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<!-- %% If you think you have an example with only two siblings, think *very carefully* before you add it. -->
{{quote|''"The LORD said to her, 'Two nations are in your womb; And two peoples will be separated from your body; And one people shall be stronger than the other; And the older shall serve the younger.'"''|''[[The Bible]]''}}
|''[[The Bible]]''}}
{{quote|''"The LORD said to her, 'Two nations are in your womb; And two peoples will be separated from your body; And one people shall be stronger than the other; And the older shall serve the younger.'"''|''[[The Bible]]''}}
A common [[Fairy Tale]] situation. Whenever multiple siblings are portrayed, the youngest is the hero; the older ones are either evil or just [[Muggle|boring]].
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Often this carries undertones of underdog vindication, as in any setting in which inheritance occurs by primogeniture the youngest will naturally get the short end of the stick.
== [[Advertising]] ==
* This trope is rife in adverts for family games, such as board games and multiplayer platforms. The advert will typically display a family of four in which the youngest child (typically a girl, though not always) will win. On the boxes for older board games, the young child will be grinning with clenched fists whilst the father will have head in hands.
== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
* Misty from ''[[Pokémon (anime)|Pokémon]]'' doesn't have the model-esque beauty of her older sisters, but she did get all the talent as a trainer. The other three are just content to give badges away.
* ''[[Lyrical Nanoha|Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha]]'' has eldest Kyouya, middle Miyuki, youngest Nanoha. Guess who gets mad magic skillz.
** Inverted by ''[[Triangle Heart 3 ~sweet songs forever~]]'', in which Kyouya is the protagonist. He has more training and fewer reservations about fighting than Miyuki (who only started training after her father's death, and mostly to protect Fiasse) does, and Nanoha is useless in combat, her role here as a cute [[Token Mini-MoeLoli]] to cart around in the civilian scenes. When she does get her "mad magic skillz", she's nowhere near as impressive as her [[Alternate Universe]] [[Spin-Off]] self. That said, it's not necessarily like her older siblings ''don't'' have the skills they have in [[Triangle Heart 3 ~sweet songs forever~|TH3]]. It's just that it's not ''their'' story.
* There are three Tendo sisters in ''[[Ranma One Half½]]''. Guess which one gets to be the main character love interest of the titular martial artist? In the sense that the older two foisted the [[Arranged Marriage]] onto the youngest in milliseconds, at least...
** Also note despite all three of them growing up in a dojo, Akane seems to be the only one who knows martial arts...
* Played with in ''[[Higurashi no Naku Koro ni]]'' with Mion and Shion. Played straight in ''Matsuribayashi-hen'', subverted in ''Meakashi-hen'', double-subverted if you know the [[All There in the Manual]] story behind the Sonozaki Tattoo Incident.
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** Kaioh, Raoh and Toki are siblings (in that order) and Toki is the most talented among them.
* Otori Kyouya from ''[[Ouran High School Host Club]]'' is the youngest of his brothers (with a sister thrown in the middle somewhere), but his father fully expects him to take over the company over his two brothers after pulling a major [[Big Damn Heroes]] moment on the old man.
* Myrrha/Husky from ''[[Plus +Anima]]'' has lots of older step brothers who hate him and make fun of his girly looks and 'husky' voice. Oh wait, wasn't Husky the one who was named the Crown Prince by the father ''all of them share''?
* In the series finale of ''[[Code Geass]]'' {{spoiler|the Britannian throne is inherited by [[Ill Girl|Nunnally]], the youngest of [[The Emperor|Charles]]' named children. Technically, [[Royal Brat|Carline]] is the same age, but she was ahead of Nunnally in line to the throne while Charles was alive.}}
** {{spoiler|Carline (along with Odysseus and Guinevere) most likely died when the not evacuated city of Pendragon was destroyed by a F.L.E.I.J.A nuke. She, Guinevere and the rest of the royals were explicitly last shown cleaning the palace there as servants. So Nunnally likely was the youngest left of Charles' named children.}}
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== Ballads ==
* The song [ "The Bonny Swans"] by Loreena McKennit, which combines this trope with a standard English [[Murder Ballad]] template. This is a version of a specific ballad called "The Twa Sisters" ([[Child Ballad|Child #10]]) which is sometimes also known under other titles such as "The Cruel Sister". Other forms can be found elsewhere in the [[Child Ballad|Child ballads]].
* In the [[Child Ballad]] "[ The Cruel Brother]", the knight wooes the youngest daughter. (On the other hand, her brother murders her at her wedding.)
