face as a [[Black Shirt|loyal Imperial child]] who ends the film being shot by his pro-Rebellion father as he runs to meet the Emperor, and begs Palpatine to destroy Rebels like his father as he dies in Palpatine's arms. Imperial holodramas aren't big on subtlety.
* [[Heterosexual Life Partners]]: With Phanan.
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** In fact, this is the root of Zsinj's power: he is neither a [[General Failure]] nor a tactical genius like Thrawn, being a competent to mediocre commander, but is nothing without his corporate empire to back him up: it's when the Republic and Empire team up to bring down his corporate interests that he falls from power.
* [[Cunning Linguist]]: Can swear fluently in 60 languages.
* [[Early -Bird Cameo]]: He's the main villain of the Allston books, but also appears as something of an [[Outside Context Villain]] in the Stackpole books, intruding as a third party into the New Republic/Isard fight and being manipulated by Isard.
* [[Man in White]]: He wears an Imperial Grand Admiral's uniform, a rank which he never attained.
* [[Meaningful Rename]]: He always renames his current ship after his first command, an old Victory Star Destroyer where he made his name battling pirates: ''Iron Fist''.