Xiaolin Showdown: Difference between revisions

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* [[Cooking Duel]]: The actual challenge of a Xiaolin Showdown can be just about anything, although the surroundings usually play a part.
* [[Cool and Unusual Punishment]]: In "The Return of Master Monk Guan".
{{quote|'''Guan:''' Since Raimundo insists on behaving like a clown, he should have a clown's name. He will be called [[Bilingual Bonus|Bobo]]!<ref>"Bobo" is both Spanish and Portuguese slang for an idiot or fool.</ref><br />
'''Rai:''' Bobo?!<br />
'''Guan:''' [[Crowning Moment of Funny|YOU LOOKIN' AT ME, BOBO?!]] }}
** Turned out to be a [[Subversion]]: {{spoiler|Raimundo was the [[Reverse Mole]] and the whole thing, including the punishment, was a set up to make Hannibal Bean believe that Raimundo could be turned to his side.}}