You Already Changed the Past: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|'''Professor''': Choke on that, causality!}}
* The standard rule for time travel in ''[[Gargoyles]]''.
** Goliath tried to convince Demona in the past not to turn evil, and she seems to take it all to heart. Unfortunately, one guy, even the love of your life, telling you to "stay good" is trumped by centuries of of being [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters|brutalized by humans]]. It's a true [[Tear Jerker]] to realize that Demona and Goliath were once really and truly [[Happily Married]].
** Xanatos uses this to his advantage. He gives two period coins to the Illuminati, along [[Write Back to the Future|with a letter]]. The coins are like pennies in the past, but by the present they're very valuable and are the coins that started his fortune. The letter of course, is to tell him to do just that.
** Later, Goliath attempts to use the time-travelling Phoenix Gate to save Griff from being killed during the Blitz in WWII London, after being accused of abandoning or murdering Griff by his companions. With incident after increasingly improbable incident occurring that indicates the universe has decided Griff is its new [[Chew Toy]], Goliath ultimately concludes that fate will not allow Griff to get home and uses the Phoenix Gate to bring Griff back with him to the present, thus causing his original disappearance.