Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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*[[The Scrappy]]: Naoki Shima, for being a gonkish annoying character that constantly trying to talk a big game, and mocking Yusaku for his older duel disk and for playing a casual LIGHT deck, which is actually a decoy from his real d
*[[Tainted by the Preview]]:With Shin Yoshida being the head writer of the show has sparkled reaction to some fans given that he is horrible at writing female characters.
*[[Uncanny Valley]]: Revolver's character design give him ''yellow'' eyes that pupils, landing him right into this trope. TropesAreNotBad, however, as it allows him to more unsettling.
*[[The Woobie]]: Ignis/Eye. The poor just can't catch a break through got hunted by the Knight of Hanoi and being treated incredibly poorly by Yusaku despite just saving his life just a few moment before.
