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XEVOZ'''Xevoz''' is a combination [[Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot|modular action figure slash tabletop game]] created by [[Hasbro]] and launched in 2004.<ref>''[https://xevoz.fandom.com/wiki/Xevoz#History Xevoz]'' (History), Xevoz Wiki</ref>
Originally designed as an amped-up take on the well-known Stikfas modular action figure line, Xevoz utilises the ball-socket-jointing system that made Stikfas popular, this time using larger, sturdier and more unique parts to create distinctive characters (while in effect eschewing the generic elements that Stikfas was famous for.) This results in the notable blending of both the Standard Fantasy and Sci-Fi Settings by placing all these characters under [[Five Races|six different races]]:
* '''NEO-SAPIENS'''. [[Humans Byby Any Other Name]]. [[Exo Squad|No, not those other Neo Sapiens...]]
* '''META-BEASTS'''. [[Beast Man|The Beast Men.]]
* '''UNNATURALS'''. [[The Undead]].
* '''BIOMECHA'''. [[Mechanical Lifeforms]] {{spoiler|retaining their Neo-Sapien brains. Hey, it's really [[Five Races]] after all.}}
* '''HYPERFURIES'''. [[Energy Beings]].
* '''SECTOIDS'''. [[Big Creepy -Crawlies]].
Towards the discontinuation of the toyline, a new two-pack introduced two new races to the mix:
* '''ARCASTERS'''. [[Physical God|Physical Gods]]s.
* '''REPTOSAURS'''. [[Lizard Folk]].
Just like tabletop games, individual characters are never defined, only by race and class. The game involves a unique hexagonal die with interchangeable faces, each assigned to a weapon or feature of its own figure. Dice are rolled, damage is taken, and reflected by removing the right number of body parts until one side has been literally reduced to nothing. For added flavor, some figures include 'gag parts' [[Rule of Funny|that deliberately fly in the face of the whole action-fantasy theme.]]
Despite (or possibly due to) the uniqueness of the action figure-tabletop game concept, declining sales of Xevoz toys led to Hasbro discontinuing this line, and letting go the development team - but it lives on within its strong fandom, and even newer Hasbro productions like ''[[G.I. Joe: Sigma 6]]'' and ''[[Transformers Animated]]'' utilise some design elements of this unique toyline.
=== XEVOZ as both a work and a game provides examples of: ===
* [[All There in the Manual]] - Before the tie-in comic was released (just 8 pages or so), the card backs and documentation (and maybe the game rules) was all it had.
* [[Animated Armor]] - Iron Spectre of the Unnaturals.
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* [[Bee People]] - the mention of a Queen Hive on the card backs implies this with the Sectoids.
* [[Body Horror]] - it's probably not an issue for the Biomecha ([[Squick|and possibly the Unnaturals]]), but as part of the game, all the races are able to exchange limbs and other body parts WITH EACH OTHER.
* [[Brain In Aa Jar]] - {{spoiler|the Biomecha.}}
* [[Bug War]] - heavily implied with the Neo-Sapiens and Sectoids. What with one race dressed like [[Starship Troopers]] and all.
* [[Calling Your Attacks]] - Literally. Each side of the die has TWO numbers rather than one, and they're shaded in black and white, so you're expected to call out 'black attack' or 'white attack' before you roll. Narmtastic, but it does Nerf the Game Breaking potential.
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* [[Cybernetics Eat Your Soul]] - {{spoiler|Implied with the Biomecha.}}
* [[Elemental Punch]] - all the Hyperfuries, Hyper Guardian of the Neo-Sapiens, Runeslayer of the Arcasters.
* [[Everything's Better Withwith Monkeys]] - the Thunder Shaman of the Meta-Beasts is a gorilla.
* [[Evil Cannot Comprehend Good]] - Parodied in the Unnaturals' racial info:
{{quote| DISLIKES: Fuzzy Happy Bunnies.}}
* [[Fantastic Racism]] - the Neo-Sapien society believes that the other races are either rumors, terrorists, or [[Bug War|an infestation]].
