Yu-Gi-Oh!/Characters/Main Antagonists: Difference between revisions

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** [[White-Haired Pretty Boy]]
*** [[Long-Haired Pretty Boy]]: He has shoulder length hair.
* [[Anti-Villain]]: [[Sliding Scale of Anti-Villains|Type II]]. All that he wanted was to be with his love, but he doesn't care for people who get in the way of his goal.
* [[Badass Longcoat]]: In ''GX'', when he's fitted with the technology to paint Rainbow Dragon, he is given a black longcoat to wear with all the gadgets on.
* [[Be Careful What You Wish For]]: Thanks to the Millennium Eye, being an artifact capable of granting a wish, Pegasus does get to meet Cyndia again... but only for a fleeting moment, and it wasn't even the real thing -- just an illusion. It left Pegasus down an eye and in a very precarious mental state.
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* [[Irony]]: When Pegasus also seals Kaiba's soul and looks at the two Soul Prison cards with Mokuba and Kaiba's souls in them, he mentions that the two brothers will never know the joy of restarting their relationship in this life. Then comes the end of Duelist Kingdom. where karma strikes back Pegasus - he fails to fulfill his dream of reuniting with Cyndia in his life. Upon learning about Pegasus' past, that particular quote becomes somewhat ironic, even.
* [[Kubrick Stare]]: In the anime, especially during his second duel with Yugi.
* [[Large Ham]]: In the original manga, anime, and dub versions.
<!-- %% LaughablyEvil is on this page as EvilIsFunny %% -->
* [[Leitmotif]]: "Illusion" in the Japanese anime.
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* [[Sarcastic Clapping]]: In the anime, when Kaiba finds Mokuba in the dungeon.
* [[Scars Are Forever]]: Post-Duelist Kingdom in the anime, much to the horror to those who witness his empty eye socket.
* [[Schrodinger's Cast]]: There's three continuities to his character--he's dead and gone in the manga following Duelist Kingdom, but in the anime he survived. The manga introduced his protégé Yako Tenma who took over his company, the anime eventually brought him back for Season 4 and ''GX'', and the video game "Reshef of Destruction" (a sequel to the game "The Sacred Cards" which is loosely based on Season 2 of the anime) he gets possessed by Reshef after the events of Battle City and is the game's [[Big Bad]].
* [[Screw the Rules, I Make Them]]: Pegasus makes free use of cards like Toon World, Relinquished, and Thousand-Eyes Restrict that were considered [[Game Breaker|too powerful]] to release to the general public.
* [[Sempai-Kohai]]: Pegasus is the sempai to Tenma Yakou and {{spoiler|Tenma Gekkou}}.
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* [[Evil Sounds Deep]]: At least when compared to his normal self.
* [[Eviler Than Thou]]: With Dark Marik, whom he attempts to take the Millennium Rod from.
* [[Face Death with Dignity]]: Although not really death, as he comes back. But the Spirit Of The Ring’s only reaction before having Slifer The Sky Dragon strike him down was laughing wildly and gleefully. No fear of death here, people.
* [[Fake Brit]]: In the dub.
* [[Faux Affably Evil]]
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* [[Killer Game Master]]: Both figuratively and literally.
* [[Lack of Empathy]]: The Spirit of the Ring has none for anybody, no matter what the fangirls tell you. This extends even to his past self, Thief King Bakura, whom he cheerfully sacrifices as part of his game against Yami.
* [[Large Ham]]: Goes in and out of this in the manga, [[Soft -Spoken Sadist|never]] with his [[You Inoue|first seiyu]], and ''always'' with his [[Rica Matsumoto|second]].
* [[Larynx Dissonance]]: [[The Other Darrin|Both]] of his voice actors in the second series, [[You Inoue]] and [[Rica Matsumoto]], were female. Averted in English, where he's voiced by [[Ted Lewis]] and in the Latin-American dub, where he's voiced by Yamil Atala and José Gilberto Vilchis.
