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[['''Year Zero]]''' is an event used to reckon time within a particular continuity or universe, especially by fandom.
While seemingly as arbitrary as ''any'' hypothetical calendar is, it avoids being too specific while still setting a hard date on important things. This is useful if a writer wants to avoid accidentally invoking [[Period Piece]] baggage by using certain dates, but also an easy way to set events by the narrative rather than the implication that time is passing in a strictly consistent way. In some works Year Zero is generally the "hardest", and sometimes only, date relevant to actual characters. Most of the story takes place in the conveniently nebulous period after it. Because lying between two hard dates could be restrictive given enough time, events are reckoned as before or after Year Zero instead.
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== Anime ==
* ''[[Gundam]]'' has a different Year Zero for each of its [[Alternate Universe|Alternate Universes]]s, though they were invented by the creators rather than the fans. Interestingly, each series takes place decades after its timeline's Year Zero, and only rarely is the [[Year Zero]] explicitly tied to a specific event.
** U.C. 0001, the first year in the original ''[[Mobile Suit Gundam]]'''s Universal Century, is the year in which migration to space begins, and as revealed in ''[[Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn]]'' (the first UC series to make reference to that year) is also tied to the actions of a young Syam Vist.
** In ''[[Gundam Seed]]'', the Year Zero appears to be a Year 1: The Cosmic Era calendar is adopted in roughly 9 CE, and is retroactively dated to begin when [[Hit So Hard the Calendar Felt It|nuclear weapons were used in Kashmir]] nearly a decade before. Three new superpowers and a number of new smaller powers also emerge from the radically changed national order. Following other Gundam timelines, the UN also announces a new Space Exploration and Colonization program. Much like other timelines, it's not mentioned when the exact date AD became CE, other than that it was sometime in the mid- or late-twenty first century.
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** The After Colony calendar in ''[[Gundam Wing]]'' on the other hand, is implied begin from the launch of Skylab in the 1970s. Though it's never mentioned exactly when AC replaced AD.
* ''[[Lyrical Nanoha]]'' measures time based on the new Mid-Childa calendar, which according to the Fate's [[As You Know]] talk in episode 14 of ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS|Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Striker S]]'', began during the period when physical-based weapons were banned and [[Magitek]] became the standard. This was the time when the TSAB had fully established themselves, building their main branch in Dimensional Space and their land-based HQ in Mid-Childa.
* When Kagome travels to the past in ''[[Inuyasha]]'', she plops down into Japan's Warring States era, a century of continuous civil war and bloodshed. Because no exact dates are mentioned it would be anyone's guess as to what year it is when she goes back in time. The main clue the fandom has used to try to put a date to the era comes from one of the very first episodes, where a young samurai mentions real life Japanese warlord [[Oda Nobunaga]], but considers him to be unimportant and an idiot.<ref>Nobunaga eventually brutally conquered much of Japan and his successors finished the unification and established the government that ran the country for the next 250 years</ref>. Since there is a rather short window of time where Nobunaga was known, but ''not'' as a terrifying, ruthless, slaughter-happy [[Badass]], fandom uses this to get a rough idea of when the story is supposed to be taking place.
* The [[Year Zero]] event in ''[[One Piece]]'' is generally portrayed as the founding of the World Government, which occurred approximately 800 years ago. This event is the foundation of the ''One Piece'' world as it is now and the end of the Blank Century, a period which has very few surviving historical records and is illegal to study.
** Another Year Zero used unofficially in-story is the death of Gold Roger, twenty-four years prior, which started the "Great Pirate Era." Many characters refer to the "current era" and how it started with Roger's death. Some also remark that {{spoiler|Whitebeard}}'s death is yet another Year Zero, creating a new era.
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** The Star Wars BBY/ABY (Before/After Battle of Yavin) calendar differs from most real-life examples in that 1 BBY and 1 ABY are the same year. The transition between BBY and ABY happens at the exact moment that the Death Star was destroyed.
* In ''[[2012]]'', after [[The End of the World as We Know It]], the remains of mankind restart the calendar.
* ''Germania anno zero'' (English trans. ''Germany, Year Zero'') was a 1948 Italian film set in post-WWII Berlin. Protagonist Edmund Kohler [[Coming of Age Story|(age twelve)]] struggles to survive in a chaotic world: little rebuilding has been accomplished, food and necessary supplies are rationed & shortages are common. Edmund escapes the tense, claustrophobic apartment--inapartment—in which he resides, along with remnants of five families--tofamilies—to the streets, hoping to scavenge useful items or information. [[It Got Worse|Things get worse]].
