You Know You Read Too Much All the Tropes When: Difference between revisions

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** You've been on the [[This Is for Emphasis, Bitch]]! page so much that now every other thought that pops into your head ends with "bitch" or "bitches."
** When called out on any of the above, your response is to just say "[[All The Tropes Will Ruin Your Vocabulary]]".
# You think it's normal for words to have [[CamelCase|capital letters in the middle]]. Your essays or literary works often need to be comprehensively proofread because it's become a sort of [[Damn You, Muscle Memory!|Muscle Memory.]]
# Not only do you [[Lampshade Hanging|hang lampshades]] in everyday conversation, you also hang lampshades on the fact that you are [[Department of Redundancy Department|hanging lampshades.]]
# You are able to guess what [[Pothole|potholes]] will link to before rolling over them.
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# When you decide to make a trope list for your favorite sports team.
# One of your iPod playlists is titled [[Nightmare Fuel]].
** Another is titled [[TV Tropes Made of Win Archive]].
** Another is titled [[So Bad It's Good]].
** Another is titled [[So Bad It's Horrible (Darth Wiki)|So Bad Its Horrible]], just for the hell of it.
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** And [[Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness]]. This one can go under [[Tropes Will Enhance Your Life (Sugar Wiki)|Tropes Will Enhance Your Life]] if you want to [[Geeky Turn On|impress]] or intimidate people.
** Also [[Egregious]]
# The best thing that's happened to you all week is getting your first [[TV Tropes Made of Win Archive]] point.
# You have drawn [[Trope-tan]] fanart.
** You have drawn a [[Rule 34]] variant of [[Trope-tan]].
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# You name a recipe after a trope. [[Tomato Surprise]]: contains a can of soup, a can of kidney beans, and [[Noodle Implements|a cup and a half of macaroni]]; [[Anachronism Stew]] contains mammoth meat, barley, and genetically modified potatoes.
# You have ever contemplated the possibility of actually adding tropes to the dictionary.
# You've come across someone saying or doing something awesome and immediately thought you want to award it a [[TV Tropes Made of Win Archive]].
# You become aware that [[All The Tropes Will Ruin Your Vocabulary|All The Tropes has ruined your vocabulary]], and among other counter-measures, make a conscious effort to not even ''think'' the words "[[Gambit Index|Xanatos]]-Anything"... then start to worry if this is all falling into someone's plan to bring you off your guard.
# When someone makes a scathing retort against a work of fiction, you mentally [[Pothole]] it as a [[Take That]].
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# You tell your English professor about [[All The Tropes (Wiki)|All The Tropes]]... repeatedly.
# You get more than ten people addicted to [[All The Tropes (Wiki)|All The Tropes]].
# You regularly attempt to work out which of your friends is [[Wild Mass Guessing|secretly]] [[Doctor Who (TV)|a Time Lord]].
** You are fully convinced that you've found one who is.
** You've convinced yourself that you ''are'' the Time Lord.
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** ''[[Death Note (Manga)|Death Note]]''
** ''[[Discworld (Literature)|Discworld]]''
** ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]''
** ''[[Dr. Horribles Sing Along Blog]]''
** ''[[Fate Stay Night (Visual Novel)|Fate Stay Night]]''
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[[Category:Just for Fun]]
[[Category:You Know You Read Too Much All The Tropes When]][[Category:Pages with comment tags]]
[[Category:Trope]][[Category:Pages with comment tags]]