* [[Magnificent Bastard]]: He is a Game Master in every sense of the word, after all.
* [[Mysterious Past]]: We know jack about The Spirit of the Millennium Ring's past, up until Season 5.
* [[The Only One Allowed to Defeat You]]: Has shades of this towards Yugi, since he wants the Millennium Puzzle and thus won't allow other villains to take it. This is most prominent in the anime when he frees {{spoiler|Bandit Keith}} from Marik's mind control.
{{quote|"Whoever is an enemy of Mutou Yugi is an enemy of mine."}}
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** [[Sins of Our Fathers]]: With Atem's father dead, he transfers his hate to Atem.
* [[The Sociopath]]: The Spirit of the Millennium Ring.
* [[Soft -Spoken Sadist]]: As played by You Inoue.
* [[Soul Jar]]: The Millennium Ring is Thief King Bakura's soul jar; the Thief King himself is Zorc's. He's been shown to trap the souls of those he attacks inside of their favourite cards as well.
* [[Stepford Smiler]]: Type C. Crossed with [[Bitch in Sheep's Clothing]] ''and'' [[Hyde Plays Jekyll]] (he's an [[Axe Crazy]] ancient spirit impersonating a [[Nice Guy]] who happens to be a member of [[The Hero]]'s circle of friends).
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* [[Bad Boss]]: Pulls a [[You Have Failed Me]] on the Rare Hunter, Arkana, Strings, and Lumis.
* [[Bare Your Midriff]]: Normal Marik.
* [[Beauty Equals Goodness]]: Played with. Normal Marik is a [[Bishounen]] [[White-Haired Pretty Boy]] who nevertheless schemes to [[Take Over the World]] and has no problems brainwashing people into doing his fighting for him. Dark Marik, however, is infinitely worse, being a [[Combat Sadomasochist]], [[Blood Knight]], and [[Omnicidal Maniac]] who gets his kicks out of torturing his victims. He's also far more twisted looking than normal Marik, with his muscular build, [[Voice of the Legion]], [[Tainted Veins]], [[Anime Hair]], bulging eyes, facial stretching, [[Off-Model]] bouts, and habit of sticking out his tongue during combat.
* [[Big Bad]]: Seasons 2 & 3
* [[Bishounen]]: Normal Marik. Dark Marik adds about thirty pounds in muscle even on his face, averting this.
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Dartz is the former King of Atlantis and the head of the organization Paradius. His goal is to resurrect the Leviathan using the soul of Pharaoh {{spoiler|Atem}}, and millions of others he has gathered over his immortal lifetime.
10,000 years ago the mysterious substance called the Orichalcos rained down from the skies and allowed the city to make incredible technological advances, but also played on the darkness within their hearts. The people were turned into monsters and Dartz was brainwashed into believing all humanity was evil, and must be destroyed by being fed to the Great Leviathan.
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* [[Knight Templar]]: What he started out as before [[Jumping Off the Slippery Slope]].
* [[Magnificent Bastard]]: As both the former king of Atlantis and owner of his own corporation, Doma.
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]: With a bit of magic on his side for good measure. So good he nearly talked the Pharoah into surrendering his soul. Bought out Kaiba Corp purely to goad Kaiba into dueling him. His M.O. for recruiting his henchmen {{spoiler|Raphaels' parents were killed by a storm he conjured; Alisters' brother and mom by tanks he sent in posing as Gozoburo Kaiba; and Valon was manipulated into a life of crime either by burning down his orphanage or framing him for his first crime, depending on sub or dub. Mai was preyed on after being traumatized by her duel with Marik.}} All were then given the Orichalcos to play on their inner darkness.
* [[Mismatched Eyes]]: After being forced to kill his wife (who had been turned into a monster), Dartz was himself corrupted, turning his right eye green.
* [[More Than Mind Control]]: He uses it to control his subordinates. He himself is a victim of this by [[Bigger Bad|the Orichalcos]].
* [[Omnicidal Maniac]]: Out to destroy the entirety of earth society.