{{quote| ''The eldest was baith tall and fair,<br />
But the youngest was beyond compare.<br />
The midmost had a graceful mien,<br />
But the youngest lookd like beautie's queen.<br />
The knight bowd low to a' the three,<br />
But to the youngest he bent his knee.'' }}
== [[Fairy Tale|Fairy Tales]]s ==
* "[[Cinderella (novel)|Cinderella]]" is a classic example (though her older sisters are stepsisters rather than blood relatives).
* In the Grimm tale of "[[The Wolf and The Seven Young Kids]]", it's the youngest kid who manages not to get eaten by the wolf.
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* In "Lord Kotura of the Winds", an Arctic village is being threatened by harsh winds, and a father with three daughters surmises that Lord Kotura of the Winds is angered and can only be appeased with a wife. He sends his eldest daughter to Lord Kotura's dwelling with very specific instructions. She ignores every single one, and then when she finally gets to Lord Kotura's dwelling, she also ignores ''his'' instructions; and in the end Lord Kotura angrily casts her out of his home to freeze to death in the snow. The winds grow stronger, and the father sends out his second daughter. Pretty much the exact same thing happens, and when the winds grow harsher once again, the father sends out his youngest daughter, who follows his and Lord Kotura's instructions to a T. Greatly pleased, Lord Kotura makes her his wife, the winds die down, and the village is saved.
* "[[Hop-o'-My-Thumb|Hop O My Thumb]]" is the youngest child in the family and manages to outwit a giant and rescue his siblings.
* In the "[ The Master Thief]", the hero has two older brothers who do not feature in the tale; their only purpose is to make him the youngest.
* In "[[East of the Sun and West of the Moon]]", the bear asks for the woodcutter's youngest daughter.
* In "[http The Dancing Water, the Singing Apple, and the Speaking Bird]", it is the youngest daughter who promises to have marvelous children and marries the king. This is the usual form of this tale, but [[The Brothers Grimm (Creatorcreator)|The Brothers Grimm]] "[http The Three Little Birds]" features the oldest as the heroine.
* In "[http Bearskin]", the youngest daughter agrees to marry the hero while he is filthy, hairy, and wearing a bearskin. Other variants of this type of fairy tale include "[ Don Giovanni de la Fortuna]", "[ The Soldier and the Bad Man]", "[ The Road to Hell]" (where she actively cleans him up), "[ The Reward of Kindness]", [ "The Devil As Partner" and "Never Wash"]. Some versions of the story, however, have it that it's the middle daughter who consents to be his bride.
* In "[http Diamonds and Toads]", the younger daughter is polite to the fairy and wins a reward.
* In "[ The White Dove]", a [[Wicked Witch]] gets two brothers to promise her their [[Youngest Child Wins|younger brother]] for their safety; then she kidnaps the younger brother and tries to destroy him with impossible tasks. When he survives and returns, the older brother confess and insist that he be their father's heir.
* In "[ Tsarevitch Ivan, the Fire Bird, and the Gray Wolf]", only the youngest of the three princes first stays awake to see the Firebird, and second presses on after [[Threshold Guardians|the stone warning of dangers]].
* In "[ The Bird Grip]" and "[ The Golden Bird]", despite warnings, the older princes go to [[Threshold Guardians|the merry inn]], where they forget their father, and their quest. The youngest goes to the dark inn and travels on to complete the quest.
* In "[ The Seven Foals]", [[Threshold Guardians|an old woman]] tries to lure aside the men set to watch the king's foals all day. She succeeds with the older two of three brothers, but the youngest runs by her.
* In "[ Vasilissa the Beautiful]", the [[Wicked Stepmother]] justifies rejecting all of Vasilissa's suitors on the grounds that her stepsisters are older than she is.
{{quote| ''Never shall the younger be wed before the older ones!''}}
* Utterly inverted by the "[[Three Billy Goats Gruff]]". The troll ignores the younger brothers after being told that the next eldest is larger and more filling, and the eldest is the one who's strong enough to defeat him.
* "The Honey Princess" does this twice. The sons of a king travel to a cursed castle, where the dwarf running the place gives them three tasks to complete. If they fail, they are turned to marble. Natch, the eldest sons are quickly turned to statues while attempting the first task. The youngest son not only completes all three tasks, but has to figure out which frozen princess ate a spoonful of honey before turning to marble. The youngest princess did.
