Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS/Characters: Difference between revisions

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Voiced by:Takanori Okuda (Japanese)
{{examples|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Animal Motifs]]: While he himself compares Akira to a lapdog, Revolver compares him to a prideful lone wolf that refuses to work with others.
*[[An Arm and a Leg]]: In the accident that crippled his mother, his arm was crippled, requiring him to get a mechanical one.
*[[Artificial Limbs]]: In real life and on his avatar
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*[[I Work Alone]]: Despite being part of a Bounty Hunter team, he always works on his own accord, and has zero tolerance for being ordered around.
*[[Kick the Son of a Bitch]]: Ruthlessly deals with the two delinquent penguins, who were hackers that modded themselves to hurt others, and has also picked a fight with him.
*[[Locked Out of the Loop]]:Despite his insistence that nothing can be hidden from him, he was left completely unaware of Link Spells and that the [[spoiler: Ignis]] had declared war on humanity until Revolver told him.
*[[Mage Killer]]: His Drone deck has a lot of means to counter Link Monsters, which spells trouble for him when Playmaker Fusion Summons.
*[[Momma's Boy]]: He just wanted to work to support his mother so she wouldn't have to work anymore...and then she nearly died.
*[[Nice Hat]]: Dons a light purple hat with numerous pointy edges and green trimmings.
*[[Not What I Signed on For]]:He signed up for SOL to kill the Ignis Ais due to his hatred from them, [[spoiler: and after learning that SOL intends to make a new, better Ignis with free will, which means killing them is pointless]] he quits and storms out of Akira's office.
*[[Online Alias]]: Blood Shepherd.
*[[Only in It For the Money]]: Lampshaded by Ghost Girl; Blood Shepherd affirms that monetary rewards are what mark his status as a professional bounty hunter.
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*[[Purple Is Powerful]]: His civilian persona has purple hair, his avatar is rife with purple, and is repeatedly noted to be a formidable bounty hunter.
*[[Rule of Three]]: He often counts to three but never acts on the third count.
*[[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: As a Bounty Hunter, Blod Shepherd initially forms the Blue to Go's Red, as Go angry and resentful of Playmaker while Blood Shepherd is cold and calculated, only concerned with money. Then they switch places, as Go's transformation makes him cold and analytical, only interesting in winning, while Blood Shepherd becomes angry and obsessive with destroying the Ignis while losing his cool over Ghost Girl thwarting him.
*[[Screw This, I'm Outta Here]]:He leaves immediately after the emergency rescue program was completed by Emma, which frees Soulburner from Blood Shepherd's trap.
*[[Sore Loser]]: He doesn't take kindly to Ghost Girl interrupting his Duel with Soulburner by bailing Soulburner out of Blood Shepherd's trap, and attempts to blast her for it.
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*[[The Unfettered]]:He'll use whatever means imaginable to achieve his goals, and doesn't give a damn if anyone gets hurt as a result.
*[[Used to Be a Sweet Kid]]: Prior to the incident which crippled himself and his mother, Kengo was an upbeat guy who cared very much for his mother's wellbeing.
===Kenmochi and Yoroizaka===
Anonymous user