* [[Fire, Ice, Lightning]]: The Hyperfuries.
** [[Playing Withwith Fire]] - Inferno Fury.
** [[An Ice Person]] - Cryo Katana.
** [[Psycho Electro]] - Shock Berserker.
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* [[Fur Against Fang]] - The Moon Stalker/Hemo Goblin 2-pack.
* [[Game System]]
* [[The Gunslinger]] - [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin|Quick Slinger]] of the Neo-Sapiens.
* [[Humanity Is Superior]] - Neo-Sapiens are established as the dominant race from the get-go.
* [[Knight in Shining Armor]] - Runeslayer.
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* [[Our Dragons Are Different]] - Actually, apart from being man-high and more humanoid, Firedrake of the Reptosaurs is pretty standard dragon.
* [[Our Werewolves Are Different]] - actually Moon Stalker of the Meta-Beasts probably doesn't count, since he can't turn human and exhibits civilised enough behavior as a wolf, but the connection is implied very strongly as he's banded in a two-pack with...
* [[Our Vampires Are Different]] - Hemo Goblin of the Unnaturals. With bat wings and optional [[Nosferatu (Film)|Nosferatu]] head to drive it home.
* [[Palette Swap]] - the Alpha Ranger is recolored into the Omega Guard. Skull Jack is recolored into Tomb Wraith and Grim Skull.
* [[The Power of Rock]] - Franken Punker.
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** Of special note is that the Omega Guard colors seem to be based on Bruce Lee's Game Of Death jumpsuit.
** From the Street Punk's card back: "[[Sex Pistols|Never mind the beeswax, we've got Hex Pistols.]]"
* [[Sky Surfing]] - [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin|Sky Grinder]] of the Neo-Sapiens.
* [[Space Marine]] - Alpha Rangers.
* [[Spider Tank]] - Preda Crawler of the Biomecha.
* [[Standard Fantasy Setting]] [[Recycled in Space|WITH SCIFI!]]
* [[Sticks to Thethe Back]] - Lampshaded. All the weapons have pegs that fit on the figures' backs or thighs or upper arms or the soles of their feet...
* [[Superhero]] - Hyper Guardian.
* [[Totally Radical]] - invoked with the Sky Grinder's documentation.
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** [[Bigger Stick]] - Shock Berserker
** [[Blade Below the Shoulder]] - Bone Cutter and Dune Stinger, a mantis and a scorpion, rely on their giant claws in combat (though they do come with weapons).
** [[Blade Onon a Stick]] - A surprising number of Xevoz. Razor Claw, Storm Wing and Thunder Shaman. Crypt Curse and Hemo Goblin. Inferno Fury has a [[Flaming Sword|Flaming Spear.]]
** [[Chainsaw Good]] - Sledge Troopers, Preda Crawlers, Street Punks.
** [[Drop the Hammer]] - Firedrake.
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*** Infil-Traitor has bladed fingers by default.
* [[What Measure Is a Non-Human?]] - The Biomecha are considered as their own race {{spoiler|despite being Neo-Sapiens with mechanical parts replacing their bodies. Preda Crawler doesn't even hide this, as his Neo-Sapien torso and head are clearly visible.}}
* [[Winged Humanoid]] - Storm Wing of the Meta-Beasts, [[Somewhere an Ornithologist Is Crying|which has wings, legs and arms.]] [[Everything's Better Withwith Chickens|And an optional chicken head.]]
** Hemo Goblin even has a second set of decorative 'formal evening' wings. Tomb Wraith had wings added [[Palette Swap|during the recoloring process.]]
* [[Zerg Rush]] - implied with the Sectoids. There's only two kinds available, but the card back stating "warning: might swarm when attack" seems to indicate large numbers of each in existence.
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[[Category:Toys of the 2000s]]