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== [[Literature]] ==
* Lampshaded and subverted in [[Diana Wynne Jones]]'s ''[[Howl's Moving Castle (novel)|Howl's Moving Castle]]'', where Sophie, the heroine, is the eldest of three sisters and knows that it's her younger sister who is destined for greatness. {{spoiler|The twist is that Sophie is actually the most magically powerful of them, and the youngest just wants to live a peaceful, happy, and mundane life.}}
* In [[C. S. Lewis|CS Lewis]]'s ''[[Narnia]]'' books, Lucy is the first to find Narnia, and the one who has the closest connection to Narnia and Aslan.
* One story from "''[[The Tales of Beedle the Bard]]"'', the [[Show Within a Show]] in ''[[Harry Potter and Thethe Deathly Hallows (novel)|Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows]]'', where the youngest brother, who is wise, as opposed to his combative and arrogant brothers, chooses a {{spoiler|Cloak of Invisibility rather than an unbeatable wand or a stone to resurrect the dead}}. He ends much happier.
* In ''[[The Indian in the Cupboard]]'' series, Omri is the youngest of three, so he's naturally the one all the cool stuff happens to.
* Played with twice by [[Isaac Asimov]] in two separate stories. In the earlier one, a queen has triplets, causing the king a bit of consternation as to which one will have the adventures. (Things take care of themselves, however, as the last one out has the most success.) In the later, the protagonist prince is an only child, and again the king cites this trope (whereupon his wife points out ''he's'' not the one that had to give birth).
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* Used in Cecilia Dart-Thornton's mythological fantasy ''The Crowthistle Chronicles''.
* In the ''[[Star Wars]]'' [[Expanded Universe]], Anakin Solo is often portrayed as the brightest and most talented of the Solo children. It's subverted when, thanks to [[Executive Meddling]], {{spoiler|he dies in the New Jedi Order}}. The ''[[Legacy of the Force]]'' series makes it a [[Double Subversion]]: {{spoiler|the elder brother turns evil, and the sister becomes a warrior and slays him. Anakin continues to be held up as the only good-n'-pure Solo sibling.}}
* Deeply subverted in [[Andrew Lang]]'s ''Prince Prigio'', where the title prince is the oldest, doesn't believe in [[Fairy Tale|Fairy Tales]]s and argues that his younger brother should be sent off before him.
* Alyosha of ''[[The Brothers Karamazov]]'' is the youngest. While none of his siblings are evil, he is [[The Messiah]] whereas they are more morally gray.
* Inverted in ''[[Stardust (novel)|Stardust]]'' with relatively noble oldest brother Primus {{spoiler|and sister Una}} and [[Magnificent Bastard|evil]] youngest son Septimus, who has the added bonus of being The Seventh Son.
* In [[James Thurber]]'s ''[[The 13 Clocks]]'', the hero is a king's youngest son.
* Also Thurber: The [[Fairy Tale]] spoof "The White Deer" features three brothers, of which the older two are brawny insensitive types, and the youngest a gentle romantic. The book surprisingly gives all three a fair amount of attention but still makes it clear the youngest is meant to be the most admirable.
* In [[Dan Abnett]]'s [[Warhammer 4000040,000]] [[Horus Heresy]] novel ''Legion'', the Cabal declares they have foreseen that the Emperor's oldest and youngest sons were the most significant. {{spoiler|They say this to the youngest sons, having deduced that Alpharius and Omegon are twins.}}
* Done with a twist in the ''[[The Canterbury Tales]]'': Three brothers find a treasure, and send the youngest off to get wine to celebrate. The older two plot to beat him to death when he returns, while he poisons their wine bottles. He comes back, they kill him, drink the wine and die themselves.
* In ''[[Diary of a Wimpy Kid]]'', Manny has this with [[Parental Favoritism]].
* In ''[[The Silmarillion]]'', Finwë has three sons: the two eldest die in battle, the youngest doesn't and presumably remains king of the Noldor in Valinor until the end of Arda. Then again...he's barely in the story at all, being much less [[Badass]] than his brothers -- andbrothers—and being sensible enough not to rebel against the Valar and exile himself from the safest, best place in Arda.
* In both of [[Robin McKinley]]'s retellings of "[[Beauty and The Beast]]", ''[[Beauty a Retelling of Beauty And The Beast]]'' and ''[[Rose Daughter]]'', Beauty is the youngest of three daughters. The trope is subverted in that in both versions, the main character's elder sisters are beautiful and kind-hearted, and love her dearly. It's further subverted in ''Beauty'' in that she's not technically the youngest child -- justchild—just the youngest ''living'' child. The fourth sister, Mercy, died at birth.
