Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's/Awesome: Difference between revisions

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* When Yusei outsmarts Sherry and summons Turbo Warrior, ''twice''.
* When Yusei proves he can read a card better than Rudger:
{{quote| '''Rudger''': Earthbound God Uru has 3000 ATK Points! Stardust Dragon is too weak to beat-<br />
'''Yusei''': [[Shut UP, Hannibal|Stardust Dragon, attack him directly!]]<br />
'''Rudger''': [[Oh Crap|What!?]]<br />
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* {{spoiler|After getting destroyed by Andore, JACK ATLAS, injured and bleeding after taking a brutal fall off his bike, claws with every last ounce of strength in his body to get the Wheel of Fortune to the finish line so he can baton pass to Aki.}} [[Badass|Stay amazing, Mr. Atlus.]]
* His duel vs Nicolas is made of win. First of all, he {{spoiler|wins in a single turn}}. Second of all, he {{spoiler|endures the pain of the darkness card, and rides a motorcycle out of an explosion while saving his opponent and shouting '''I, JACK ATLAS, will not lose to the power of darkness'''}}. Then just to finish off, he gives off this speech to Nicolas:
{{quote| '''Nicolas''': {{spoiler|Why did you save me?}}<br />
'''JACK ATLAS''': {{spoiler|Isn't it obvious? '''YOU DON'T EVEN DESERVE TO DIE.''' Someone like you who doesn't trust his cards and uses the power of darkness, '''DOESN'T DESERVE TO DUEL.'''}} }}
* Episode 113. JACK ATLAS shows the Crimson Devil's familiar that he is capable of other strategies than just brute force and when the Crimson Devil shows itself, he awakens his 'Burning Soul' and seals the Crimson Devil's power to create Scar-Red Nova Dragon. ''He stole the power of an Earthbound God''.
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* Leo, of all people, gets one in the Dark Signer arc as he goes up against one of the Dark Signers with full knowledge of what could happen -- Crow was mostly ignorant of the dangers -- despite not being a Signer himself while its Ruka who deals the finishing blow it was Leo's setup and deck that pulled it off.
** He also gets another moment in ep. 78 against Luciano and his Machine Emperor Skiel Infinity. After Luna had unknowingly walked right into his plan and practically given him Ancient Fairy Dragon, Leo makes what effectively amounts to the card game equivalent of a [[Heroic Sacrifice]] just to get it back for her. {{spoiler|Sure, they lose and he just about makes an ''actual'' Heroic Sacrifice, but ''boy'' does he royally piss Luciano off in the process!}}
{{quote| '''Leo''': I'll never let you have Ancient Fairy Dragon! I'm not a Signer, but Luna, who has a Signer birthmark, is my pride and joy! And I'll protect Ancient Fairy Dragon, who is a symbol of that!}}
* Episode 142 sees Leo [[Took a Level In Badass|taking quite a level in badass]], refusing to give up against Aporia. His resolve leads to the Crimson Dragon [[The Sixth Ranger|recognising him as a Signer]]. Then, shortly afterwards, he uses the newly created Birthmark to ''finally'' summon the original 5th Dragon, Life Stream Dragon.
* In episode 138, Luna jumping from Akiza's motercycle to Yusei's ''while they were moving at high speed''.
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* Episode 91. Yusei and Kiryu beating Lotten's [[One-Hit Kill]] again and again. Do not forget that Kiryu's doing this [[Normally I Would Be Dead Now|without any Lifepoints at all]].
** This troper was pretty much stunned when Lotten delivered said [[One-Hit Kill]], even though I anticipated it from Lotten getting a ten-card starting hand. And then I pretty much cheered when Kiryu got back up and delivered a line which to this day just says 'AWESOME' to me, to the point I forgot that Crashtown was a filler arc, I honestly didn't care it wasn't part of the overarching plot. Said line:
{{quote| '''Kiryu''': I told you, I'm a God of Death. ''Gods of Death don't die''.}}
** Okay. Yusei and Kalin are thrown into a tight spot during their duel with Lotten. Guess who shows up? Crow. And how's he known? By throwing one of his cards down, blocking the attack. Before the duo can even celebrate, JACK ATLAS shows up, bringing the police force with him. Finally, the Enforcers all stand together as one. Tell me that's not awesome.
* In that same episode, when Kiryu chased down Lotten after he made his escape then beat him in a duel, the dub actually changed this, so instead of Kallen dueling Lotten after catching up to him, he simply turned him into the authorities telling him that [["The Reason You Suck" Speech|he (Lotten) has already forfeited his pride as a duelist by running away and that he doesn't deserve to finish his duel.]] It was actually awesome in its own way
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* Nearly all of Episode 99, including Jack pushing {{spoiler|his busted up D-Wheel back into the pit area with every last bit of strength he has}}, and {{spoiler|Aki summoning Stardust Dragon, summoning speech and all.}}
* Episode 100. When Yusei realizes how [[Oh Crap|royally screwed he is]], and how [[Crazy Prepared]] Team Unicorn is.
{{quote| {{spoiler|'''Andore''': The reason we don't ''care '' that you managed to destroy ''Speed Spell-The End Of Storm,'' is because Breo doesn't ''need '' it. Stardust Dragon is no threat to his deck.}}<br />
{{spoiler|'''Yusei''': [[Oh Crap]], Breo's using a Deck Destruction Deck!}} }}
** Also, when Breo resists the temptation to attack with his Voltic Bicorn, like the heroes expect him to do, and instead destroys it himself, activating its powerful effect.
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* {{spoiler|ZONE's [[Dying Moment of Awesome]] when he flings himself into the Momentum core to stop the Ark Cradle.}}
* How has the final Duel between Yusei and Jack for the show's finale gone unmentioned? The WHOLE THING was one non-stop CMoA given the sheer nostalgia fuel of seeing some of their oldest cards revived, coupled with the reappearance of many characters, including Yusei's four friends from the first season who got [[Put on a Bus]], and even a trip back into the ''factory where the very first Duel of 5D's took place''. And it even had Yusei avoiding his usual 'Stardust/Savior Star/Shooting Star/Shooting Quasar spam' victory to beat Jack via ''Junk Warrior''. Y'know, the Synchro he won the very first Duel of 5D's with?! It also serves as a [[Call Back]] to the very first opening, where Junk Warrior and Red Demon's went head-on. This time, though, Junk Warrior got to pwn Red Demon's via [[The Power of Friendship]] in its effect resulting in a [[Megaton Punch]]. It made this troper shed a tear for the sheer awesome of the whole thing.
* This entire page, and not one single mention of the fact that Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds has not one, but '''''FOUR''''' theme songs by MASAKI FREAKING ANDOH(of JAM Project), who is the most hot-blooded J-Pop/Rock singer to have ever lived: The 4th and 5th OP Themes (Believe in Nexus, Road to Tomorrow ~[[Going My Way!!~]]), and two insert songs: The uncharacteristically mellow "Melody of Promises", and the already-mentioned "Clear Mind".
* ''Hyper Drive'', the dub opening theme, is actually surprisingly awesome in its own way. The fact it was the chosen opening out of about eight 4Kids put up for a vote is an awesome moment for the opening, and then you actually hear it. We still to this day don't know who wrote and performed it, but whoever did it, I salute you for such a piece of awesome. Especially the last three lyrics, which are poetically neat:
{{quote| [[Cue the Sun|See the sun arisin']], fire in the sky, [[Call to Adventure|greatness thrusts itself into our lives.]]