You Know What That Means: Difference between revisions

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== Literature ==
* Used in ''[[Discworld (Literature)/Lords and Ladies|Lords and Ladies]]'' by Granny Weatherwax and Nanny Ogg, regarding the crop circles appearing across Lancre. Magrat is the one who doesn't know what it means (that [[The Fair Folk|the elves]] are trying to invade), and the other two don't enlighten her because they think [[Granola Girl|Magrat]] won't understand that the return of the elves is a bad thing.
== Video Games ==
* In the first ''[[Destroy All Humans!]]!'' game, two Majestic agents are surveying the damage done by Crypto during the first level.
{{quote| '''Agent #1:''' Don't be a stiff. You know what it means?<br />
'''Agent #2:''' Absolutely... what? }}
== Western Animation ==
* In the ''Adventures of [[Sam and Max Freelance Police (Animationanimation)|Sam and Max Freelance Police]]'' episode "Big Trouble at the Earth's Core", Sam notices the temperature of the Earth's core is reaching critical levels.
{{quote| '''Sam:''' Do you realize what this means?!<br />
'''Max:''' No, but let me guess! }}
* Used in the first episode of ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]'', after Twilight reads up on the legend of Nightmare Moon:
{{quote| '''Twilight:''' Spike, do you know what this means?<br />
'''Spike:''' ...No? }}