* In the [[Pern]] books, Menolly is the youngest child of the Holder of Half-Circle Sea Hold, and [[The Unfavorite]] to boot. Despite parental abuse and general mistreatment, she escapes from her unpleasant surroundings and goes on to become the Master Composer of the planet. She even gets to keep in contact with the only one of her siblings who was ever kind to her, while managing to avoid everybody who wasn't.
* [[Conversational Troping|Conversed]] in [[David Gemmell]]'s ''White Wolf''. Rabalyn, reflecting on the stories told to him as a child, notes the [[Genre Blindness]] of the kings who would send their eldest sons to their death. He decides that if he were king he'd [[Genre Savvy|send the youngest boy first]].
* In the ''[[Septimus Heap]]'' series by Angie Sage, the main protagonists are a seventh son of a seventh son, and the only daughter.
* In [[Josepha Sherman]]'s ''[[The Shining Falcon]]'', a retelling of "The Feather of Finist the Falcon", while the [[Fairy Tale]]'s two sisters have been collapsed into one, it's still the younger who is the heroine.
* Both played straight and subverted in the [[The Tales of Alvin Maker]] series, Alvin is the [[NumerlogicalNumerological Motif|seventh and youngest son]]. Then, {{spoiler|Calvin gets born and is destined to be Alvin's greatest enemy, being the one to kill him.}} So technically, youngest child still wins.
== [[Manga]] ==
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** Cronus was also the youngest of Gaia and Ouranos' children. First they had all the other male Titans, then all the Titanides, then Cronus.
* In fact it goes all the way back to the story of Psyche and Eros, from Apuleius' ''The Golden Ass'', in which Psyche's sisters are jealous both of her beauty and her creepy ability to be happy with a husband who won't let her see him in daylight. (Although, mind you, Psyche is not good at following basic instructions.)
* In Philippine myth, three brothers are looking for the legendary Adarna bird. Halfway through the story, Prince Diego, the middle child, marries Princess Juana, leading more or less a normal life with her; Prince Pedro, the oldest child--whochild—who was pretty much a [[Manipulative Bastard]] towards his brothers--marriesbrothers—marries Princess Leonora and inherits his father's throne; Prince Juan, the youngest child, marries the most beautiful and enchanted of the princesses, Princess Maria, and inherits her father's kingdom.
* ''[[The Bible]]'':
** Three times in a row with Isaac and Ishmael, Jacob and Esau, and Joseph and his brothers. Technically Joseph was the son of the beloved wife, and thus the favorite; true youngest Benjamin was kept at home to keep him away from danger and one of the older brothers had to basically call a curse on himself so the father would allow Benjamin to go to Egypt with him, and Joseph favors Benjamin there.
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* In the ''[[Metal Gear]]'' series:
** The series as a whole is an inversion. Solid Snake, the only one of the Les Enfant Terribles clones to have a decent ending, is actually the eldest of the clones, or at least the middle child (depending on whether Liquid, his twin was born first or not).
** This trope was actually referenced in an optional radio conversation with Zero in ''[[Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater]]'', where he notes the coincidence of Naked Snake and Major Raikov technically sharing the same name ("Ivan," Raikov's first name, is Slavic for "John" or "Jack," which is Naked Snake's name).
== [[Web Comics]] ==
* Set in a fairy tale world, the webcomic ''[[No Rest for The Wicked (webcomic)|No Rest For The Wicked]]'' makes a bit of a running gag out of this.
{{quote| She's a youngest, if y'get my meanin'.}}
* In ''[[The Order of the Stick]]'', Belkar's [ sob story to gain experience] features himself as the youngest.
* In ''[[Narbonic]]'' Dave, the younger sibling, is constantly stressing over how much cooler, better looking, etc. his older brother was, despite the numerous things he'd done that made him unique, like going to the moon. His mind is almost put at ease when his friends meet his brother though.
{{quote| '''Artie''': We decided you're much cooler than Bill.<br />
'''Dave''': Really? Geez... You don't know how much this means! Everyone's always liked Bill more--<br />
'''Zeta''': Oh we do like Bill better.<br />
'''Artie''': We just think you're cool. }}
* In ''[[The Dreamland Chronicles]]'', the eldest child can not enter [[Dream Land]] while the king still lives. [ Which explains why the younger twin was the one who did it.]
* In ''[[Tamuran]]'', [ only the youngest son can inherit the throne]. In this case, distinctly bad.
* The younger brother of [[The Ace]] of ''[[Face All Red]]'' wants this to be the case.
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