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[[File:sentinel_size_2_2417.png|link=X-Men|rightframe|This all happens on the same page.]]
{{quote|''Scale in ''[[Transformers]]'' is, not to put too fine a point on it, screwed.''|[ TF Wiki] on '''''[[Transformers]]'''''}}
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** In the anime, Charizard's size would change all the time. It's usually about 1.5 times Ash's height (even then that's larger than the 5'07'' given in the game), but sometimes seems to be about the size of a car.
** Ash's Staraptor; sometimes it comes up to Ash's shoulder rather than about Brock's height.
** [[<!-- C3A9mon_Size_Error%C3%A9mon_Size_Error.jpg This.]] The [[RodentsOfUnusualSizeRodents of Unusual Size|Raticate]] is ''smaller than its pre-evo'' and the [[BigBadassBirdOfPreyBig Badass Bird of Prey|Fearow]] is also ridiculously tiny, it's normally a GiantFlyer[[Giant Flyer]]. (This is off the subject, but Pikachu's tail is also [[OffModelOff Model|wrong,]] and one of Officer Jenny's eyes is lower than the other.) -->
* The EVA Units in ''[[Neon Genesis Evangelion]]'' are somewhere between 40 and 200 meters tall. One piece of concept art says Unit 01 is a more realistic ''ten'', but unlike most mecha shows, the creators were honest enough to admit never worrying about anything aside from [[Rule of Cool|what would make an interesting visual]], and as a result the Evas' size relative to buildings, known landmarks, people, etc., changed from episode to episode.<br /><br />''[[Rebuild of Evangelion]]'' seems to more consistently stick with 80m. Conversely, ''[[Super Robot Wars]]'' (where a mech's size determines it's probability of getting hit and in some games damage taken) each unit is only '''15''' meters for gameplay purposes.
* ''[[Fist of the North Star]]'' to ridiculous extremes. Raoul's horse (Kokuō-gō) ranges from being a noticably tall normal horse, to casually bury a man with a single stomp (with an estimated height of one hundred feet). Humans are not an exception, as ones in the background often look freaking enormous, even compared to a big guy like Kenshiro, which elevates many from "[[Giant Mook]]" to "size of a goddamn garage". For example Zeed once stood behind a man he was about to kill and looked like he was over a story tall.
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