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** Earlier in the series, the second appearance of [[Space Pirate|the Pistol Packin' Polaris Packrat]]<ref>[[Added Alliterative Appeal|Ain't alliteration absolutely awesome, amigo?]]</ref> shows him brainwashed by court order into believing his [[Hypercompetent Sidekick|Hypercompetent Sidearms]], [[Talking Weapon|the talking pistols]] [[Punny Name|Smith and Wesson]], are hallucinations and thus should be ignored. Eventually, they trick him into responding to them, which throws him so deep into this trope that he fails to notice Buck ([[The Big Guy|who is not generally very stealthy]]) sneaking up from behind and clobbering him senseless.
* In one printed ''[[Garfield]]'' story, Garfield and the other animals sense a huge storm approaching that will destroy the town. Garfield convinces the other animals that they need to warn their human families about this and that this is reason enough to reveal that they can talk. Jon and the other pet owners all react this way when their pets suddenly start talking to them, which nearly distracts them from the huge storm their pets are trying to warn them about in the first place.
* Kicked off a week-long [[Out -of -Genre Experience]] ([[All Just a Dream|turned out to be a nightmare the father was having]]) in ''[[Marvin]]'':
{{quote| '''[[No Name Given|Father]]:''' Can you say "dada"? Come on, Marvin! Say "dada"!<br />
'''[[Enfant Terrible|Marvin]]:''' ''(in [[Thought Bubble]])'' Oh, very well...<br />
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'''Father:''' Wh-wh-wha-y-y-y-you can '''talk'''?!?<br />
'''Marvin:''' [[Deadpan Snarker|And better than you, apparently.]] }}
* [[Played for Laughs]] (well, as a joke, anyway) in ''[[Transmetropolitan]]'': for Spider Jerusalem's first interview with presidential nominee Gary [[Stepford Smiler|"The Smiler"]] Callahan, it's his [[Yes -Man|sycophantic campaign manager]] who actually answers most of the questions, while Callahan just sits there, immobile... ''[[Meaningful Name|smiling]]''. When Spider finally gets fed up and forces the issue, there's a long silence before Callahan extends his hand and re-introduces himself, prompting a reaction of mock horror.
* At the beginning of [[Grant Morrison]]'s [[Doom Patrol]] run, Larry Trainor's Negative Spirit suddenly begins speaking after twenty-plus years. When queried on this, he responds that he "had nothing to say." Things quickly get [[Sharing a Body|weirder]] from there...
* [[HP Lovecraft]] is quite, er, surprised to discover that [[Atomic Robo]] (whom he has mistaken for an armored pygmy) can speak.
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