* [[Really Seven Hundred Years Old]]: Though physically in his twenties, or maybe early thirties (we're told he took the throne at 21), he is actually over 10,000, kept alive by the Orichalcos.
* [[Screw the Rules, I Have Money]]/[[Screw the Rules, I Have Connections|Connections]]/[[Screw the Rules, I Make Them|Make Them]]: Dartz and his company have so much money, connections and influence that he can effectively control governments, making attempts to call the authorities against him useless. At best, they won't be allowed to do anything to him. At worst, they will be on his side.
* [[SNK Boss]]: Has the most broken dueling deck of any character in the regular series, period. He has three layers of the Seal of Orichalcos- the first, which all his main henchmen have, grants 500 extra points to all his monsters and gives him an extra 5 to play with, as well as meaning the loser will lose his soul. However, he also has Orichalcos Deuteros, which gives him 500 extra life points a turn for every monster he has on the field, which in his game with Kaiba and the Pharaoh meant he ended up with ''20,000'' at his peak, as well as letting him destroy any attacking enemy monster by sacrificing one of his own. Orichalcos Tritos, the third layer, cancels out any Magic or Trap cards used against him. After that there is Orichalcos Kyutora, a monster that absorbs any damage taken against his life points. When Kyotora gets destroyed, it becomes Orichalcos Shunoros, which has those absorbed points, which in his game with Kaiba and the Pharaoh meant ''20,000'' points and Shunoros has two arms that are always 300 points stronger than whatever they are attacking or defending against, respectively. And to top it all off if you defeat ''that'', it turns into Divine Serpent, which costs him all his life points and becomes the only card he is allowed to play, so that he auto-loses when it is destroyed. Good luck with that, though, because its attack points are '''[[Beyond the Impossible|infinite.]]'''
** Admittedly, it does have a major weakness. You have to finish your opponent quickly or you mill your own deck because you have to discard ten cards (out of a 40 card deck) each time you attack. While this should be easy, a couple of cards that negate damage or force the attack to hit a monster in defense mode can burn through the deck entirely.
* [[Ubermensch]]: He lives by his own rules, baby.
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The ancient enemy Yami Yugi defeated in the past and sealed away, and in the English dub is the creator of the Shadow Realm. A great evil demon that seeks to destroy the world and cover it in darkness, he was unwittingly unleashed by the servants of Pharoah Atems' father when they destroyed a village to create the Millennium items.
Voiced by: Yoshitaka Kaidu (Japanese).
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* [[Artifact of Doom]]: The Millennium Items
* [[Big Bad]]: Of the second anime series.
** And of the entire series, if we're going by the manga.
*** [[Bigger Bad]]: For most of the series, he is frequently but vaguely referred to only as a dark evil defeated by the Pharaoh in Ancient Egypt who destroyed that country and which the Pharaoh is prophesied to defeat again. However, it is not until the end of the last arc that we find out who and what he is, and its revealed/ confirmed that Bakura was working to release him all along.
* [[Complete Monster]]: He's the embodiment of evil, darkness, and death. Of course he's gonna be this! In the anime, we even see him incinerate two innocent children on the spot!
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* [[Dark Is Evil]]: Red eyes, a dragon pe...I mean extra head and black wings, typical of an ancient demon.
* [[The End of the World as We Know It]]: His goal: to ''DESTROY THE WORLD''!
* [[Evil Only Has to Win Once]]: Inverted. To win, The Spirit of the Millennium Ring/Zorc actually recreates the events of Zorc's original attack in an elaborate Role Playing Shadow Game, trying to rewrite history so that he never lost in the first place.
* [[God of Evil]]: Technically an [[Eldritch Abomination]] created with the Millennium items, he's upgraded in the dub to the Ruler of the Shadow Realm, essentially [[Satan]].
* [[The Heartless]]: Zorc was born when a village was sacrificed to create the Millennium Items, so he could be considered the collective evil of that village incarnate.