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* The [ Battlestar Wiki Timeline] measures time from the Cylon holocaust depicted in the ''[[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined]]'' miniseries. The in-universe calendar is only referred to once, in the season 3 episode "Hero", where readable text in a printed copy of Adama's dossier indicates that the 'present day' of that episode is the Colonial year 21356, {{spoiler|somewhere around the year 148000 B.C.}}
* The current year is never mentioned in any season of ''[[24]]'', but the amount of time between days (16 months between Day 1 and 2, three years between Day 2 and 3, etc) is always established and can be used to determine how many years it has been since Day 1. In addition, fans have used various clues to formulate the following timeline:
** Day 1: Tuesday, March 2nd2, 2004
** Day 2: A Saturday in September 2005
** Day 3: September 2008
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* In the early days of ''[[Harry Potter]]'', fans had to measure time from Harry's first year at Hogwarts. Thankfully for timeline-makers, ''[[Chamber of Secrets]]'' [[Fandom Nod|threw in a line]] (specifically, Nick's Deathday date) that placed the first book in the 1991-92 school year. ''Deathly Hallows'' established the same time frame through the dates on James and Lily Potter's graves. Frustratingly, this means that Dudley was able to destroy a "Playstation" [[Did Not Do the Research|roughly a year before one could actually be bought]], but that's a throwaway remark and has no bearing on the adaptations.
** The movies throw their own wrench into the timeline by destroying the [[wikipedia:Millennium Bridge chr(28)Londonchr(29)|Millennium Bridge]] in 1996.
*** There were further anachronisms (if one considers the films' timeline to be the same as that of the books) in the previous movie, such as a car with a 2006 numberplate being clearly visible in the background when Harry brings Dudley home, and later on Harry flying past the [[wikipedia:London Eye|London Eye]] and the [[wikipedia:Canary Wharf|Canary Wharf]] development -- indevelopment—in scenes which (in the books) take place in Summer 1995. (One Canada Square had been built by then, but the other Canary Wharf buildings were delayed because the original developer went bust.) These and other indications have been taken to mean that the films' timeline has been moved on about ten years.
* Though there were always some details here and there that showed in what year the [[Sherlock Holmes]] stories were set, there was always the question on how old was Holmes. Whether he was in his 20's, 30's or 40's during Study In Scarlet (his first appeareance). It wasn't until His Last Bow (which was supposed to be the [[Grand Finale]]) that he decided to give Holmes an age of 60 during 1914, meaning that he was born in 1854 and was 27 years old during Study in Scarlet (set in 1881)
* J.R.R. Tolkien's timeline in both ''[[The Hobbit]]'' and ''[[The Lord of the Rings]]'' was meticulously kept. Frequent dates were given on the in-universe calendar (in the case of The Lord of the Rings both in Shire Reckoning and the larger calendar of Middle-Earth). Additionally, each culture kept time based on their own internal reckoning, with years based on significant events: The Hobbits followed Shire Reckoning, with Year Zero on the founding of the Shire, while Gondor and Rohan had their own calendars as well. Middle-earth on the whole broke timekeeping down into different Ages whose first year was decided by specific events. Tolkien paid so much attention to his calendar system that he even rewrote the ''entire chapter'' of Faramir and Frodo overlooking the waterfall at Henneth Annûn because he realized that the phases of the moon he used didn't match his previously established timeline!
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* In ''[[A Song of Ice and Fire]]'', Year Zero in the Seven Kingdoms is dated from the crowning of King Aegon I the Conqueror, founder of the Targaryen dynasty. The main series starts 298 years later.
* At the end of ''[[Anathem]]'', the main character notes that the current day is "Day Zero, Year Zero". Given that {{spoiler|their discovery of, and contact with, other universes has changed society a lot}}, this is to be expected.
* In the ''[[Honor Harrington]]'' universe as a whole, [[Year Zero]] is the Diaspora, when humanity left earth for the stars. All years are usually referred to as Standard Years Ante or Pre-Diaspora. Planets also have their own local calendars, using the initial landing of colonists as their respective Years Zero.
* Also from David Weber is ''[[Safehold]]''. As far as Safeholdians know, Year Zero is [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin]], the day of Creation itself. Though following the Archangel Shan-wei's rebellion, a new calendar was established using the end of that war as the Year Zero.
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== Real Life ==
* Every so often, this happens with revolutionary governments who want to stress a complete break with The Way Things Have Been Done Heretofore. The [[Ur Example]] of this may be from the French Revolution, particularly after the ascendancy of the Jacobins, when a new -- Metric -- calendarnew—Metric—calendar was introduced, restarting the year numbering at Year 1. Similarly, the "Juche" calendar of North Korea has been recalibrated from Kim Il-Sung's birth year.
** A literal example of this trope comes from Cambodia, where the Khmer Rouge regime under Pol Pot declared 1975, the year that that Khmer Rouge insurgents were able to seize control of the Cambodian state, to be Year Zero of a new calendar.
* This was averted by the Anno Domini dating system used throughout the world. There is no year zero, and it is one of the calendar's base assumptions. Things that happened before the birth of Christ (the starting point of the calendar) are calculated in negative years Before Christ, counting down not to Year Zero, but AD 1: that is, there is a direct skip from 1 BC straight to AD 1! (Due to errors in calculations, the actual AD 1 may lie anywhere from 6 BC to AD 6).
